Lecture 7 VAR, VECM and Multivariate Cointegration
Lecture 7 VAR, VECM and Multivariate Cointegration
Lecture 7 VAR, VECM and Multivariate Cointegration
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
Learning Objectives
1. Describe the VAR model and Causality Test
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
VAR Models
1 12 yt 10 11 12 yt 1 u yt
21 1 xt 20 21 21 xt 1 u xt
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
More Practical Issues in Cointegration
• Note: we have focussed on two variables, Y and X.
• In practice, you may have many more variables.
• Example: consider the three variables: income (Y),
consumption (C) and investment (I).
• Some macroeconomists claim that the ratios C/Y and I/Y
are roughly stable in the long-run.
• Common to take logs, so
ln(C) – ln(Y) constant
ln(I) – ln(Y) constant
There are two separate tests for cointegration, which can give
different results.
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
More Practical Issues in Cointegration
• If ln(C), ln(Y) and ln(I) all contain unit roots,
reasoning above suggests that two cointegrating
relationships might occur.
• The variables in the model might form several
equilibrium relationships governing the joint evolution
of all the variables.
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
More Practical Issues in Cointegration
• [Note: Engle-Granger test (based on a cointegrating
regression involving all three variables), would only find
whether cointegration is/is not present (not tell you how
many cointegrating relationships)]
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
The Johansen ML Cointegration
• Given that Johansen cointegration is a maximum
likelihood based test (Engle-Granger is OLS
based), it requires a large sample.
• The Johansen multivariate cointegration test is
based on a VAR, not a single OLS estimation.
• All the variables are assumed to be endogenous
(although it is possible to include exogenous
• The test relies on the relationship between the rank
of a matrix and its eigenvalues or characteristic
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
The Johansen ML Cointegration
• The approach to testing for cointegration in a
multivariate system is similar to the ADF test, but
requires the use of a VAR approach:
xt A1 xt 1 ut
xt ( A1 I ) xt 1 ut
xt xt 1 ut
Where : ( A1 I )
Where in a system of g variables:
xt and ut are g x 1 vectors.
A1 is an g x g matrix of parameters
I is an g x g Identity matrix 22
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
The Johansen ML Cointegration
• The rank of π equals the number of cointegrating
• If π consists of all zeros, as with the ADF test, the rank
of the matrix equals zero, all of the xs are unit root
processes, implying the variables are not cointegrated.
• As with the ADF test, the equation can also include
lagged dependent variables, although the number of
lags included is important and can affect the result.
This requires the use of the Akaike or Schwarz-
Bayesian criteria to ensure an optimal lag length.
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
The π Matrix
• The number of cointegrating vectors (r), is the rank
of π and determines the cointegration relationship
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
The π Matrix
• π is defined as the product of two matrices: α and β’, of
dimension (g x r) and (r x g) respectively.
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
The Johansen Test Statistics
• There are two test statistics produced by the
Johansen ML procedure.
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
Differences Between the Two Test Statistics
• The Trace test is a joint test, the null hypothesis is
that the number of cointegrating vectors is less than
or equal to r, against a general alternative
hypothesis that there are more then r.
trace = 0 when all the i = 0, so it is a joint test.
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
The Johansen Critical Values
Johansen & Juselius (1990) provide critical values for the
2 statistics. The distribution of the test statistics is non-
The critical values depend on:
1. the value of g-r, the number of non-stationary
2. whether a constant and / or trend are included in the
If the test statistic is greater than the critical value from
Johansen’s tables, reject the null hypothesis that there
are r cointegrating vectors in favour of the alternative that
there are more than r.
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
The Johansen Testing Sequence
• The testing sequence under the null is r = 0, 1, ..., g-1
so that the hypotheses for trace are
H0 : r = 0 vs H1: 0 < r g
H0 : r = 1 vs H1: 1 < r g
H0 : r = 2 vs H1: 2 < r g
... ... ...
H0 : r = g-1vs H1: r = g
• We keep increasing the value of r until we no longer reject the
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
Interpretation of Johansen Test
• But how does this correspond to a test of the rank of
the matrix?
