Technical and Operational Term Autosaved Final
Technical and Operational Term Autosaved Final
Technical and Operational Term Autosaved Final
-Ms. Sheila-
Three passions, simple but overwhelming strong,
have governed my life: the longing for love, the
search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the
suffering of mankind. These passions, like great
winds have blown me hither and thither, in a
wayward course over a deep ocean of anguish,
reaching to the verge of despair.
Is a computer an electronic device
used for surfing the net? Or is it a
device used for encoding
Learning objectives:
determine the meaning of technical and operational definitions;
They are the Grade 7 white Class who are sampled of this study. In
this study, they were under taken the pre-test activity where it
was composed of the part of speech which are: Noun, Pronoun,
Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction and Interjection
and post-test activity where it was also composed of the part of
speech which are: Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb,
Preposition, Conjunction and Interjection.
Example: Grammar
___1. “Height” is defined as the number of feet and inches of how taller a
person is.
___2. Weighing scale is a device used to measure the weight of an individual.
___3. Intelligence is defined by a specific test made up of logical
relationships, short term memory and word associations.
___4. A microwave is a device that heats food using the
electromagnetic energy.
Directions: identify whether the definition is technical or operational.
Write TD if it is technical definition and OD if it is operational definition.
___9. Google is defined as the most popular search engine that is useful to
researchers and writers.
___10. The correlation (relationship) between distant learning and face-to-
face learning affects the learners’ performance.
Directions: With the given terms, come up with a technical
and operational definition.
1. Book/s
Technical definition: _____________________________________________.
Operational definition: __________________________________________ .
2. Library
Technical definition: _____________________________________________.
Operational definition: ___________________________________________.
3. Computer
Technical definition: ______________________________________________.
Operational definition: ___________________________________________ .
4. Home/family
Technical definition: ______________________________________________.
Operational definition: ____________________________________________.
5. Classroom
Technical definition: ______________________________________________.
Operational definition: ____________________________________________.
Individual Activity:
Directions: Study the two items that were answered for you to think
about technical and operational definition and answer the questions
that follow.
1. What makes sentence number 1 an operational definition?
(“Height” is defined as the number of feet and inches of how taller a
person is.)
2. What makes sentence number 2 a technical definition?
(Weighing scale is a device used to measure the weight of an