FM 14 Part 1
FM 14 Part 1
FM 14 Part 1
Lectures Delivered
in Course FM-14 at M. Sc. Financial Mathematics course,
At Dept. of Applied Mathematics
V. D. Pathak
Retired Professor,
Department of Applied Mathematics,
Faculty of Technology & Engineering
The M.S. University of Baroda
[email protected]
FM-14: Syllabus
Bonds and Term Structure
• The concept of the term structure of interest rates.
Presentation of theories explaining the shapes of the term
structure encountered in practice. Methods of
constructing long horizon term structure (bootstrapping,
presentation of STRIPS).
• Tools describing dynamics of bond prices: yields, forward
rates, short (instantaneous) rates. Money market
• Risk management in case of parallel shift. Applications of
duration and convexity for immunization of bond
portfolios. Problems with non-parallel shifts of term
structure and tools necessary in this case.
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FM-14: Syllabus
• Necessity of developing a theory of random interest rates.
Construction of Binomial trees for bond prices, yields and
forward rates. No arbitrage principle and its consequences
concerning admissible models. Risk neutral probabilities
and a theorem on their dependence on maturity.
• Presentation of a variety of short term models (Vasicek,
CIR, Dothan, Brennan-Schwartz). Single factor and multi-
factor models. Model calibration. Discrete and continuous
time versions.
• Outline of term structure models (Ho-Lee, Black-Derman-
Toy, Hull-White) in discrete and continuous time framework.
Forward rate model of Heath-Jarrow-Morton. Some other
recent models (Brace-Gatarek-Musiela)
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FM-14: Syllabus
• Interest Rate Derivatives
• Derivative securities in models with random interest rates.
Pricing options.
• Pricing and hedging interest rate futures, caps, floors, collars,
swaps, caplets, florlets, swaptions.
• References:
• M. Capiński and T. Zastawniak, Mathematics for Finance,
Chapters 10, 11. Springer-Verlag, London 2003.
• R. Jarrow, Modelling Fixed Income Securities and Interest
Rate Options, McGraw-Hill, New York 1996.
• T. Bjork, Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time, Oxford
University Press, Oxford 1998.
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Zero Coupon Bonds
Definition 1: A zero coupon bond with maturity date T, also
called a T-bond, is a contract which guarantees the holder 1
dollar to be paid on the date T.
• The price at time t of a bond with maturity date T is
denoted by B(t, T).
• The convention that the payment at the time of maturity,
known as the principal value or face value, equals one is
made for computational convenience.
• Coupon bonds, give the owner a payment stream during
the interval [0, T].
• These instruments have the common property, that they
provide the owner with a deterministic cash flow, and for
this reason they are also known as fixed income
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A sufficiently rich and regular bond market
Assumptions to guarantee the existence of a
sufficiently rich regular bond
regular bondmarket.
• There exists a (frictionless) market for T-bonds for
every T > 0.
• The relation B(t, t) = 1 holds for all t (to avoid
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Maturity-Independent Yields
Proposition 1: If the yield y(n) for some n > 0 were
known at time 0, then y(0) = y(n) or else an arbitrage
strategy could be found.
Proof: Case 1: Suppose that y(0) < y(n).
At t = 0: (i)Borrow a dollar for the period [0, n + 1].
(ii) Deposit it for the period [0, n], both at the rate
y(0). (The yield can be regarded as the interest rate
for deposits and loans.)
At time n: (i) withdraw the deposit with interest, get
total amount enτ y(0).
(ii) Invest this sum for a single time step @ y(n).
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Proof of Proposition 1 continued
At time n + 1 this brings enτ y(0)+τ y(n) . The initial loan requires
repayment of e(n+1)τ y(0), leaving a +ve balance enτ y(0) (eτy(n) −
eτy(0)), which is the arbitrage profit.
Case 2: Suppose y(0) > y(n):
At t = 0: (i) Borrow a dollar for the period [0, n].
(ii)Deposit it for the period [0, n+1], both at the rate y(0).
At time n: Borrow enτy(0) amount for single time step.
And repay the earlier loan.
