Risk Tolerance and Growth and Success Entrepreneur)

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Raquel I. Sembrano
• is the degree of risk or uncertainty
that is acceptable to an organization.
There are three different levels of risk
tolerance Involved:
• Aggressive Risk Tolerance
• Moderate Risk Tolerance
• Conservative Risk Tolerance
Zhao et al. (2010)
• found that risk propensity to positively associated
with early entrepreneurial intentions, but is not
related to entrepreneurial performance ( defined
through evidence of survival, growth and profitability
of the enterprise at the study level).

Kessler et al. (2012)

• similar results are found by Kessler et al.(2012)
among founders for assessed venture success and
business survival.
Hvide and Panos ( 2014)
• hypothesized that the business of risk-tolerant
individuals might underperform over the long
run, because more of these individuals select
into entrepreneurship (thus bringing more
mediocre ideas) than among risk- averse
individuals ( who thus might only be tempted to
start firms with the very best ideas).
Korunka et al. (2003)
• surveyed and compared 314 nascent
entrepreneurs and 627 new business owners
managers and found that those who become
successful ( self-assessed) displayed a medium risk-
taking propensity.
• It is possible that while the high risk-takers are
not the most successful, some risk- taking
propensity is helpful toward business success.
Hyytinen et al. (2015)
• The main interest was in the firm's innovativeness (
rather than that of the entrepreneur) but they also
asked about the risk attitudes of the entrepreneur.
• They found that risk- loving entrepreneurs that
operate innovative firms are much less likely to have
their firms survive over a three-year follow-up
period compared to risk-loving entrepreneur
running less innovative operations.
Cucculelli and Ermini (2013)
• The author compared firms that introduce new
products with those without new products
• The risk-loving entrepreneurs are also
somewhat more likely to introduce new
products in the first place, showing that they
may indeed stimulate firm growth through
• someone who is interested in growing a
company quickly.
• Being a successful entrepreneur means more than
starting new ventures every other day. It means the
right attitude towards a business and the
determination and grit to achieve success. A
successful entrepreneur has a strong inner drive
that helps him or her to succeed.

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