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A steam boiler is a closed vessel, generally made of steel, in

which water is heated by some source of heat produced by the
combustion of fuel and ultimately generates steam
Classification of boilers
• 1. Horizontal, Vertical or Inclined Boiler.

-If the axis of the boiler is horizontal, the boiler is

called horizontal, 
• -If the axis is vertical, it is called vertical boiler and 
• -If the axis is inclined it is called as inclined boiler.
Classification of boilers
• 2. Fire Tube and Water Tube
-In the fire tube
boilers, the hot
gases are inside
the tubes and
the water
surrounds the
Examples: Cochran,
Lancashire and
Locomotive boilers.
Classification of boilers
-In the water tube boilers,
the water is inside the
tubes and hot gases
surround them.
Examples: Babcock and
 Yarrow boiler etc.
Classification of boilers
• 3. Externally fired and internally fired

The boiler is known as externally fired if the

fire is outside the shell.
Examples: Babcock and Wilcox boiler
• In case of internally fired boilers, the furnace is
located inside the shell.
Examples: Cochran, Lancashire boiler etc.
Classification of boilers
• 4. Forced circulation and Natural Circulation

-In forced circulation type of boilers, the circulation

of water is done by a forced pump.
Examples: Lamont, Benson Boiler etc.

• -In natural circulation type of boilers, circulation of

water in the boiler takes place due to natural
Examples: Lancashire, Babcock and Wilcox boiler etc.
Classification of boilers
• 5. Higher Pressure and Low Pressure Boilers
-The boiler which produce steam at pressures of 80 bar and above
called high pressure boilers.
Examples: Babcock and Wilcox, Benson Boiler etc.

• -The boilers which produce steam at pressure below 80 bar are

called low
pressure boilers.
Examples: Cochran, Cornish, Lancashire and Locomotive boiler etc.
Classification of boilers
• 6. Stationary and Portable

Stationary boilers are used for power plant

steam, for central station utility
power plants, for plant process steam etc.

• Mobile boilers or portable boilers include

locomotive type, and other small
units for temporary use at sites.
Classification of boilers

7. Single Tube and Multi Tube Boiler

The fire tube boilers are classified as 

• -single tube and 
• -multi-tube boilers,
depending upon whether the fire tube is one or more than one.
Examples: Cornish, simple vertical boiler are the single tube boiler
and rest
of  the boilers are multi-tube boiler.
Cochran boiler
•It is a multi-tubular vertical fire tube boiler having a number of horizontal fire tubes.
it is the modification of a simple vertical boiler where the heating surface has been
increased by means of a number of fire tubes.

It consists of

•Fire box
•Flue pipe
•Fire tubes
•Combustion chamber
Cochran boiler
• Shell
It is hemispherical on the top, where space is provided for steam.

It is placed at the bottom of the furnace where coal is burnt.

Fire box (furnace )

It is also dome-shaped like the shell so that the gases can be deflected back till they
are passed out through the flue pipe to the combustion chamber.

Flue pipe:
It is a short passage connecting the fire box with the combustion chamber.

Fire tubes:
A number of horizontal fire tubes are provided, thereby the heating surface is
Cochran boiler
• Combustion chamber:
It is lined with fire bricks on the side of the shell to prevent overheating of the
boiler. Hot gases enter the fire tubes from the flue pipe through the
combustion chamber.

It is provided for the exit of the flue gases to the atmosphere from the smoke

It is provided for inspection and repair of the interior of the boiler shell.

Normal size of a Cochran boiler:

Shell diameter – 2.75 meters:
Height of the shell – 6 meters.
Cochran boiler
• Working of the Cochran boiler:
• Coal is fed into the grate through the fire hole and burnt. Ash formed
during burning is collected in the ashpit provided just below the grate and
then it is removed manually.

The hot gases from the grate pass through the flue pipe to the
combustion chamber. The hot gases from the combustion chamber flow
through the horizontal fire tubes and transfer the heat to the water by

The flue gases coming out of fire tubes pass through the smoke box and
are exhausted to the atmosphere through the chimney.
Smoke box is provided with a door for cleaning the fire tubes and smoke
Mounting of high-pressure boiler
• Mounting of high-pressure boiler: There are
different fittings and device which are
necessary for the operation and safety of a
boiler. The various mountings used on the
• 1.  Water level indicators: The function of a
water level indicator is to indicate the level of
water in the level constantly. It is also called
water gauge.
Water level indicator
• Working of Water gauge:
• The water gauge shows the level
of water in the boiler drum. It
warns the operator if the water
level goes below a fixed mark, so
that corrective action may be
taken in time to avoid any

• For the observation of the water

level in the boiler, the water and
steam cocks are opened and
drain cock is closed.
Fusible plug
• 2.  Fusible plug: The function of a fusible plug is to
prevent the boiler from damage due to overheating at a
low water level.