At time (n+1): Initial deposit with interest gives you amount
e(n+1)τ y(0) and we have to repay new loan by paying amount
enτy(0)+ τy(n), leaving a +ve balance enτ y(0) (eτy(0) − eτy(n)),
which is the arbitrage profit.
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Maturity-Independent Yields - illustration
Example 1: Let τ = 1 /12 . Find arbitrage if the yields
are independent of maturity, and unit bonds maturing
at time 6 (half a year) are traded at B(0, 6) = 0.9320
dollars and B(3, 6) = 0.9665 dollars, both prices being
known at time 0.
Solution: 0.9320 = B(0, 6) = e-Nτy(0) = e-0.5y(0)
Therefore y(0) = - 2 x ln 0.9320 = 0.141.
o.9665 = B(3, 6) = e−(N−n)τ y(n) = e-0.25y(3)
Therefore y(3) = - 4 x ln 0.9665 = 0.136
Since y(0) > y(3), Arbitrage profit = enτy(0)(e3τy(0) − e3τy(n))
= e0.25 x 0.141 (e0.141x3/12 − e0.136x3/12) = 1.036x 0.0014 =
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Other solution
The yields are y(0) ∼= 14.08% and y(3) ∼= 13.63%.
Thus B(0, 3) = e−3τy(0) ∼= 0.9654 dollars. Arbitrage can be
achieved as follows:
• At time 0: buy a 6-month bond for B(0, 6) = 0.9320 dollars,
raising the money by issuing 0.9654 of a 3-month bond, which
sells at B(0, 3) ∼= 0.9654 dollars.
• At time 3 (after 3 months) issue 0.9989 of a 6-month bond,
which sells at B(3, 6) = 0.9665 dollars, and use the proceeds of
$0.9654 to settle the fraction of a 6-month bond issued at time
• At time 6 (after half a year) the 6-month bond bought at time 0
will pay $1, out of which $0.9989 will settle the fraction of a 3-
month bond issued at time 3. The balance of $0.0011 will be the
arbitrage profit.
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Maturity-Independent Yields
Remarks: 1. As a consequence of Proposition 1, if the
yield is independent of maturity and deterministic (that
is, y(n) is known in advance for any n ≥ 0), then it
must be constant, y(n) = y for all n.
2. Historical bond prices show a different picture: The
yields implied by the bond prices recorded in the past
clearly vary with time. In an arbitrage-free model, to
admit yields varying with time but independent of
maturity we should allow them to be random.
3. We assume, therefore, that at each time instant the
yield y(n) is a positive random number independent of
the maturity of the underlying bond.
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Investment in Single Bonds
Suppose we invest in bonds for a period of six months.
Let τ = 1/12 . We buy a number of unit bonds that will
mature after one year, paying B(0, 12) = 0.9300 for
Therefore, y(0) ∼= -ln (0.93) = 7.26%.
Since we are going to sell the bonds at time n = 6, we are
concerned with the price B(6, 12) or, equivalently, with
the corresponding rate y(6). Let us discuss some possible
1. The rate is stable, y(6) = 7.26%. The bond price is B(6,
12) ∼= e-0.5 x .0726 = 0.9644.
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Investment in Single Bonds
and the logarithmic return on the investment is:
= ln (0.9644 / 0.93) = 3.63% a half of 7.26%, in line
with the additivity of logarithmic returns.
2. The rate decreases to 6.26% (Drop by 100 basic
points). Then B(6, 12) = e-0.5 x .0626 = 0.9692, giving
logrithemic return = ln (0.9692 / 0.93) = 4.13%
3. Rate increases to 8.26%, Then
B(6, 12) = e-0.5 x .0826 = 0.9595, giving logrithemic return
= ln (0.9595 / 0.93) = 3.12%
We can see a pattern here: One is better off if the rate
drops and worse off if the rate increases.
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Computing Logarithmic Return
Suppose that the initial yield y(0) changes randomly to
become y(n) ≠ y(0) at time n. Hence B(0, N) = e−y(0)τN,
B(n, N)=e−y(n)τ(N−n), and the logarithmic return on an
investment closed at time n (for period [0, n]) will be:
k(0, n) = ln (B(n,N) / B(0,N)) = ln (ey(0)τN−y(n)τ(N−n))
= y(0)τN − y(n)τ(N − n).
