Strength Training Exercises

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Healthy practices are the important keys to

promote societal fitness. Many people are not
happy with their weight and have no idea on
how to change bad health habits.

“The purpose of training is to tighten up the

slack, toughen the body, and polish the spirit.”
– Morihel Ueshiba
FITT Principle that is composed of the fol owing:

a. Frequency refers to how often you involve yourself in regular physical activity or exercise.
b. Intensity refers to how hard you should exercise or the level of difficulty of your physical activity.
c. Time refers to how long you should engage in a specific physical activity.
d. Type refers to the kind of exercise or physical activity you should engage in.
The Novice Challenge (for abs, chest muscles,
lower body strength)

1. Twisting Crunches
*16 counts, 1 set, alternate legs

2. Leg raises
*16 counts, 1 set, up-down
3. Decline Push-Up
*as many as you can in 10 counts,
1 set

4. Walking Lunge
*16 counts, 2 sets,
5. Side Lunge
*32 counts, 2 sets, alternately

6. Triceps Dip
*as many as you can in
10 counts
7. Squat
*16 counts, 2 sets

8. Glute Lift
*16 counts, 2 sets
Needs Improvement
Excellent Level Very Good Level Satisfactory Level
Criteria Level
100 91-99 81-90
Mastery of routine All group members Group members Group members have Group members
maintain maintain difficulty but seldom maintain
concentration and concentration and maintains concentration and
focus throughout the focus during the concentration and focus during the
performance. performance. focus during the performance.
Members are not performance.
distracted by each
other or the audience.
Intensity of Movements are Most of the Few modifications No modifications were
movements intense movements are intense were demonstrated. demonstrated,
consistently off the
Timing and The group performs The group performs The group performs The group seldom
Coordination the same movements the same movements the same movements performs the same
all of the time. It is most of the time. It is most of the time. It movements at the
very apparent they apparent they have appears the group did same time. It appears
have rehearsed. rehearsed. spend time rehearsing. the group did not
spend much time
Desired Objectives The beginning and the The routine does not
The routine contains a The routine contains 2 ending of the routine contain a visible
visible beginning, of the 3 separate parts. are the same. beginning, middle and
middle and end. ending.

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