Air Protocols & Pollution Management Tools
Air Protocols & Pollution Management Tools
Air Protocols & Pollution Management Tools
Carbon footprint
• Greenhouse gas emissions are considered a form of pollution because they cause
potential harm and damage through impacts on the climate, and also contribute to
outdoor or ambient air pollution, which the World Health Organisation estimates is
associated with 4.2 million deaths annually.
• But because society has been slow to recognise the link between how human
activities have increased the rates of greenhouse gases emissions that can cause the
climate to change, emitters are generally not held responsible for controlling this form
of pollution.
• When the pollution cost from the release of greenhouse gases is not imposed on
emitters, these costs are thus ‘externalised’ to society, representing what economists
describe as a ‘market failure’.
• Society bears these costs as greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere, which
is described a ‘global commons’ as everyone shares and has the right to ‘use’ it.
Applying the principle through a carbon
tax or emissions trading system
• The polluter pays principle can be applied to greenhouse gas emitters through a
so-called ‘carbon price’.
• This imposes a charge on the emission of greenhouse gases equivalent to the
corresponding potential cost caused through future climate change, forcing
emitters to take on, or internalise, the cost of pollution. This is called the Social
Cost of Carbon (SCC), which many mainstream economists consider to be the best
method for pricing carbon.
• it can be calibrated to achieve a certain emissions target by a specific date, such as
net zero by 2050. This is commonly referred to as a ‘target consistent’ approach.
• Under both approaches, a financial incentive is created for a polluting entity (such
as a factory) to reduce its emissions.
The carbon price can make the polluter pay
through two different policy instruments:
• a carbon tax, where the price of pollution is determined by the rate of the tax for
each tonne of greenhouse gas emitted.
• The Paris Agreement /Paris Accords/Paris Climate
Accords, is an international treaty on climate change.
•The Protocol was based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities: it
acknowledged that individual countries have different capabilities in combating climate
change, owing to economic development,.
•The Protocol's first commitment period started in 2008 and ended in 2012.
•Even though the 36 developed countries reduced their emissions, the global emissions
increased by 32% from 1990 to 2010.
•A second commitment period was agreed to in 2012 to extend the agreement to 2020, known
as the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol, in which 37 countries had binding targets:
Australia, the European Union (and its then 28 member states, now 27), Belarus, Iceland,
Kazakhstan, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, and Ukraine.
• Japan, New Zealand, and Russia had participated in Kyoto's first-round but did not
take on new targets in the second commitment period.
• Negotiations were held in the framework of the yearly UNFCCC Climate Change
Conferences on measures to be taken after the second commitment period ended
in 2020. This resulted in the 2015 adoption of the Paris Agreement, which is a
separate instrument under the UNFCCC rather than an amendment of the Kyoto
• Has undergone nine revisions, in 1990 (London), 1991 (Nairobi),
1992 (Copenhagen), 1993 (Bangkok), 1995 (Vienna), 1997 (
Montreal), 1998 (Australia), 1999 (Beijing) and 2016 (Kigali)
• 3 Panels provide TECHNICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL & SCIENTIFIC information required for good policy
decisions for ozone protection.
• CFCs……HFCs
• CAUTION; (its GHGs…..10, 000 times more damaging than CO2)….being phased out now.
• 197 countries.