• Working of fusible plug:

• During the normal operation, the fusible plug is
submerged in water which keeps the temperature of the
fusible metal below its melting point.
But when the water level falls below the top of the
fusible plug, it is uncovered by the water.
• The fusible plug, therefore, melts by the heat of the
Steam stop valve
• Steam stop valve: A junction valve is a valve
that is placed directly over a boiler and
connected to a steam pipe that carries steam
to the engine.
• Function: to shut off or regulate the flow of
steam from the boiler to the steam pipe or
steam from the steam pipe to the engine.
  Feed check valve
• 4.  Feed check valve: The function of a feed check valve is
to control the supply of water to the boiler and to prevent
the exception of water from the boiler when the pump
pressure is less as pump is stopped.

• i) To allow the feed water to pass into the boiler.

• ii) To prevent the back flow of water from the boiler in the
event of the failure of the feed pump.

• The feed check valve is fitted in the water space of the

boiler slightly below the normal level of the water.
Feed check valve

Working same as that of non return valve

Blow off
Function: To drain out the water from the
boiler for internal cleaning, inspection, repair
or other purposes.
• It may discharge a portion of water when
the boiler is in operation to blow out mud,
scale or sediments, periodically.
• It is fitted on the boiler shell directly or to a
short branch pipe at the lowest part of the
water space.
Safety Valve  
Function : The function of safety valve is
to release the excess steam when the
pressure of steam inside the boiler
exceeds the rated pressure.
Accessories of high-pressure
• There are auxiliary parts required for steam boiler
for their proper operation & for an increase of their
efficiency. The various accessories are
• 1. Feed pump: The feed pump is a pump that is
used to deliver feed water to the boiler.
• It is desirable that the quantity of water supplied
should be at least equal to that evaporated and
supplied to the engine.
• 2.  Injector: The function of an injector is to
feed water into the boiler.
• It is commonly employed for vertical and
locomotive boilers and does not find its
applications in large capacity high-pressure
Accessories of high-pressure
• 3.  Economizer: Economizer is used in the high-
pressure boiler which is placed in the way of flue
•  Hence evaporator is a unit that consumes the
energy of flue gases in the boiler.
• Its main function is to preheat the water to
convert steam, adding much to the boiler
• This difference of pressure for to maintaining
the constant flow of air and discharging the
gases through the chimney to atmosphere is
known as draught.
• (1) It does not require any external power for
producing the draught.
• (2) The capital investment is less. The maintenance
cost is nil as there is no mechanical part.
• (3) Chimney keeps the flue gases at a high place in
the atmosphere which prevents the contamination
of atmosphere.
• (4) It has long life.
Forced draught
• In a forced draught system, a blower is installed near
the base of the boiler.
• This draught system is known as positive draught
system or forced draught system because the
pressure of air throughout the system is above
atmospheric pressure and air is forced to flow
through the system.
• The arrangement of the system is shown in figure.
• A stack or chimney is also used in this system as
shown in figure, but it is not much significant for
producing draught.
Forced draught
induced draught
• In this system, the blower is located near the base of
the chimney instead of near the grate.
• The air is sucked in the system by reducing the pressure
through the system below atmosphere.
• The action of the induced draught is like the action of
the chimney.
• The draught produced is independent of the
temperature of the hot gases therefore the gases may
be discharged as cold as possible after recovering as
much heat as possible in air pre-heater and economizer.
induced draught
induced draught
• This draught is used generally when economizer and
air pre –heater are incorporated in the system.
The fan should be located at such a place that the
temperature of the gas handled by the fan is lowest.
• The chimney is also used in this system and its
function is similar as mentioned in forced draught, but
total draught produced in induced draught system is
the sum of the draughts produced by the fan and
• The arrangement of the system is shown in Figure.
Balanced draught
• The balanced draught is a combination of
forced and induced draught.
• If the forced draught is used alone, then the
furnace cannot be opened either for firing or
inspection because the high-pressure air
inside the furnace will try to blow out
suddenly and there is every chance of blowing
out the fire completely and furnace stops.
Balanced draught
Steam in boiler
Generation of steam at constant pressure
Consider 1 kg of ice in a piston -cylinder arrangement as shown.
it is under an Absolute Pressure say P bar and at temperature
–t 0 C ( below the freezing point).
• Adding more heat, the ice starts melting without changing in
the temperature till the entire ice is converted into water
from Q to R. The amount of heat during this period from Q to
R is called Latent heat of fusion of ice or simply Latent heat of
• Continuous heating raises the temperature to its boiling point
t C known as Saturation Temperature. The corresponding
pressure is called saturation pressure. it is the stage of
vaporization at 1.01325 bar atmospheric pressure (760mm of
hg at 100'C).
• As pressure increases, the value of saturation temperature
also increases. The amount of heat added during R to S is
called Sensible Heat or Enthalpy of Saturated Water or Total
Heat of Water (h, or h "' ).
• During the process, a slight increase in volume of water
(saturated water) may be noted. The resulting volume is
known as Specific volume of Saturated Water (Vf or vW).
• On further heating beyond S, the water will gradually starts
evaporate and starts convert it to steam, but the temperature
remains constant. As long as the steam is in contact with
water, it is called Wet Steam or Saturated Steam.
On further heating the temperature remains constant, but the
entire water converts to steam. But still, it will be wet steam. The
total heat supplied is called Enthalpy of Wet Steam (h wet). The
resulting volume is known as Specific Volume of Wet Steam (v
• On further heating the wet steam, the water particles, which
are in suspension, will start evaporating gradually and at a
particular moment the final particles just evaporates. The
steam at that moment corresponding to point T is called Dry
Steam or Dry Saturated Steam.
The resulting volume is known as Specific Volume of Dry
Steam (vg). This steam not obeys the gas laws. The amount of
heat added during S to T is called Latent Heat of Vaporization
of Steam or Latent Heat of Steam (hfg). During the process,
the saturation temperature remains constant.
The total heat supplied from O0C is called Enthalpy of Dry Steam
(hg).On further heating beyond point T to U the temperature
starts from ts to tu, the point of interest. This process is called
Super heating. The steam so obtained is called Super Heated
• Wet steam: when the steam contains moisture or
particles of water in suspension , it is said to be wet
• Dry saturated steam: when wet steam is further
heated and it does not contain any suspended
particle of water, it is known as dry saturated steam.
• Superheated steam: when the dry steam is further
heated at a constant pressure, thus raising its
temperature, it is said to be superheated steam.
Since the pressure is constant therefore volume of
superheated steam increases, it may be noted that the
volume of 1 kg of superheated steam is considerably
greater than the volume of 1 kg of dry saturated steam
at same pressure.
• Dryness fraction or quality of steam: It is the ratio of
the mass of actual dry steam ,to the mass of same
quantity of wet steam.

