It consists of
•Fire box
•Flue pipe
•Fire tubes
•Combustion chamber
Cochran boiler
• Shell
It is hemispherical on the top, where space is provided for steam.
It is placed at the bottom of the furnace where coal is burnt.
Flue pipe:
It is a short passage connecting the fire box with the combustion chamber.
Fire tubes:
A number of horizontal fire tubes are provided, thereby the heating surface is
Cochran boiler
• Combustion chamber:
It is lined with fire bricks on the side of the shell to prevent overheating of the
boiler. Hot gases enter the fire tubes from the flue pipe through the
combustion chamber.
It is provided for the exit of the flue gases to the atmosphere from the smoke
It is provided for inspection and repair of the interior of the boiler shell.
The hot gases from the grate pass through the flue pipe to the
combustion chamber. The hot gases from the combustion chamber flow
through the horizontal fire tubes and transfer the heat to the water by
The flue gases coming out of fire tubes pass through the smoke box and
are exhausted to the atmosphere through the chimney.
Smoke box is provided with a door for cleaning the fire tubes and smoke
Mounting of high-pressure boiler
• Mounting of high-pressure boiler: There are
different fittings and device which are
necessary for the operation and safety of a
boiler. The various mountings used on the
• 1. Water level indicators: The function of a
water level indicator is to indicate the level of
water in the level constantly. It is also called
water gauge.
Water level indicator
• Working of Water gauge:
• The water gauge shows the level
of water in the boiler drum. It
warns the operator if the water
level goes below a fixed mark, so
that corrective action may be
taken in time to avoid any
• ii) To prevent the back flow of water from the boiler in the
event of the failure of the feed pump.
Superheated steam h(sup)= total heat for dry steam + heat for
superheated steam .
=h(f)+h(fg)+Cp(t sup –t)
=h(g)+Cp(t sup- t)
Cp= mean specific heat at constant pressure for superheated steam
t sup= temp. of superheated steam
t= saturation temp at the given constant pressure.
The difference (t sup - t) is known as degree of superheat.
• Specific volume of steam
It is the volume occupied by the steam per unit
mass at a given temperature and pressure.
It is expressed in m3/kg.
Determine the quantity of heat required to produce
1kg of steam at pressure of 6 bar at temperature of
25° C under the following conditions.
1.when the steam is wet having a dryness fraction 0.9;