Remark: Investment of B(0, N) becomes B(n, N) over
a period [0, n]. Assumption of continuous
compounding implies that if return on entire period is
k(0, n) then B(n, N) = B(0, n) x ek(0, n).
For example, in 3rd case,
K(0,6) = .0726 - .0826 x 0.5 = .0313 i.e. 3.13%
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Logarithmic Return - illustrations
Example 2: Let τ = 1/12. Invest $100 in six-month
zero-coupon bonds trading at B(0, 6) = 0.9400 dollars.
After six months reinvest the proceeds in bonds of the
same kind, now trading at B(6, 12) = 0.9368 dollars.
Find the implied interest rates and compute the
number of bonds held at each time. Compute the
logarithmic return on the investment over one year.
Solution: Get 100/0.94 =106.38 bonds at t = 0.
After 6 months we get 106.38 invest it in 12 months
bond @ 0.9368. we get 113.56 bonds.
K(0, 6) = ln (1.0638) = 6.18%; k(6, 12) = 6.53%
K(0, 12) = ln (1.1356) = 12.72%
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Logarithmic Return - illustrations
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Logarithmic Return - illustrations
Example 4: τ = 1/360 . (A year is assumed to have
360 days here.) Suppose that B(0, 360) = 0.9200
dollars, the rate remains unchanged for the first six
months, goes up by 200 basis points on day 180, and
remains at this level until the end of the year. If a bond
Logarithmic Return -
is bought at the beginning of the year, on which day
should it be sold to produce a logarithmic return of
4.88% or more?
Solution: During the first six months the rate is
y(0) ∼= ln (1 / 0.92) = 8.34%, for n = 0,..., 179, and
during the rest of the year y(n) ∼= 10.34%, for n =
180,..., 360.
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How to replicate such a cash flow?
The bond should be sold for 0.92e0.0488 ∼= 0.9660
dollars or more. This cannot be achieved during the
first six months, since the highest price before the rate
changes is B(179, 360)∼= 0.92e0.0834x179/360 = 0.9589$
On the day of the rate change
B(180, 360) = e-0.1034x180/360 = 0.9496$
Find n such that 1.0 x e –((360-n)/360)x 0.1034 = 0.966
we have to wait until day n = 240, on which the bond
price will exceed the required $0.9660 for the first
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An investment in coupon bonds
A coupon bond is kept to maturity, however, the
coupons are paid in the meantime and can be
reinvested. The return on such an investment
depends on the interest rates prevailing at the times
when the coupons are due. Consider the following:
Example 5: A sum of $ 1000/- is invested in 4-year
bonds with face value $100 and $10 annual coupons.
A coupon bond of this kind can be regarded as a
collection of four zero-coupon bonds maturing after 1,
2, 3 and 4 years with face value $10, $10, $10 and
$110, respectively. If the initial yield is y(0) and bonds
are traded at $91.78, then y(0) satisfies equation:
91.78 = 10e−y(0) + 10e−2y(0) + 10e−3y(0) + 110e−4y(0) .
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An investment in coupon bonds - illustrations
(the time step in this case is 1 year).
The equation can be solved numerically to find the
yield y(0) = 12%. Number of bonds purchase at t = 0,
will be 1000/91.78 = 10.896 bonds.
After 1 year we cash the coupons, collecting $108.96,
and sell the bonds which are now 3-year coupon
bonds. (i) if y(1) = 12 %, then value of 3-year bond =
10e−0.12+ 10e−2x0.12+ 110e−3x0.12 = $93.48
So we get 108.96 + 1,018.52 ∼= 1,127.48 $ in total.
(ii) The rate drops to 10%. As a result, the coupon
bonds will be worth 10e−0.1 + 10e−2×0.1 + 110e−3×0.1 ∼=
98.73 $ each. We shall end up with $1,184.72
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An investment in coupon bonds -illustrations
(iii) The rate goes up to 14%, the coupon bonds trading
at $88.53. The final value will be $1,073.51.
Example 6: Find the rate y(1) such that the logarithmic
return on the investment in Example 5 will be a) 12%, b)
10%, c) 14%.
