Chapter 2 Development of Maintenance Programs2 1670987397286

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Chapter 2

Development of Maintenance
Topics covered
The maintenance Steering Group (MSG) Approach
Process-Oriented Maintenance
Task-Oriented Maintenance
The current MSG process-MSG 3
The Maintenance Program Documents
Maintenance Intervals Defined
Changing Basic Maintenance Intervals
We have seen previously that components and systems fail in
different ways and at different rates.

So what is a component and what is a system?

A system is composed of components, or smaller subsystems,
and all of it is designed to provide one or more functions.
(Components that interact to function purposefully ‫ادف‬
( ‫)ه‬as a

A component is the smallest part – you cannot subdivide a


A working car is a system

Introduction (Cont…)
We have seen in the first lecture that components and systems
fail in different ways and at different rates

There are periods high workloads and periods with no work –

these have to be managed to smooth out the workload and
stabilize the manpower requirements
The maintenance programs currently in use in commercial
aviation were developed by the aviation industry using two
different approaches :
The Process-Oriented Approach
The Task-Oriented Approach
The Process Oriented Approach
This uses three primary maintenance processes to accomplish the
maintenance actions :
1. Hard-Time (HT) ‫وقتمحدد‬
Used for components or systems that have definite life limits. Item is removed
at a predetermined interval (‫)اوقاتمحدده س لفا‬, usually specified in either flight
hours or flight cycles. (such as parts subjected to fatigue cycling)- items doesn’t
have to be checked to be maintained turbine blades

2. On-Condition (OC)
Used for components or systems that have detectable ‫روف‬ ( ‫\مع‬‫)مكشوف‬wear out
periods. Item will be checked at specific intervals (in hours, cycles, or calendar
time) to determine its remaining serviceability. tire tread

3. Condition Monitoring (CM)

Used to monitor systems and components that cannot utilize either HT or OC
processes (no definite wear out). Involves monitoring of failure rates, removal
rates, etc. to facilitate (‫ )ت سهيل‬maintenance planning (not necessarily following
specific flight cycles)-no definite wear out Lavatories
Hard Time and On-Condition Processes
Condition Monitoring Process
The Task Oriented Approach
Uses predetermined maintenance tasks (‫)اعما لص يانه محدده س لفا‬
to avoid in-service failures. (precaution strategies ‫تراتيجيات‬
( ‫اس‬
‫)احتياطيه‬to avoid failure- not necessarily at certain intervals) –
‫ف قط ل الحتياط‬
Equipment redundancies are sometimes used to allow in-
service failures to occur without adversely affecting safety and
A reliability program is usually employed (similar to, but more
elaborate than, the CM process) for those components or
systems whose failure rates are not predictable and for those
that have no schedules maintenance tasks.
More on this approach will be discussed later.

Maintenance techniques based on the

component/system wear out period

Definite wear out

No-definite wear out

Scheduled Equipment Line Replacement Equipment List
maintenance redundancy unit (LRU)
Summary -2
Maintenance programs approaches

Task Oriented
Process Oriented Approach

No definite wear out

Condition components
Hard-time On-condition
process process - (uses the no definite wear out
process period techniques) = precaution
HT OC techniques
(Definite wear (detectable - Apply for both scheduled and
out wear out) unscheduled maintenance
wear out
components ) components - Precaution actions more than
components )
scheduled maintenance (not
strict intervals, but more like
Now we will discuss each approach in details

But before this, we need to know what does MSG approach means?
The Maintenance Steering (‫)ت وجيه‬
Group (MSG) Approach

