According To Decenzo and Robbins "HRM Is Concerned With The People
According To Decenzo and Robbins "HRM Is Concerned With The People
According To Decenzo and Robbins "HRM Is Concerned With The People
2. Development Oriented
HRM intends to develop the full potential of employees. For eg.reward structure ,
Training , career plng. and development.
• HRM, being a part of management process, draws heavily from management concepts,
principles and techniques and apply these in the management of human resources.
4. Universal Existence
6. Action oriented
7. Integrating Mechanism
• HRM tries to build and maintain cordial relation between people working at
different levels in the organization. It tries to integrate human assets in the best
possible manner for achieving organisational goals.
2. Welfare Aspect
• deals with working conditions, and amenities such as canteen, creches, rest and
lunch rooms, housing, transport, medical assistance, education, health and safety,
recreation facilities, etc.
Economic conditions
• Strategy Formulation: Corporate, Business, Functional
• Strategy can be formulated at three levels, namely, the corporate level, the
business level, and the functional level.
• At the corporate level, strategy is formulated for your organization as a whole.
Corporate strategy deals with decisions related to various business areas in which
the firm operates and competes.
• At the business unit level, strategy is formulated to convert the corporate vision
into reality.
• At the functional level, strategy is formulated to realize the business unit level
goals and objectives using the strengths and capabilities of your organization.
• In a single business scenario, the corporate and business level responsibilities are
clubbed together and undertaken by a single group, that is, the top management,
whereas in a multi business scenario, there are three fully operative levels.
• Levels of Strategy
• Corporate Level
• The top management team is responsible for formulating the corporate strategy.
The corporate strategy reflects the path toward attaining the vision of your
organization. For example, your firm may have four distinct lines of business
operations, namely, automobiles, steel, tea, and telecom. The corporate level
strategy will outline whether the organization should compete in or withdraw from
each of these lines of businesses, and in which business unit, investments should
be increased, in line with the vision of your firm.
2. Business Level
• The business level strategy formulation is based upon the generic strategies of
overall cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. For example, your firm may
choose overall cost leadership as a strategy
• to be pursued in its steel business, differentiation in its tea business, and focus in its
automobile business. The business level strategies are decided upon by the heads of
strategic business units and their teams in light of the specific nature of the industry
in which they operate.
3. Functional Level
• Functional level strategies relate to the different functional areas which a strategic
business unit has, such as marketing, production and operations, finance, and
human resources. These strategies are formulated by the functional heads along
with their teams and are aligned with the business level strategies.
• Role of HR in strategic management
• Strategic management process involves four important stages: environmental
scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation and evaluation and control.
• Environmental Scanning HR professionals play key roles in scanning the
• Formulation Phase: Vision, Mission, Environmental Scanning, Objective and S
• Strategy Formulation is an analytical process of selection of the best suitable
course of action to meet the organizational objectives and vision.
• The diagram in the next slide says
• External envn
• Current strategy
• Internal envn
• And lastly it is recommendations
• Rest all you can see in the diagram
• Strategic analysis refers to the process of conducting research on a company and
its operating environment to formulate a strategy.
• Steps of strategy analysis are
• Perform an environment analysis of current strategies
• Determine effectiveness of existing strategies
• Formulate plans
• Implement the suitable strategy
Approaches to Strategy Formulation
Business strategy is essential to the success of organizations
The success of organizations is often attributed to effective
business strategy.
• With regard to the strategic approaches, there seems to be agreement among
practitioners, consultants and scholars that there is neither one simple and single
best approach to formulate strategy. Many also believed that there is no one size
fixed all way of developing and adopting business strategy in organizations. This
is because among the practitioners, consultants and scholars, each tends to have
different ideas about what business strategy is really about. Their views on what
the emphasis, focus and scope of business strategy are diverse. For instance, some
perceive the development of business strategy as a wide and very complex
process. At the same time, there are others who consider the process narrow and
having limited focus and scope [1–12].
• Approaches to Business Strategy
• the approaches suggests that developing business strategy in organizations
have evolved from a simple to much more complex process
• Process vs. Content Approaches
Organizational resources;
• External vs. internal approaches
• the external approach has a wider focus and scope. The external approach
emphasizes that firms should develop their organizational strategies based on the
analysis of their external business environment that consists of various
environmental factors
• such as political, economic, social, cultural, technology, ecology, government,
legal, etc.). However, the internal approach suggests that firms should formulate
their strategy based on the analysis of their internal environment (such as
resources, structure and culture).
• the prescriptive approach proposes the one “best” way to develop and implement
organizational strategies for all types of organizations.
• according to the process of the prescriptive approach involves eight related components.
• Choosing a strategy
• For example, an organization that views itself as part of a larger business system and
belonging to more than one value chains has a broader business outlook than a firm
that sees itself as only a firm in an industry. Having wider business perspective is
essential to organizations competing in uncertain and dynamic business environment.
• Obtaining insight: Besides allowing a firm to better understands itself as well as
providing it with a broader business outlook, the strategic thinking approach also
emphasizes on the need to obtain insight into the threats and opportunities hidden
from the firm.