(a) In order to get 12 % logarithmic return, we must earn
Amount = 1000 x e0.12 = 1127.49 $
Hence, 1127.49 -108.96 = 1018.54. Therefore, the value
of 1 bond = 1018.54 / 10.896 = 93.48
So y(1) can be obtained by solving equation:
10e−y(1) +10e−2y(1) +110e−3y(1) = 93.48. Hence y(1) = 12%.
Cases (b) and (c ) can be resolved simillarly.
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An investment in coupon bonds -illustrations
Example 7: Consider the data as in Example 5, taking ,
(a) y(0) = y(1) = y(2) = y(3) = 12%. However, we wish to
terminate the investment after 3 years. Compute the
value of our investment after 3 years.
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An investment in coupon bonds -illustrations
Note: 1,000 x e3×0.12 = 1433.33, hence the value of
investment is same as $1000/- is invested at risk free
rate r = 12 % for 3 years.
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The duration of a coupon bond is a weighted average of
future payment times, where the weights are present
value of the payment at that time to the present value of
the bond.
Consider a coupon bond with coupons C 1, C2,...,CN
payable at times 0 < τn1 < τn2 < ... < τnN and face value F,
maturing at time τnN . Its current price is given by:
P(y) = C1e−τn1y + C2e−τn2y + ··· + (CN + F)e−τnN y, where we
denote the current yield y(0) by y.
Then duration D(y) is defined by
−τn1y −τn2y −τnN y
D(y) = (τn1C1e + τn2C2e + ··· + τnN(CN + F)e ) / P(y)
= w1 τn1 + w2 τn2 + ….. + wN τnN, where wi = Cie−τniy / P(y),
for i = 1, 2, …, N.
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Duration - illustrations
Example 8: (a) Find duration for a 6-year bond with
$10 annual coupons, $100 face value and yield of 6%.
P(y) = 10e-0.06+ 10e-0.12 + 10e-0.18 + 10e-0.24 + 10e-0.30 +
110e-0.36 = 9.42 + 8.87 + 8.35 + 7.87 + 7.41 + 76.74
= 118.66
D(y) = (9.42 + 2 x 8.87 + 3 x 8.35 + 4 x 7.87 + 5 x 7.41
+ 6 x 76.74) / 118.66 = 581.18 / 118.66
= 4.898
(b) A 6-year bond with the same coupons and yield,
but with $500 face value, will have a duration of 5.671
years. The duration of any
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Duration - illustrations
Example 9: (a) What should be the face value F of a
5-year bond with 10% yield, paying $10 annual
coupons to have duration 4?
(b) Find the range of durations that can be obtained
by altering the face value, as long as a coupon
cannot exceed the face value.
(c) If the face value is fixed, say $100, find the level of
coupons for the duration to be 4. What durations can
be manufactured in this way?
Solution: (a) Solve for F: 4(10xe-0.1 +10xe-0.2 +10 e-0.3
+10x e-0.4 +(10 + F)xe-0.5 = (10xe-0.1 +20xe-0.2 +30 e-0.3 +
40x e-0.4 + 5(10 + F)xe-0.5
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Duration - illustrations
(10 + F)xe-0.5 = 30xe-0.1 +20xe-0.2 +10 e-0.3
F = (30xe0.4 +20xe0.3 +10 e0.2) - 10 = 73.97
(b) (10xe-0.1+20xe-0.2 +30 e-0.3 + 40x e-0.4 + 5(10 + F)xe-0.5
D = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(10xe-0.1 +10xe-0.2 +10 e-0.3 + 10x e-0.4 + (10 + F)xe-0.5
For F =10
(9.05+16.38+22.2+26.8+60.7) 135.13
D = ------------------------------------------------------------- = ---------- = 3.11
(9.05 +8.19 +7.4+ 6.7+ 12.14) 43.48
D 5 as F ∞. Range of Duration [3.11, 5)
(c) 4 = (10.478 C + 303.5) / (3.741 C + 60.7)
4.486 C = 60.7.
So, C = 13.53
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Portfolios of Bonds
Example 10: Consider a portfolio consisting of:
(i) A 4-year bond A with annual coupons C = 10 and
face value F = 100.