1. What does it mean?

MSG: How to steer ( ‫)ت وجه‬the maintenance

2. How it was developed?

3. What is the relation between MSG and the

maintenance approaches ( process and task
oriented approaches)?
The Maintenance Steering Group (MSG) Approach
The modern approach to aircraft maintenance started with the
Boeing Company in 1968.
It coincided with the introduction of the Boeing 747 – then the
largest commercial airplane.
Six industry working groups with the FAA involved analyzed
1. Structures
2. Mechanical systems
3. Engines and auxiliary power plants
4. Electrical and avionics systems
5. Flight controls and hydraulics
6. “Zonal” configurations.
The Maintenance Steering Group (MSG) Approach
This analysis provided them with information on failure modes,
failure effects and failure causes.
The approach was called “bottom up” because it looked at the
components as the most likely causes of equipment malfunction.
The purpose of the analysis was to determine which of the three
processes (HT, OC or CM) would be required to repair the item
and return it to service.
This resulted in a generalized maintenance process called MSG-2
which could be applied to any aircraft, not just 747s.
The following table summarizes the steps involved.
Note that the MSG-2 process is slightly different for (a) systems
and components, (b) structures and (c) engines :
MSG-2 Process Steps
Step Number
System/ Structure Engine
Analysis Activity
1 1 Identify the systems and their significant items.
1 Identify significant structural items.
2 Identify their functions, failure modes, and failure
2 Identify failure modes and failure effects.
2 Identify their functions, failure modes and failure
3 3 Define scheduled mainteance tasks having potential
effectiveness relative to the control of operational
3 Assess the potential effectiveness of scheduled
inspections of structure.
4 4 Assess the desirability of scheduling those tasks having
potential effectiveness.
4 Assess the desirability of those inspections of structure
which do have potential effectiveness.
5 Determine that initial sampling thresholds were
MSG-2 Steps
The steps in this table may be generalized as follows :
 Step 1 : Identify the maintenance or structure items requiring
 Step 2 : Identify the functions and failure modes associated
with the item and the effect of the failure.
 Step 3 : Identify the maintenance or inspection tasks which
may have potential effectiveness.
 Step 4 : Assess the applicability of those tasks and select those
deemed necessary.
 Step 5 : For structures only, evaluate initial sampling
The following is a simplified process flow diagram for MSG-2 :
MSG-2 flow chart
How to steer the maintenance?
(1) (2)
Does the unit’s Is the failure
failure affect No evident to the
flight safety ? flight crew ?

(3) No
Is there an
Yes relationship
Yes between the Yes
unit’s age and
reliability ?
(4) (5)
Is reduced Is there a
resistance to maintenance check
failure detectable to assure continued
by a maintenance function ?
check ?
No Yes No Yes No

Hard On Condition On Hard

Time Conditio Monitoring Conditio Time
n n
(1) If failure of the unit is
Does the unit’s
failure affect
safety related (1), and
flight safety ?
there is a maintenance
check available to
Yes detect a reduction in
failure resistance (4),
(4) then the item in
Is reduced
resistance to
failure detectable
question is identified
by a maintenance
check ?
as on-condition.


Once the maintenance action is determined, it is then

necessary to determine how often such maintenance
should be done.
Available data on failure rates, removal rates, etc., are
used to determine how often the maintenance should be

MSG-2 approach is used to steer the

maintenance by picking the right
approach from the Process-Oriented
Maintenance options (HT, OC or CM)
Process Oriented Approach

Hard Time Monitorin
Hard Time (HT)
Hard time is a failure prevention process.
It is applied to items:
● having a direct adverse ‫عكسي‬
( \ ‫ )وخيم‬effect on safety
● subject to reliability degradation but having no
possible maintenance check (e.g. rubber components); i.e. has
to be removed and replaced
The item has to be removed from the vehicle and either:
● completely overhauled, or
● partial overhauled, or
● discarded
… before exceeding a pre specified life time.
HT (2)
This life time or interval between each removal of the item
may be specified in terms of :
calendar time
engine or aircraft check intervals
operating cycles
flight hours
If a particular component fails at X hours of operation, ideally
the component would be replaced at the last scheduled
maintenance period prior to the accumulation of X hours.
This would give the airline the maximum service hours from
the component and the component would never fail in service.
HT (3)
Examples of components which are regulated by hard time
failure prevention are:
● structural components
● landing gear
● life-limited engine parts – e.g. turbine blades
HT (4)
Examples of components which are regulated by hard time failure
prevention are :
● mechanical linkages
● actuators
● hydraulic pumps and
● electric motors
● generators.

All of these things and similar items

having a definite wear out period and
being safety related, will be subject to
hard time maintenance regulations.
HT (5)

Actuators and Pumps

Process Oriented Approach

Hard Time Monitorin
On Condition Process (OC)
With on-condition, the item is not removed periodically.
Instead, it is subjected to periodic inspections or tests.
The objective of the inspections or tests is to determine
whether or not the item can continue in service.
If an item fails an OC check, only then is it removed for
overhaul, repair, or replacement.
OC items are restricted to component / equipment / systems on
which checks and tests can be applied without having to remove
the item.
These OC checks must be performed within time limits
(intervals) prescribed for each OC check.
OC (2)
Examples of OC checks are as follows :
Þ tire tread ‫عجالت‬
( ‫)اسطح ا ل‬and brake linings = brake disc( = ‫ا لبطانه‬
‫)ا لفحمات‬
Þ scheduled Borescope inspections of engines
Þ engine oil analysis
Þ in-flight engine performance analysis (using “engine condition
monitoring instruments (ECM) built into the engine)

