221827.classification of CWSN

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Classification of

Submitted By
Submitted To Asharani Sahu
Dr.Amit Singh Roll No. 221827
Assistant Professor B.Ed. 2nd Sem
Children with special needs are young adolescents that are determined to need
exceptional care and necessities that are not needed by other children. This
classification may be declared by the state to provide rewards and support for the
prosperity and growth of the child. Extraordinary requirements, particularly in the
choice and child care network, where youngster and gatekeeper are jointly
enriched, may also be a legitimate task.
Classification of CWSN

Students with special needs can be classified into five categories :

● Physical Disability
● Sensory Disability
● Intellectual Disability
● Learning disability
● Genetic Disability

Besides, there are gifted/talented students who need special treatment in the
classroom. Female students also have special needs. We shall discuss these categories
of students in the subsequent sections.

Let us discuss cach of these categories in detail.

Physical Impairment : Students with Locomotor
Children with physical disabilities may have locomotor problems. Locomotor problems are
related to muscles and joints of the body which affect mobility of limbs and extremities.
The students with such impairment may find difficulty in attempting those learning
activities which need physical movement. Though they possess learning capability similar
to other children, they may have some specific problems in learning. For example, a student
with rigidity in the finger muscles may have writing problems. Such students may also have
postural problems, which bring in fatigue and limit their performance in certain learning
activities. Such students develop adjustment problems because of non-acceptance or
ridiculed by their peers.
Students with Visual Impairment

There are children who have visual disability. They cannot read the usual text and may
need some learning aids, such as braille in case of blindness. Then there are partially
sighted students. The vision of some of the students can be corrected. But some
students can read only large print, say for example, 14 point and above; some require
magnifying glasses to read. Some children have restricted field of vision. The teachers
should identify such students and provide them special help in their study.
Identification of visual impairment results in several learning problems.
Students with Low Mental Ability
The performance of the student with low mental ability is less than the performance of normal students. They may not
have any physical problem but they are poorly adjusted in the classroom. Some observable behaviour for identifying
such students is as follows. The low mental ability student :

● displays poor academic achievement

● forgets what s/he has learnt after a short time
● is inattentive and distracted
● shows too much reliance on presentation of concrete objects
● seeks immediate reward
● displays fear of failure
● has poor self-image
● lacks self-confidence
● has restricted communication
● has poor muscular coordination
● has difficulty in doing things for himself like eating, dressing, bathing and grooming
● has problem in following what he has been told
Students with Learning Disability

Some students may have specific learning problems such as in reading, writing,
spelling or arithmetic. For example, you might have observed that some students
always read and write 'b' as 'd', 'was' as 'saw', '21' as '12'. Such problems are due to
impairment of their psychological processes, like perception and memory. These
students are said to have a learning disability which arises out of the problems in
psychological processes. These students should be provided special help in learning.

It's important to note that these classifications are not exhaustive, and
there can be considerable overlap between different categories. Each
child's needs and abilities are unique, and individualized assessments
are crucial for determining appropriate support and accommodations
for CWSN.

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