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BS2. Statistics

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Department of Foundation Year

Subject: Basic statistics

Instructor: Chrin Mac

Tel: 012 525 988/010 296 363

Email: [email protected]

[email protected]
Chapter 2: Statistical Presentation
and Graphical Displays
 Frequency Distribution
 Class Interval and Class Mid-Point
 Relative Frequency Distribution
 Graphical Displays
 Histogram
 Polygon and Cumulative Polygon
 Other Graphical Displays
 Bar Graph and Pie Chart
 Stem and Leaf Methods
Frequency Distribution
A Frequency
distribution is a
grouping of data
into mutually
categories showing
the number of
observations in
each class. The
table shows a
distribution for a set
of quantitative data.
Creation on the frequency
 There are 5 step for creating on the frequency

o Step 1: Decide on the number of classes.

o Step 2: Determine the class interval or width.
o Step 3: Set the individual class limits
o Step 4: Tally the vehicle selling prices into the classes.
o Step 5: Count the number of items in each class.
EXAMPLE – Creating a Frequency
Distribution Table for Quantitative Data

Ms. Kathryn Ball of AutoUSA

wants to develop tables, charts,
and graphs to show the typical
selling price on various dealer
lots. The table on the right
reports only the price of the 80
vehicles sold last month at
Whitner Autoplex.

Step 1: Decide on the number of

A useful recipe to determine the

number of classes (k) is the “2 to the
k rule.” such that 2k > n.

There were 80 vehicles sold. So n = 80. If

we try k = 6, which means we would use
6 classes, then 26 = 64, somewhat less
than 80. Hence, 6 is not enough classes.
If we let k = 7, then 27 128, which is
greater than 80. So the recommended
number of classes is 7.
Step 2: Determine the
class interval or width.
The formula is: i  (H-L)/k where i is the
class interval, H is the highest observed
value, L is the lowest observed value, and
k is the number of classes.

($35,925 - $15,546)/7 = $2,911

Round up to some convenient number, such
as a multiple of 10 or 100. Use a class width
of $3,000
Step 3: Set the individual class

Constructing a Frequency Table

 Step 4: Tally the

vehicle selling prices
into the classes.

 Step 5: Count the

number of items in
each class.

Relative Frequency
To convert a frequency distribution to a relative frequency
distribution, each of the class frequencies is divided by the
total number of observations.

Class Interval, and
Class Midpoint
 Class midpoint: A point that divides a class into
two equal parts. This is the average of the
upper and lower class limits.

o Class Midpoint = Upper Class + Lower Class


 Class interval: The class interval is obtained

by subtracting the lower limit of a class from
the lower limit of the next class.
Class Interval = Upper Class - Lower Class
Practice 1
Examination result of FYD students in subject of
statistics showed that:
50 45 55 45 80 80 70
40 55 50 65 70 65 100
70 45 50 60 90 60 90
60 50 40 45 70 50 100
50 45 55 50 65 80 70
1. to construct the frequency distribution of data
2. to find a relative frequency distribution of data
3. to define a value of class mid-point and class
interval of data
Graph of a Frequency
Distribution, for Quantitative

The three commonly used graphic forms

 Histograms
 Frequency polygons
 Cumulative frequency distributions

Histogram for a frequency distribution based on
quantitative data is very similar to the bar chart showing
the distribution of qualitative data. The classes are marked
on the horizontal axis and the class frequencies on the
vertical axis. The class frequencies are represented by the
heights of the bars.

Histogram Using Excel

Example: Frequency Table and

 We will create a frequency table of the

Whitner Autoplex sales data using
MegaStat. Later we will add two other
graphs – a frequency polygon and a
cumulative frequency graph, also called
an ogive curve.

Frequency Polygon
 A frequency polygon
also shows the shape
of a distribution and is
similar to a histogram.

 It consists of line
segments connecting
the points formed by
the intersections of the
class midpoints and the
class frequencies.

Cumulative Frequency

Cumulative Frequency

Graphic Display
1. Pie Chart
Example 1 : The Three Stooges had a number of different directors In
the 190 films that they made with Columbia Pictures between 1934
and 1959. Here is a table of data which includes several of the
directors, along with the number of films they directed: Create Pie
Director # of Films Directed
Del Lord 39
Black 7
Charles Chase 5
Jules White 104
Edward Bernds 25
Other 10
Example of Pie Chart
2. Bar Chart
Data from Example 1. Therefore, a bar chart can
Steam-and-Leaf Displays.
 A stem-and-leaf display shows both the rank order
and shape of the distribution of the data.
 It is similar to a histogram on its side, but it has the
advantage of showing the actual data values.
 The first digits of each data item are arranged to the
left of a vertical line.
 To the right of the vertical line we record the last digit
for each item in rank order.
 Each line in the display is referred to as a stem.
 Each digit on a stem is a leaf.

1. Consider the following data on the number of rooms occupied each

day in a resort hotel during a recent month of June:

55 49 37 57 46 40 64 35 73 62
61 43 72 48 54 69 45 78 46 59
40 58 56 52 49 42 62 53 46 81
37 35

49 46 40 43 48 45 46 40 49 42 46

55 57 54 59 58 56 52 53

64 62 61 69 62

73 72 78

 Stem-and-Leaf Display

3 5 7
4 0 0 2 3 5 6 6 6 8 9 9
5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6 1 2 2 4 9
7 2 3 8
8 1
 Double Stem-and-Leaf Display
3 5 7
4 0 0 2 3
4 5 6 6 6 8 9 9
5 2 3 4
5 5 6 7 8 9
6 1 2 2 4
6 9
7 2 3
7 8
8 1
Data: 245, 255,
 Steam Leaf
 2 42, 43, 44, 45
 2 55
2. A city engineer counted the number of trucks that passed a
certain point on a highway in 24 consecutive business days. The
numbers were
168 195 227 193 207 189 176 216
164 199 198 203 214 191 171 200
197 195 184 202 188 173 197 181

Construct a stem-and-leaf display with the stem labels 16, 17, 18,
19, 20, 21 and 22.

3. Following are the lifetimes of 25 electronic components sampled

from a production lot: 834, 919, 784, 865, 839, 912, 888, 783, 655,
831, 886, 842, 760, 854, 939, 961, 826, 954, 866, 675, 760, 865,
901, 632, and 718. Construct a stem-and-leaf display with one
digit stem labels and two-digit leaves. (Data are in hours of
continuous use.)
4. Following are the numbers of outpatients seeking treatment at a
hospital during the 28 days of February:

78 66 54 62 67 68 62
60 71 67 80 60 56 61
63 65 52 69 59 65 76
68 64 60 71 57 56 76

Construct a double-stem display for these values.

Thank You

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