In each of these cases, the amount of

degradation can be measured and
compared with establish norms to
determine how much life or
serviceability remains.
Borescope -->
OC (3)
For an OC process to be applicable ( ‫)ي مك ن\ي جوز ت طبيقه‬in a maintenance
situation, one of the following must be true :
1. The OC check must be able to ensure serviceability with reasonable
probability until the next OC check, or
2. A satisfactory measurement can be made of the failure predicting
(you can use OC if it is able to decide weather the component/system must be
maintained or stay in service based on reliable measurements)
Examples :
Break wear indicator pins : the wear in these pins is compared to some
reference standard or to some limit.
Control cables : Measure these for diameter, tension, and broken strands.
Linkages, control rods, pulleys, roller tracks, jack screws : measure these
for wear, and or side play, or backlash.
OC (4)

Process Oriented Approach

Hard Time Monitorin
Condition Monitoring (CM)
Unlike HT and OC processes, CM does not really monitor the
condition of a component.(no definite life parts)
CM systems consist of data collection and data analysis
For example, a CM process may collect data on:
 unscheduled removals of equipment from aircraft (i.e. due
to some failure),
 maintenance log entries (log books)
 pilot reports
 workshop findings
 sampling inspections
 mechanical reliability reports, and
 other sources of maintenance data

CM (2)
The CM process is applied when neither the hard time nor the on-
condition process can be applied.
CM is not a failure prevention process as are HT and OC.
CM components have to be operated to failure, and replacement of
CM items is an unscheduled maintenance action.

Since CM items are operated to failure, these items must comply

with the following conditions :
 A CM item has no direct, adverse effect on safety when it fails.
 A CM item must not have any “hidden function” (i.e. that cannot be
observed by flight crew).
 A CM item must be included in a CM program.
CM (3)
Typical CM components include :
Þ navigation equipment
Þ communications equipment
Þ lights
Þ instruments
Þ other items where test or replacement will not predict
approaching failure, nor result in improved life expectancy.
CM is frequently applied to:
 where redundant systems
 coffee makers failure has no
 lavatories effect on safety
 passenger entertainment systems or airworthiness

Summary of Last Lecture
Systems, Subsystems and Components
Reliability Parameters
Development of Maintenance Programs
The Process Oriented Approach
· Hard Time
· On Condition
· Condition Monitoring
· The Maintenance Steering Group Approach (MSG-2)
 Process Oriented Maintenance
 The Hard Time Process
 The On Condition Process
 The Condition Monitoring Process

The Task Oriented Approach
Uses predetermined maintenance tasks (‫ )اعما لص يانه محدده س لفا‬to
avoid in-service failures. (precaution strategies ( ‫)استراتيجياتاحتياطيه‬to
avoid failure- not necessarily at certain intervals) – ‫ف قط ل الحتياط‬
That’s why we can’t consider it 100% scheduled….. No strict
intervals, but it is more like CM ( check the condition and if any
precautious actions are needed then do them)
Equipment redundancies are sometimes used to allow in-service
failures to occur without adversely affecting safety and operation.
A reliability program is usually employed (similar to, but more
elaborate than, the CM process) for those components or systems
whose failure rates are not predictable and for those that have no
schedules maintenance tasks.
More on this approach will be discussed later.
Task Oriented Approach
Task oriented maintenance programs are created for aviation
using decision logic procedures developed by the Air Transport
Association of America (ATA).
MSG3 is improvement of MSG2
MSG3 technique is top-down consequences of failure
approach, whereby failure analysis is conducted at the highest
management level of airplane systems instead of component
level as in MSG2.
MSG3 logic is used to identify suitable scheduled maintenance
tasks to prevent failures and to maintain the inherent level of
reliability of the system
Used for both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance items, but will
focus on scheduled maintenance
39 Unscheduled such as redundant systems
Task Oriented Approach
These procedures are referred to as MSG-3.
MSG-3 is a modification of and an improvement on the
MSG-2 approach.
MSG-2 was a bottom-up approach – involves monitoring
systems at their component level to detect failure
MSG-3 is a “top-down” approach which is used to identify
suitable scheduled maintenance tasks to prevent failures
and maintain the reliability of the system.

