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Chapter 2 (Facilities Location) DQP 4092

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DQP 4092

Facility Management
Chapter 2
Facilities Location
Facilities Location
 Sub Topic:

 2.1 Requirement For Selecting a Suitable

 2.2 Factor Influencing Plant Location
 2.3 Distance measure
 2.4 Facilities Location Model
Learning Outcome
At the end of this chapter, students should be
able to:

 Identify suitable location for facilities

 Determine the factor of choosing location.
 Used the quantitative facilities planning

models to solve various facilities planning

 The facilities location problem is an important
strategic level decision-making for an
 One of the key features of a conversion process

(manufacturing systems) is the efficiency with

which the product (services) is transferred to
the customers
 The plant location should be based on the

company’s expansion plan and policy,

diversification plan for the products, changing
market conditions.
2.1 Requirement for Selecting a Suitable Location

 The requirement for selecting a suitable

location arises because of two situations:

 a)When starting a new factory.

 b)In case of existing factory.
2.2 Factor Influencing Plant Location
 1. Proximity to market:
 Every company is expected to serve its customers by providing

goods and services at the time needed and reasonable price

organizations may choose to locate facilities close to the
market or away from the market depending upon the product.
When the buyers for the product are concentrated, it is
advisable to locate the facilities close to the market.
 Locate nearer to the market is preferred if

◦ The products are delicate and susceptible to spoilage

◦ After sales services are promptly required very often
◦ Transportation cost is high and increase the cost significantly
◦ Shelf life of the product is low
 Nearness to the market ensures a consistent supply of goods
to customers and reduces the cost of transportation.
 2. Supply of Raw Material:
 It is essential for the organization to get raw material in right
qualities and time in order to have an uninterrupted production.
This factor becomes all the important if the materials are
perishable and cost of transportation is very high.
 General guidelines suggested regarding effects of raw materials

on plant location is:

 When a single raw material is used without loss of weight, locate

the plant at the raw material source, at the market or at any

point in between.
 When weight loosing raw material is demanded, locate the plant

at the raw material source.

 When raw material is universally available, locate close to the

market area.
 3. Transport Facilities:
 Speedy transport facilities ensure timely supply of
raw materials to the company and finished goods to
the customers. The transport facility is a prerequisite
for the location of the plant. There are five basic
modes of physical transportation, air, road, rail, water
and pipeline. Goods that are mainly intended for
exports demand a location near to the port or large
airport. The choice of transport method and hence
the location will depend on relative costs,
convenience, and suitability. Thus transportation cost
to value added is one to the criteria for plant location.
 4. Infrastructure availability:
 The basic infrastructure facilities like power, water and
waste disposal, etc., become
 The prominent factors in deciding the location. Certain types
of industries are power hungry e.g., aluminium and steel and
they should be located close to the power station or location
where uninterrupted power supply is assured throughout the
year. The non-availability of power may become a survival
problem for such industries. Process industries like paper,
chemical, cement, etc., require continuous supply of water in
large amount and good quality, and mineral content of water
becomes an important factor. Waste disposal facilities for
process industries are an important factor, which influences
the plant location.
 5. Labour and wages:
 The problem of securing adequate number of

labour and with skills specific is a factor to be

considered both at territorial as well as at
community level during plant location
relations in a prospective community is to be
studied. Prospective community is to be
pattern, cost of living and industrial relation
and bargaining power of the unions forms the
important considerations.
 6. Law and taxation:
 The policies of the stage governments and local bodies

concerning labour laws, building codes, safety, etc., are

the factors that demand attention. In order to have a
balanced regional growth of industries, both central and
state governments in our country offer the package of
incentives to entrepreneurs in particular locations. The
incentive package may be in the form of exemption from
a sales tax and excise duties for a specific period, soft
loan from financial institutions, subsidy in electricity
charges and investment subsidy. Some of these
incentives may tempt to locate the plant to avail these
facilities offered.
 7. Suitability of land and climate:
 The geology of the area needs to be