It is generally denoted by ‘x’

X= mg = mg
mg + mf m
Mg= mass of actual dry steam
Mf= mass of water in suspension
M = mass of wet steam
• Sensible heat of water: It is amount of heat
absorbed by 1kg of water , when heated at a
constant pressure, from the freezing point (0◦c)to
the temperature of formation of steam, i.e.
saturation temp.
• Latent heat of vaporization: It is amount of heat
absorbed to evaporate 1 kg of water , at its boiling
point or saturation temperature without change of
It is denoted by h(fg).
The latent heat of steam is 2257 kJ/kg at atmospheric
• Enthalpy or total heat of steam: It is amount of heat absorbed by
water from freezing point to saturation temperature plus heat
absorbed during evaporation.
enthalpy= sensible heat+ latent heat
It is denoted by h(g)
For wet steam h= h(f)+ x h(fg)
Dry steam h=h(g)= h(f)+h(fg)

Superheated steam h(sup)= total heat for dry steam + heat for
superheated steam .
=h(f)+h(fg)+Cp(t sup –t)
=h(g)+Cp(t sup- t)
Cp= mean specific heat at constant pressure for superheated steam
t sup= temp. of superheated steam
t= saturation temp at the given constant pressure.
The difference (t sup - t) is known as degree of superheat.
• Specific volume of steam
It is the volume occupied by the steam per unit
mass at a given temperature and pressure.
It is expressed in m3/kg.
Determine the quantity of heat required to produce
1kg of steam at pressure of 6 bar at temperature of
25° C under the following conditions.
1.when the steam is wet having a dryness fraction 0.9;

2.when the Steam is dry saturated; and

3. when is superheated at a constant pressure at 250°
C assuming the mean specific heat of superheated
steam to be 2.3 kJ/kg K.
From steam tables, corresponding to a pressure of 6
bar, we find that hf = 670.4 kJ/kg; hfg = 2085 kJ/kg
and t = 158.8° C
Question: 5 k of steam at a pressure of 5 bar is produced
from water at 20'C. Determine the amount of heat supplied, if
the steam is 0.9 dry.
Ans:. 12265 kJ
Question: Find the amount of heat required to convert I kg of
steam at a pressure of 0.5 bar and dryness fraction 0.9 to dry
saturated steam.
Ans:230.5 kJ

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