(ii) A zero-coupon bond B with F = 100 and N = 1.
Find the duration of each of the bonds and of the
combined portfolio if the initial interest rate is 14%.
Solution: Verify Duration of A, DA = 3.44 years and
that of bond B, DB = 1.
Combined Portfolio can be regarded as a single bond
with coupons C1 = 110, C2 = C3 = C4 = 10, F = 100.
Verify its duration is 2.21 years.
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The duration of a portfolio
Consider a Portfolio (aA+bB) consisting of a bonds of
type A and b bonds B and let initial yield be y.
Denote by PA(y) and PB(y) and by DA(y) and DB(y).
the values and durations of the two bonds A and B.
Then Value of aA+bB, PaA+bB = aPA(y) + bPB(y).
For finding duration of aA+bB:
1. Find duration of aA: Cleary, PaA(y) = aPA(y) and
since, - DaA(y) PaA(y) = (PaA(y))’ = (aPA(y))’ = a(PA(y))’
= - DA(y)(aPA(y)) = - DA(y)(PaA(y))
So, DaA(y) = DA(y). [email protected]
The duration of a portfolio
2. Find duration of A+B:
Note that PA+B = PA(y) + PB(y). And
-DA+B(y)PA+B(y)= (PA+B(y))’ = (PA(y) + PB(y))’
= (PA(y))’ + (PB(y))’ = -DA(y)PA(y) - DB(y)PB(y).
Hence, PA ( y ) PB ( y )
D A B (y) DA ( y) DB ( y)
PA ( y ) PB ( y ) PA ( y ) PB ( y )
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The duration of a portfolio - illustration
Example 12: Find the number of bonds of type A and
B to be bought if DA = 2, DB = 3.4, PA = 0.98, PB =
1.02 and you need a portfolio worth $5,000 with
duration 6.
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General Term Structure
Consider a model of bond prices without the
condition that the yield should be independent of
The prices B(n, N) of zero-coupon unit bonds with
various maturities determine a family of yields y(n, N)
by B(n, N) = e−(N−n)τ y(n, N) .
Note that the yields have to be positive, since B(n, N)
has to be less than 1 for n < N.
The function y(n, N) of two variables n < N is called
the term structure of interest rates. The yields y(0, N)
dictated by the current prices are called the spot
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General Term Structure
The initial term structure y(0, N) is a function of one
variable N. Typically, it is an increasing function, but
other graphs have also been observed in financial
In particular, the initial term structure may be flat, If
the yields may be independent of N, which is the
case considered earlier.
Example 17: If B(0, 6) = 0.96 dollars, find B(0, 3) and
B(0, 9) such that the initial term structure is flat. (τ = 1/12)
Compute y = -2 x ln (0.96) = 0.0816
Then B(0, 3) = e-0.816/4 = 0.9798.
And B(0, 9) = e-0.816 x 0.75 = 0.9406
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The price of a coupon bond in new Model
Consider a coupon bond with coupons C1, C2,...,CN
payable at times 0 < τn1 < τn2 < ... < τnN and face value
F, maturing at time τnN . Its current price is given by:
−τn1y(0, n1) −τn2y(0, n2) −τnN y(0, nN)
P(y)=C1e +C2e +···+(CN + F)e -(*)
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STRIPS program
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Determining the initial term structure - illustration
Example 17: Suppose that a one-year zero-coupon
bond with face value $100 is trading at $91.80 and a
two-year bond with $10 annual coupons and face value
$100 is trading at $103.95. Find the initial term structure
and the value of the ‘stripped’ two-year bond.
Solution: This gives the following equations for the
yields:(1) 91.80 =100e−y(0,1), This gives: y(0, 1) ∼= 8.56%.
(2) 103.95 = 10e−y(0,1) + 110e−2y(0,2).
On substituting the value of y(0, 1) into the second
equation, we find y(0, 2) ∼= 7.45%.
As a result, the price of the ‘stripped’ two-year bond, a
zero-coupon bond maturing in two years with face value
$100, will be 100e−2y(0,2) ∼= 86.16 dollars.
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Implications of deterministic term structure
Proposition 2: If the term structure is deterministic
(known in advance), then the No-Arbitrage Principle
implies that B(0, N) = B(0, n)B(n, N).