considered together with climatic conditions

(humidity, temperature). Climate greatly
influences human efficiency and behaviour.
Some industries require specific climatic
conditions e.g., textile mill will require
humidity. Now, with the development in air-
conditioning facilities the climatic condition
can be controlled but at a high cost.
 8. Supporting industries and services:
 Nowadays the manufacturing organization will
not make all the components and parts by itself
and it subcontracts the work to vendors. So, the
source of supply of component parts will be the
one of the factors that influences the location.
The various services like communications,
banking services professional consultancy
services and other civil amenities services will
play a vital role in selection of a location.
 9. Community and labour attitudes:
 Community attitude towards their work and
towards the prospective industries can make
or mar the industry. Community attitudes
towards supporting trade union activities are
important criteria. Facility location in specific
location is not desirable even though all
factors are favouring because of labour
attitude towards management, which brings
very often the strikes and lockouts.
 2.3 Distance Measure

 The distance measure involved in a facility
location problem is an important element in
formulating an analytical model. Distance
measures can be categorized as:
2.3Distance Measure
 The distance measure involved in a facility
location problem is an important element in
formulating an analytical model. Distance
measures can be categorized as:

 1. Rectilinear
 2. Euclidean
 3. Flow path
2.3 Distance Measure (Cont……)
 1. Rectilinear
 Distance are measured along paths that are

orthogonal (or perpendicular) to each other.

 Figure 2.1 shows the distance from point A to

point B using rectilinear distance.

 Example :
 Material transporter moving along rectilinear

aisles in a factory
 Formula: dAB = │ xA – xB │+ │ yA – yB │
2.3Distance Measure
2.3 Distance Measure (Cont.…)
 Example 2

 Please calculate the distance from KKTM

Kuantan Pahang A(40,80) to Pekan B (70,90)
using rectilinear distance measure.
2.3 Distance Measure (Cont.…)
 Solution
 KKTM Kuantan=point A(40,80)
 Pekan=point B (70,90)
 dAB = │ xA – xB │+ │ yA – yB │

 So
 dAB = │ 40 – 70 │+ │ 80 – 90 │
 dAB = 30+10
 dAB = 40KM
2.3 Distance Measure (Cont.…)

 2. Euclidean
 Straight line
 Distance are measured along the straight line path

between two points.

 Figure 2.2 shows the distance from point A to point

B using Euclidean distance.

 Example:
 A straight conveyor segment linking two work

station illustrate Euclidean distance.

 Formula: dAB =  ( xA – xB )2 + ( yA – yB )2
2.3 Distance Measure (Cont.…)
2.3 Distance Measure (Cont.…)
 Example 2

 Please calculate the distance from Simpang

Pulai A (140,80) to Lumut B (100,90) using
Euclidean distance measure.
2.3 Distance Measure (Cont.…)
 Solution

 Simpang Pulai = Point A (140,80)

 Lumut B = Point B (100,90)

 dAB =  ( xA – xB )2 + ( yA – yB )2
 dAB =  (140– 100)2 + ( 80 – 90 )2
 dAB =  402 + 102
 dAB =  402 + 102
 dAB =  1700
 dAB =41 KM
2.3 Distance Measure (Cont.…)
 3. Flow path
 Distance is measured along the actual path

traversed between two points.

 Example:
 Automated guided vehicles system a vehicle

on a transport mission must follow the guide

path network.
2.4 Facilities Location Model
 Only three facility location model will be
discussed in detail. Consisting three (3)
location model :

 2.4.1 Centure of gravity

 2.4.2 Minisum location model
 2.4.3 Minimax location model.
2.4.1 Centure of Gravity
 Centure of gravity

 Finds location of distribution center that minimizes distribution

 Things to be considered are:

 a. Location of markets
 b. Volume of goods shipped to those markets
 c. Shipping cost (or distance)