• Developing foresight: The fourth important component involves developing
foresight. Foresight permits the firm to anticipate not only the patterns and trends
that are taking place in and around the organization, but also to predict what the
future of the firm and business would be like.
• Mapping the future direction: Mapping of the firm’s future direction is the fifth
component of the strategic thinking approach. Organizations need to consider their
present as well as future success. The future success of a firm, however, depends
on well it is able to survive and grow in the long run
Maintaining focus: The sixth component involves maintaining focus on the
organization’s chosen direction.
• Strategic Leadership Approach
• All types of organizations need effective leaders. The strategic leadership approach emphasizes
on the important role of leaders in developing business strategy in organizations
• Strategic leadership involves:
• Introducing action plans to put the programs in place (actions to be taken, by who, during what
timeframe, and with what expected results).
• Make the best use of the skills, energies and talents of the team.
Value-added approach
• Organizations that adopt effective business strategy will not only be
able to improve their organizational performance but also sustain their
• Strategy Formulation: Concept, Process & Affecting
• Strategy formulation is the process of offering proper direction to a
firm. It seeks to set long-term goals that help a firm exploit its strengths
fully and encash the opportunities that are present in the environment.
• strategies consume time, energy and resources, they must be formulated
carefully. Strategies, once formulated, must ensure a best fit between
goals, resources and effort put in by people. The ultimate goal of every
strategy being formulated should be to always deliver outstanding value
to customers.
• Henry Mintzberg
• strategy formulation is typically not a regular, continuous
process. “It is small often an irregular, discontinuous process,
proceeding in fits and starts. There are periods of stability in
strategy development, but also there are periods of flux
• Performance results are generally periodic measurements of
developments that occur during a given time period like return
on investment, profits after taxes, earnings per share and market
• Henry Mintzberg has pointed out that a corporation’s objectives
and strategies are strongly affected by top management’s view
of the world. This view determines the mode to be used in
strategy formulation.
• These modes include:
• Entrepreneurial Mode:
• strategy is formulated by one powerful individual. The focus is on opportunities
rather than on problems.
2. Adaptive Mode:
• This strategy formulation mode is characterised by reactive solutions to existing
problems rather than a proactive search for new opportunities.
3. Planning Mode:
• Analysts assume main responsibility for strategy formulation. Strategic planning
includes both the proactive search for new opportunities and the reactive solution
of existing problems.
• Strategic planning differs from project planning tactical, planning and
operational planning. Strategic planning is more comprehensive, for
strategy is dealt with at corporate level and is concerned mainly with
the long-term aspects of business. It deals with what business the
company wants to be in.
• Project planning involves looking for new markets for existing
products, developing new products, creating demand for the same, and
utilising the existing facilities if they have the capacity to meet the
marketing and selling requirements of the new product
• Tactical planning is done at the functional level. It is concerned more
with the present than the future. It implies an ad hoc approach based on
expediency with a time schedule.
• Operational planning, on the other hand, is essentially concerned with
the existing product-market operations – the ‘bread and butter lines’ of
the business. The scope of operational planning is restricted to the
operations in the market with which the company has built up a rapport
with the existing range of products
• Process
• The strategy formulation involves the following steps:
• Step # 1. Developing Strategic Vision:
• Vision specifies what direction or path to follow.
• Productivity.
• Competitive Position.
1.Employee Development.
2.Employee Relations.
3.Technological Leadership.
4.Public Responsibility.
•Long-term objectives represent the results expected from pursuing certain strategies, usually from
two to five years.
•Qualities of Long-Term Objectives:
• Acceptable
• Flexible
• Measurable
• Motivating
• Suitable
• Understandable
• Achievable.
• Short-range objectives can be identical to long-range objectives
for example, if a company has long- term objective of 15
percent profit growth every year, then the company’s short-term
objective would also be 15% profit growth for current year.
• Concept of Strategic Intent:
• Here intent refers to intension
• A company’s strategic intent can helps in many ways to the
• In becoming the dominant company in the industry;
• Unseating the existing industry leader;
• Delivering the best customer service in the industry
• The Need for Objectives at all Organizational Levels:
• that objectives should be given to each and every business units and those should be
combined with overall company objectives.
• Step # 3. Crafting a Strategy to Achieve the Objectives and Vision:
• A company’s strategic plan lays out its future direction, performance targets, and strategy.
• Vision, Objectives and crafting a strategy set the both short-term and long-term
performance targets for organization. Together, they constitute a strategic plan to deal
with industry and competitive conditions.
• For crafting or developing a strategy many assessments are performed
• three assessments are very important:
• The first determine organizational strengths and weaknesses.
• Developing budgets and organizing resources to carry out those activities which are critical
to strategic success.
• Tying rewards and incentives directly to the achievement of performance objectives and
good strategy execution.
• Creating a company good culture and work climate for successful strategy implementation
and execution.
• Good Strategy Execution Involves Creating Strong “Fits”:
• Between strategy and organizational capabilities.
Job security
Employee communication