Proof: Case 1: Let B(0, N) < B(0, n)B(n, N):
At time 0: (i)Buy a bond maturing at time N.
(ii) Write a fraction B(n, N) of a bond maturing at n.
(Here B(n, N) is known as y(n, N) is known in
advance.) This gives B(0, n)B(n, N) − B(0, N) dollars
At time n: (i) settle the written bonds, raising the
required sum of B(n, N) by issuing a single unit bond
maturing at N.
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Proof of Proposition 2 – continued
At time N: close the position, retaining the initial profit.
Case 2: The reverse inequality B(0, N) > B(0, n)B(n,
N) can be dealt with in a similar manner, by adopting
the opposite strategy.
Employing the representation of bond prices in terms
of yields. We have: B(0, N) ny(0,n) - Ny(0, N)
B(n, N) e
B(0, n)
This would mean that all bonds prices (and so the
whole term structure) are determined by the initial
term structure. However, it is clear that one cannot
expect this to hold in real bond markets.
Note: The proposition indicates that the term structure
cannot be deterministic.
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How to secure the future interest rates?
Example 18: Suppose that the business plan of a
company will require taking a loan of $100,000 one
year from now in order to purchase new equipment.
The management expects to have the means to
repay the loan after another year and would like to
arrange the loan today at a fixed interest rate, rather
than to gamble on future rates. What rate a Financial
intermediaries can offer if the spot rates are y(0, 1) =
8% and y(0, 2) = 9% (with τ = 1)?
Solution: The Financial intermediaries (FI) can
arrange for the loan as follows:
(i) Buy 1,000 one-year bonds with $100 face value,
paying 100,000 x e−0.08∼= 92, 311.63 dollars.
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How to secure the future interest rates?
(ii) Borrow $ 92311.63 for 2 years at 9%.
After one year the FI will receive $ 100,000 by en-
cashing the bonds which can be offered to the
(iii) FI will be required to settle the loan with interest
after 2 years, the total amount to pay being
92,311.63e2×0.09 ∼= 110, 517.09 $. Thus, FI can offer
the constructed future loan with the interest rate :
ln(110,517.09/100,000) ∼= 10% or little more as
their cost for the services they provide.
Thus FI may simplify Company’s task by offering a
so-called Forward Rate Agreement.
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The initial forward rate
• In general, the initial forward rate f(0,M,N) is an
interest rate such that B(0, N) = B(0, M)e−(N−M)τ f(0,M,N),
• 0 M N
• So f(0,M,N) = − (ln B(0, N) − ln B(0, M)) / τ (N − M).
• Note that this rate is deterministic, since it is
worked out using the present bond prices.
• It can be conveniently expressed in terms of the
initial term structure. Insert into the above expression
the bond prices as determined by the yields,
• B(0, N) = e−τNy(0,N) and B(0, M) = e−τMy(0,M), to get
• f(0, M, N) = (Ny(0, N) − My(0, M)) / (N − M).
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The initial forward rate - illustration
Example 19: Suppose that the following spot rates are
provided by central London banks (LIBOR, the London
Interbank Offer Rate, is the rate at which money can be
deposited; LIBID, the London Interbank Bid Rate, is the
rate at which money can be borrowed):
Maturity 1 Month 2 Months 3 Months 6 Months
LIBOR 8.41% 8.44% 9.01% 9.35%
LIBID 8.59% 8.64% 9.23% 9.54%
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Bond prices in terms of forward rates
Proposition 3: The bond price is given by
B(n, N) = exp{−τ (f(n, n) + f(n, n + 1) + ··· + f(n, N − 1))}.
Proof: Note that f(n, n) = −ln B(n, n + 1)/τ , since
B(n, n) = 1, so B(n, n + 1) = exp{−τf(n, n)}.
Next, f(n, n + 1) = − (ln B(n, n + 2) − ln B(n, n + 1))/ τ
and, after inserting the expression for B(n, n + 1),
B(n, n + 2) = exp{−τ (f(n, n) + f(n, n + 1))}.
Repeating this a number of times, we arrive at the
required general formula.