 Place existing locations on a coordinate grid

◦ Grid origin and scale is arbitrary

◦ Maintain relative distances
 Calculate X and Y coordinates for ‘center of gravity’
◦ Assumes cost is directly proportional to distance and volume shipped
2.4.1 Centure of Gravity
 x - coordinate = i∑dixQi
 i∑Qi

 y - coordinate = i∑d Q
iy i
 i∑Qi
 where dix = x-coordinate of location i
 diy = y-coordinate of location i
 Qi = Quantity of goods moved to or from location
2.4.1 Centure of Gravity
2.4.1 Centure of Gravity
2.4.1 Centure of Gravity (cont…)
2.4.2 Minisum Location Model
 The objective of minisum location model is to
minimize the sum of the weight distances
between the new facility and the other existing
facilities.The minisum location problem is
formulated as below:
2.4.2 Minisum Location Model
 Where f(x) = total cost of travel between
new facility and existing facility
 wi = the weighted score
 x = x-coordinate for new facility
 y = y-coordinate for new facility
 ai = x-coordinate for existing facility
 bi = y-coordinate for existing facility
2.4.2 Minisum Location Model (Cont…)
 Examples 1
 In order to illustrate how one determines the optimum
solution to the minisum problem, consider an example
involving the minisum location of a new machine tool in
a maintenance department. Suppose there are five
existing machines that have a material handling relation­
ship with the new machine.
 The existing machines are located at the points P1 = (1,
1), P2 = (5, 2), P3 = (2, 8), P4 = (4, 4), and P5 = (8, 6) as
in Figure 2.5. The cost per unit distance traveled is the
same between the new machine and each existing
machine. The number of trips per day between the new
machine and the existing machines are 5, 6, 2, 4, and
8, respectively.
2.4.2 Minisum Location Model
2.4.2 Minisum Location Model (Cont…)
 Solution:
 Arrange x value ascending with the

corresponding weight
2.4.2 Minisum Location Model
 Sum all the weight and calculate median of
the cumulative weight
2.4.2 Minisum Location Model (Cont…)
 X optimum is define if partial sum first equal
or exceeds one-half the total
 Repeat steps to get the optimum value of Y.
2.4.2 Minisum Location Model
 The total weighted distance resulting from the location x =
(5, 4) is:
 Minimum f(x) = max [(│x - ai │ + │y – bi │, I = 1,2,…m]

 Formula 2.6: Total weight distance
 f(5,4) = 5(I5 - 11 + I4 – 1I) + 6(I5 – 5I + I4 – 2I) + 2(I5 – 2I +
I4 – 8I) +
 4(I5 – 4I + I4 – 4I) + 8(I5 – 8I + I4 – 6I)
 = 35 + 12 + 14 + 4 + 40
 = 105
2.4.3 Minimax Location Model
 The objective of minimax location model is to minimize the maximum distance between
the new facility and any existing facility. The minimax location problem is formulated as

 The conditions for achieving the minimax solution are:

 c1 = min (ai + bi)
 c2 = max (ai + bi)
 c3 = min (-ai + bi)
 c4 = max (-ai + bi)
 The optimum location will occur on the line of two location point.

 (x1*,y1*) = 0.5 (c1 – c3, c1 + c3 + c5)
 (x2*,y2*) = 0.5 (c2 – c4, c2 + c4 – c5)
 Where c5 = max (c2 – c1, c4 – c3)

 The maximum distance between the new facility and the existing facilities = c/2
2.4.3 Minimax Location Model
 Example 2.4:
Eight machines are to be maintained by crew
from the central maintenance facility. The
coordinate locations of the machines are (0,0),
(4,6),(8,2), (10,4) (4,8), (2,4), (6,4), and (8,8) as
in Figure below.
2.4.3 Minimax Location Model
2.4.3 Minimax Location Model
 Solution:
 c1 = min (ai + bi) = 0
 c2 = max (ai + bi) = 16
 c3 = min (-ai + bi) = -6
 c4 = max (-ai + bi) = 4
 c5 = max (c2 – c1, c4 – c3) = 16

 (x1*,y1*) = 0.5 (c1 – c3, c1 + c3 + c5)

 = 0.5 (6,10)
 = (3,5)
 (x2*,y2*) = 0.5 (c2 – c4, c2 + c4 – c5)
 = 0.5 (12,4)
 = (6,2)
 In this chapter we already discuss:
1. The factor influencing of selecting suitable
location where the selection can be based on the
proximity to market, supply of raw material,
transport facilities and many more.
2. There are three model to calculate the facilitis
location which are centre of gravity, minimax and
minisum model. Those three methods are
appicable to determine the best location for new
location or relocation of existing location

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