Eap Materials
Eap Materials
Eap Materials
• Cover both texts and tasks designed
for language learning purposes.
for teachers
materials supply examples of
language for teaching along
with explanations and tasks.
Types of
1. commercial
2. self-developed
of materials
- what counts as “authentic”?
- how important is it to use
authentic materials in the
EAP classroom?
of the text
- refers to language ‘produced
by real speaker or writer for a
real audience and designed to
convey a real message’.
(Morrow, 1977,p.13)
Examples of
authentic texts
• Research article
• Video of a lecture given to master’s students
• Undergraduate essay
• Recording of student chat before a class
• Email apologizing for arriving late for a seminar
• Instructions for an examination
• Twitter feed from an academic conference
• Article from a science journal for non-specialists
• Blog post on a specialist subject by a well-known
and respected academic professor
Why use authentic text?
There can be substantial differences in linguistic, pragmatic, and discoursal features between the
language of specially constructed texts and that used in examples of real academic discourse.
1. Adding
2. Deleting
3. Modifying
4. Simplifying
5. Reordering
Teachers’ and learners’ attitudes
to and use of textbooks
Teachers saw their textbook in terms of
four different functions:
1. guidance (map)
2. support (walking stick)
3. resource(supermarket)
4. constraint (road block).
Stages of developing your
own materials
1. Decide general approach
2. Plan materials
3. Research the area
4. Construct the material
5. Pilot and evaluate the material
Advantages and disadvantages
of writing your own materials
1. Producing your own materials ensures the
availability of suitable tasks to address the
specific needs of your students.
2. Tailor-made tasks can also be interesting,
motivating, and effective.
3. The process of materials writing itself can be
professionally rewarding.
4. Requires a huge investment of time and effort
involved in writing your own materials and the
possibility that they may not be of high quality.
Technology and materials
1. New technologies provide a
means of discovering and
accessing content
- podcasts from university websites, massive open
online courses (MOOCs), and other open-access
academic resources. – TED talk
Technology and materials
2. New technologies provide
means of producing and
practising language.
- the opportunity for students to create, share and respond to
content has become more widespread through the use of
virtual learning environments (VLEs), email, social media, blogs
and other forms of computer-mediated communication (CMC).
- CALL (Computer-assisted language learning) is composed of student-
centred materials that allow learners to work on their own
- MALL (Mobile-assisted language learning)
Profiles of practice
My college isn’t well-resourced in terms of technology,
but almost all my students have smartphones. I used
to ask them not to use their phones in class, but then I
realized that Internet access was an advantage.
Sometimes I divide the class into groups and get each
group to choose a different website on the same topic.
They have to introduce their website to the other
groups and explain why they chose it. Then the class
chooses the best one. This helps them think about
what makes a website suitable for academic work.
Profiles of practice
I have just finished my PhD using corpus analysis
to investigate disciplinary differences in master’s
dissertations. I’ve got a job as an EAP instructor
at a university where I have the opportunity to
turn my research results into materials for my
class. It does take time, but the students really
appreciate the authentic texts and corpus results
I give them and I can re-use the materials next
Profiles of practice
I teach at a university where I have a large group of
undergraduate engineering students (about 80). They
are lower intermediate level and not at all interested
in English. As I don’t know much about engineering, I
follow the textbook. The students seem to like this,
because they know what to expect. I am not
confident enough to create my own materials and I
don’t think it should be the job of the teacher.
Authors and publishers are specialists in that.
Profiles of practice
I’ve taught EFL at a private school for about 10 years,
but I have also had to teach in a presessional EAP
course for the last two years To be honest, I can’t see
what all the fuss is about. For grammar, I just use the
general language materials that I’ve always used,
although for reading I sometimes take a scientific
report from the newspaper. There’s no point in
looking for authentic materials; they’ll get that from