• r is the rank of .
cannot be of full rank (g) since this would
correspond to the original yt being stationary.
• If has zero rank, then by analogy to the univariate
case, yt depends only on yt-j and not on yt-1, so that
there is no long run relationship between the elements
of yt-1. Hence there is no cointegration.
• For 1 < rank () < g , there are multiple cointegrating
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
• Given the following model of stock prices (s) and income
st 0 1 yt ut ut i.i.d .(0, )
i.i.d independently and identically distributed.
- variance - covariance matrix, indicating no heteroskedasticity.
Johansen ML Results (Trace Test)
Null Alternative Trace 5% CV
r=0 r1 40.3 20.2
r1 r=2 7.6 9.16
Johansen ML Results (Maximum Eigenvalue Test)
Null Alternative Eigenvalue 5% CV
r=0 r =1 34.7 15.9
r=1 r=2 8.6 9.2
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
Interpretation of Results
• Given that for both tests, the test statistic exceeds
its critical value (5%) when the null is r = 0, we can
conclude that at least one cointegrating vector is
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
Eviews Output
Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Trace)
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
Eviews Output
Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Maximum Eigenvalue)
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
Normalised Cointegrating Vector
(Long-run β Coefficients)
• The long-run coefficients are normalised, such that we
express the relationship in terms of one of the variables as a
dependent variable:
1 Cointegrating Equation(s): Log likelihood 143.4857
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
The α Adjustment Coefficients
• These can be interpreted in exactly the same way as the
error correction term, asymptotic t-statistics are in
parentheses (interpreted in the same way as t-statistics):
1 Cointegrating Equation(s): Log likelihood 143.4857
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
Tests of Specific Restrictions
• The Johansen ML approach, unlike the bi-variate
approach can be used to apply certain restrictions to
the long-run β coefficients.
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
Main Differences with the Bi-variate Test
for Cointegration
• Using the Johansen Maximum Likelihood (ML)
procedure, it is possible to obtain more then a single
cointegrating relationship, whereas only one can be
obtained with the Engle-Granger test.
• There are two separate tests (Trace & Max Eigenvalue)
for cointegration with the Johansen, but only one with the
Engle-Granger which can give different results.
• Given that the Johansen is a maximum likelihood based
test (Engle-Granger is OLS based), it requires a large
• The multivariate test is based on a VAR, not a single
OLS estimation as with the Engle-Granger approach.
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
Criticisms of the Johansen Approach
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
The Approach to Multivariate
Cointegration and VECMs
1) Test the variables for stationarity using the usual ADF tests.
2) If all the variables are I(1) include in the cointegrating
3) Use the AIC or SBC to determine the number of lags in the
cointegration test (order of VAR)
4) Use the trace and maximal eigenvalue tests to determine
the number of cointegrating vectors present.
5) Assess the long-run β coefficients and the adjustment α
6) Produce the VECM for all the endogenous variables in the
model and use it to carry out Granger causality tests over
the short and long run.
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
Vector Error-correction Modeling (VECM)
Multi-Equation ECM
• It is termed vector error-correction modeling
Yt 1 [ 1 X t 1 2 Z t 1 ] t 1
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
Vector Error-correction Modeling (VECM)
k k k
Yt 1 1i Yt i 1i X t i 1i Z t i 1 t 1 u1t
i 1 i 1 i 1
k k k
X t 2 2i Yt i 2i X t i 2i Z t i 2 t 1 u 2t
i 1 i 1 i 1
k k k
Z t 3 3i Yt i 3i X t i 3i Z t i 3 t 1 u 3t
i 1 i 1 i 1
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
Example: Results of Vector Error-correction Modeling
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
VAR - Number of cointegrating vector (Eviews)
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
Example: Results of Vector Error-correction Modeling
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
Example: Results of Vector Error-correction Modeling
Law, S.H., Department of Economics, UPM
Summary: Steps in Time Series Econometrics
Variables to be Included? Focus? Well-specified Equation or System Dynamics.