Mudarabah and Its Application in Islamic Banking
Mudarabah and Its Application in Islamic Banking
Mudarabah and Its Application in Islamic Banking
Application in Islamic
1. Definition of Mudarabah
2. Types of Mudarabah
The investment comes from the first partner who is called “Rab-ul-
Mal” (Investor)
•Ibn-e-Abbas reported that when ever his father Al-Abbas bin Abdul
Muttalib gave money for mudarabah , he stipulated some conditions that
the mudarib will not take his money across sea, into any valley or buy any
animal with a soft belly. If mudarib does any of those mentioned acts then
he is liable. The Prophet ( )ص ل یہللا عل یہ و س لمherd of this practice and
permitted it. (Al-Bayhaqi, Al-Sunnan Al-Kubra, 6/184 (no 11611)).
Difference between Shirkat and Mudarabah
Shirkat/Musharakah Mudarabah
Investment from each partners Investment from one partner while
other is working partner
Every partner can work for business Investor cannot work for business
Every partner bears loss according to Only Rabb-ul-Mal suffers loss
ratio of his investment
Every partner’s liability is unlimited Investor is liable up to the amount
of investment
Asset given by the investor as an Asset given by the investor as an
investment, all partners will be co- investment, remains in the ownership of
owners of that asset so if value of investor before sale. Therefore, if
that Asset is increased, all will get Mudarabah is terminated at this stage,
benefit. Mudarib is not entitled to share in the
exceeding price of that asset.
Types of Mudarabah
1. Al Mudarabah Al Muqayyadah
(Restricted Mudarabah)
2. Al Mudarabah Al Mutlaqah
(Unrestricted Mudarabah)
Types of Mudarabah
1. Al Mudarabah Al Muqayyadah (Restricted
• Rab-ul-Mal may specify a particular business
or a particular place for the Mudarib(working
partner), in which case he shall invest the money
in that particular business or place.
Example: Mudarib will work only in Islamabad
city or Mudarib will only do the business of Rice.
Types of Mudarabah
2. Al Mudarabah Al Mutlaqah (Unrestricted
• Rab-ul-mal gives full freedom to
Mudarib(working partner) to undertake
whatever business he deems fit.
However they can agree that 40% of the actual profit shall go to the
Mudarib and 60% to the Rab-ul-Maal or vice versa.
Distribution of Profit and Loss
If a time period is fixed in Mudarabah, then, all partners will be responsible for the
completion of this period.
Mudarib will bear all those expenses, which are normally considered the responsibility
of Mudarib (in direct expenses . However, those expenses which are not considered the
responsibility of Mudarib (direct expenses) will be deducted from the total capital.
Mudarabah contract on Deposit/Liability
Side of Islamic Banking
Islamic banks need to disclose 4 things to customers
while opening the customer deposit account:
1. Type of contract.
– Saving Account under Mudarabah and Current Account
under Loan/Qard contract.
2. Profit sharing ratio between Mudarib & Rab ul Mal.
– e.g (60% Rabbul Maal and 40% Mudarib).
3. Weightage assignment according to product features
– (0.90 of normal Saving Account and 1.20 of 1 year Islamic
4. Profit calculation based on pool working
– As per Actual Profit earned by the Investment Pool
The Gross Income (Distributable Profit) will be shared
between the bank (as Mudarib) and Depositors (Rabul Mal)
in a predetermined ratio (%) of the actual profit earned
• Loss Sharing:
• In case of any loss, it will be shared by the members of Investment
Pool in ratio of their investment.
Profit Sharing in Mudarabah based
Profit share Islamic bank
Weightage System
Deposits Mudarib
Profit Share
Distributable income
Pool of Funds
Important points to remember
weighages are not used for loss sharing among the Raab ul
Maal nor does it affect the profit of the Bank. Any change in
the weightages shall effect the Rab ul Maal only.
Investment Pool & Relationship
between Investors