Task Oriented Approach (Cont…)
MSG-3 asks - how does a particular failure affect the
operation of the aircraft ?
It does not matter whether a system, subsystem, or
component fails.
What matters is how the failure affects the aircraft
Failures are assigned one of two basic categories –
Þ Safety, or
Þ Economic
The following diagram is a simplified version of the first
step in the MSG-3 logic process :
Is the Failure
Evident to the No
Yes Operating Crew ?

Does Failure
Affect Operating
No (3)
Safety ? Does Hidden
Failure +
Related System
(4) Failure Affect
Safety ?
Does Failure
Affect Operating No
Yes Capability ? No
Yes Yes

(7) (8) (9)

(5) Non-Safety
Operational Non-Operational Safety
Safety Economic Economic

42 Evident Failures – (A) Hidden Failures – (B)

What does the chart tell us?
The flow chart in this figure is used to determine if
the failure is evident to the flight crew or hidden from
Once this is determined another set of flow charts is
used to determine what type of maintenance is
performed – see pages 26 and 27 of the course text book
by Kinnison.
The decision logic built into these flow charts is used
to identify suitable scheduled maintenance tasks
(1) to prevent failures in aircraft systems, and
(2) to maintain the inherent level of reliability of the system.
Task Oriented Approach
MSG-3 Approach
There are three categories of tasks developed
by the MSG-3 approach :

(a) Airframe systems tasks

(b) Structural item tasks
(c) Zonal tasks
A. Maintenance Tasks for Airframe Systems
Decision analysis results obtained using MSG-3, assign a
combination of the following eight maintenance tasks for airframe
1. Lubrication – applying oil and grease to reduce friction and wear.
2. Servicing – attending to basic needs of components and/or
3. Inspection – Examination of an item and comparison against a
4. Functional Check – Measurements are made to determine if each
function of an item performs within specified limits.

A. Maintenance Tasks for Airframe Systems (Cont)

5. Operational Check – Determines if an item is fulfilling its

intended purpose. Does not require measurements of tolerances.
6. Visual Check – Observation used to determine is fulfilling its
intended purpose. Does not require measurements of tolerances.
7. Restoration – Returns an item to a specified standard. Varies from
simple cleaning to complete overhaul.
8. Discard – Removes an item from service at a specified life limit.

Operational and Functional
Operational Check: means to operate the equipment, system, or
component as usual (all modes and functions) and determine
whether or not it is useable for its intended purpose. No special test
equipment or tools are needed and no measurements are taken
“A task to determine if an item is fulfilling its intended purpose.
This is a failure finding task and does not require measurements”

Functional Check: means that equipment, system, or component has

been checked out using the necessary equipment and tools to
measure certain parameters for accuracy ( voltage, frequency,
length, weight..etc).
“Quantitative check to determine if each function of an item
performs within specific limits;(the term limits implies
measurement against some standards)”
Example on Operational and Functional
• As an example of the differences in these two types of tests,
consider the check-out of a radio. If you turn on the radio, tune
in a station (by ear) and check for clarity of reception and
adequacy of volume control, you have performed an operational

• If you use an additional equipment to check the accuracy of the

frequency dial and the magnitude of the volume, the input signal
strength, etc, you have performed a functional check.

• The operational check uses only the equipment itself; the

functional check uses additional equipment or tools for a more
accurate measurement of the various parameters of the unit.
Functional and operational checks
Operational check
Operational implies the concept of a number of systems functioning together. This comes from a
military operation. This military operation may be a group of individuals or individual units working
together to accomplish a single objective. While each individual or each unit has a specific job or
function, without the successful completion of their task, the operation would not be complete.
On an aircraft, an operational check would consist of operating the aircraft to ensure that all the
systems function together. Even though each system may have an independent function that does
not mean that its function does not affect the function of other systems and therefore the operation
of the aircraft. An operational check may be conducted on the ground or in the air.
Functional check
Functional, on the other hand, implies that it applies to an individual system or element within a larger
entity. As with the example above with a military operation, each unit has a specific job to complete
regardless of how the other units perform. The final outcome of the operation is determined by each
individual unit's success. While all units' functional success or failure may or may not have an
overwhelming impact in a negative manner on the success of the operation, the completion of the
operation is what is important.
An aircraft is no different. While it is required that all systems of the aircraft be operative for the aircraft
to be airworthy, not all systems must function for the aircraft to operate. This is not to say that a system
that is not functioning will not impact the operation of the aircraft. On the contrary, the failure or
nonfunctioning of a single system may be enough to bring an aircraft down.
Operational check: On an aircraft, an operational check would consist of
operating the aircraft to ensure that all the systems function together.
Even though each system may have an independent function that does
not mean that its function does not affect the function of other systems
and therefore the operation of the aircraft. An operational check may be
conducted on the ground or in the air.