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The forward rates in terms of the yields
We have a simple representation of the forward rates in
terms of the yields:
• f(n, N) = (N + 1 − n)y(n, N + 1) − (N − n)y(n, N).
• This indicates that f(n, N) can be negative if
(N + 1 − n)y(n, N + 1) < (N − n)y(n, N). For example:
If n = 0, N = 8, y(0, 8) = 9% and y(0, 9) = 7.9, then
f(0, 8) = 9 x 0.079 – 8 x 0.09 < 0.
• In particular, f(n, n) = y(n, n + 1), resulting in the
intuitive formula
y(n, N) = (f(n, n) + f(n, n + 1) +···+ f(n, N − 1))/(N − n).
• If term structure is flat, (i. e. Y(n, N) is independent of
N. then f(n, N) = y(n, N)
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The forward rates in terms of the yields
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Money Market Account
The money market account denoted by {A(n), n ≥ 1},
is defined by A(n) = exp{τ (r(0) + r(1) + ··· + r(n − 1))}
with A(0) = 1, and represents the value at time n of
one dollar invested in an account attracting interest
given by the short rate under continuous
compounding. For example, if τ = 1/365 , then the
interest is given by the overnight rate. Here A(n) is
random and, as will be seen below, in general
different from exp{τny(0, n)}, the latter being
deterministic and constructed by using zero coupon
bonds maturing at time n.
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Money Market Account - illustration
Example 22: Let τ = 1/12 , n = 0, N = 0, 1, 2, 3, and
suppose that the bond prices are as follows:
B(0, 1) = 0.9901,
B(0, 2) = 0.9828, B(1, 2) = 0.9947,
B(0, 3) = 0.9726, B(1, 3) = 0.9848, B(2, 3) = 0.9905.
Then using y(n, N) = ln (B(n, N))/ τ, we get
y(0, 1) ∼= 11.94%, y(0, 2) ∼= 10.41%,
y(0, 3)∼= 11.11%, y(1, 2) ∼= 6.38%,
y(1, 3)∼= 9.19%, y(2, 3)∼= 11.45%.
Using f(n, N) = (N + 1 − n)y(n, N + 1) − (N − n)y(n, N),
We get
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Money Market Account - illustration
f(0, 0) ∼= 11.94%, f(0, 1) ∼= 8.88%,
f(0, 2) ∼= 12.52%, f(1, 1) ∼= 6.38%,
f(1, 2) ∼= 12.00%, f(2, 2) ∼= 11.45%.
Using r(n) = f(n, n) = y(n, n+1), we get
r(0) = f(0, 0) ∼= 11.94%, r(1) = f(1, 1) ∼= 6.38%,
r(2) = f(2, 2) ∼= 11.45%,
Using A(n) = exp{τ (r(0) + r(1) + ··· + r(n − 1))}, we
get A(0) = 1, A(1) ∼= 1.0100, A(2) ∼= 1.0154,
A(3) ∼= 1.0251.
Note: The values of B(0, 2), B(0, 3), B(1, 3) have no
effect on the values of the money market account.
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Money Market Account - illustration
Example 23: Using the data in Example 22, compare
the logarithmic return on an investment in the
following securities over the period from 0 to 3: (a)
zero-coupon bonds maturing at time 3; (b) single-
period zero-coupon bonds; (c) the money market
Solution: (a) For an investment of $100 in zero-
coupon bonds, divide the initial cash by the price of
the bond B(0, 3) = 0.9726 to get the number of
bonds held, 102.82, which gives final wealth of
$102.82. The logarithmic return = ln (102.82/100) =
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Money Market Account - illustration
(b) For an investment of $100 in single-period zero-
coupon bonds, compute the number of bonds
maturing at time 1 as 100/B(0, 1) ∼= 100.99. Then,
at time 1 find the number of bonds maturing at time 2
in a similar way, 100.99/B(1, 2) ∼= 101.54. Finally,
we arrive at 101.54/B(2, 3) ∼= 102.51 bonds, each
giving a dollar at time 3. The logarithmic return is
(c) An investment of $100 in the money market
account, for which we receive 100A(3) ∼= 102.51 at
time 3, produces the same logarithmic return of
2.48% as in (b).
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