Functional check: An aircraft is no different. While it is required that all

systems of the aircraft be operative for the aircraft to be airworthy, not
all systems must function for the aircraft to operate. This is not to say
that a system that is not functioning will not impact the operation of the
aircraft. On the contrary, the failure or nonfunctioning of a single system
may be enough to bring an aircraft down.
B. Maintenance Tasks for Structural Items
Airplanes are subjected to three sources of structural deterioration –
1. Environmental Deterioration: Deterioration of an item’s strength or
resistance to failure as a result of interaction with climate or the

2. Fatigue Damage : The formation of cracks due to cyclic loading.

B. Maintenance Tasks for Structural Items (cont)
Airplanes are subjected to three sources of structural deterioration –
3. Accidental Damage : Deterioration of an item caused by –
Þ impact with some object which is not part of the airplane,
Þ errors in manufacturing
Þ damage during operation
Þ damage during maintenance

B. Maintenance Tasks for Structural Items
These different forms of structural deterioration can only be
detected by inspection.
The inspections must be made at three different levels of
detail :
1. General visual inspection : This requires the opening or
removal of access doors or panels. Work stands or ladders
may be required to access some of the components.
2. Detailed inspection : an intensive visual inspection which
looks for irregularities using mirrors, magnifying glasses,
3. Special detailed inspection : This type of examination
typically requires high-powered magnification, ultrasonic
detection, penetrating dyes, magnetic particles, eddy
currents, etc
C. Zonal Maintenance
The zonal maintenance program ensures that all systems,
components, wiring, mechanical controls and installations
contained within a specific zone on the vehicle receive adequate
attention to determine its safety conditions.
The program takes a number of general visual inspection tasks
from the maintenance program of various systems, and then applies
them to systems in one or more zones.

A zone overlaps
several systems

Each coloured rectangle

represents a different
57 system.
In this diagram, the
zone is a wing and
includes all the
systems which are
built into this wing.

Maintenance Intervals Defined
The maintenance work interval depends on the aircraft manufacturer with the
cooperation of the airline‘s operator discretion(
‫)ت عقل\حرية ا لتصرف‬.
1. Daily checks – oil level check: must be checked on the aircraft engine
between 15-30 minutes after the engine shutdown to obtain an accurate
2. 48 hours check – wheels, brakes, general visual inspection of the fuselage,
wings, interior.
3. Hourly limit checks – every 100. 200, 250 hours. Engines, airplane flight
4. Operating cycle limit checks– landing gear is used only during takeoffs
and landings, and the number of those operations will vary with the flight
schedule. Airframe structures, power plant/engine components
5. Letter checks– the maintenance checks were identified by the letters A, B,
C and D checks ( we discussed them in chapter 1)
Example on:
Maintenance Tasks for Structural Items
Maintenance Tasks for Structural Items

Failure of structural components due, for example, to metal fatigue.

Fatigue failure in Aloha Airlines flight 243
• Boing 737-200 aircraft experienced explosive decompression and
structural failure on 1988

• The cause of the accident was metal fatigue that was aggravated
('‫ )ت'''فاقم'\زاد خطوره‬by crevice (‫ )ص''دع‬corrosion because the plane
operated in a coastal (humid and salty) environment

Fuselage lap joints

Watch the following videos to see the difference between
the ethics of these two pilots!
The concentration of this handbook is on the airframe of
aircraft; specifically, the fuselage, booms, nacelles, cowlings,
fairings, airfoil surfaces, and landing gear. Also included are
the various accessories and controls that accompany these
structures. Note that the rotors of a helicopter are considered part of the
airframe since they are actually rotating wings.
By contrast, propellers and rotating airfoils of an engine on
an airplane are not considered part of the airframe.

Airframe structural components are constructed from a wide

variety of materials. The earliest aircraft were constructed
primarily of wood. Steel tubing and the most common
material, aluminum, followed. Many newly certified aircraft
are built from molded composite materials, such as carbon
fiber. Structural members of an aircraft’s fuselage include
stringers, longerons, ribs, bulkheads, and more. The main
structural member in a wing is called the wing spa
The airframe of an aircraft is its mechanical structure. It is typically
considered to include fuselage, wings and undercarriage and exclude the 
propulsion system. Airframe design is a field of aerospace engineering that
combines aerodynamics, materials technology and manufacturing methods
to achieve balances of performance, reliability and cost.

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