03 Presentation
03 Presentation
03 Presentation
Presented by:
Esha Aslam(19-CS-02)
Nosheen Rasheed(19-CS-05)
Qadeer Ahmad(19-CS-18)
Rehman Yasin(19-CS-35)
What is JTAG?
It is a common name used for debugging
programming and testing interface typically
found in micro-controller.
JTAG is an industrial standard for verifying
design and testing printed circuit board after
What does JTAG stands for?
It is a standard test access point (TCP) and
boundary architecture.
It was initially designed for testing Printed
circuit board using boundary scan.
And is still widely used for the application.
The term JTAG has wide variety of meanings:
The top level schematic of the test logic defined by IEEE Std 1149.1 includes three key blocks:
Development Phase
Data Collection
Device Integration
Real-Time Analytics
Data Collection
This software manages sensing, measurements,
light data filtering, light data security, and
aggregation of data.
hen it collects data from multiple devices and
distributes it in accordance with settings.
The system eventually transmits all collected
data to a central server.
Device Integration
Software supporting integration binds
(dependent relationships) all system devices to
create the body of the IoT system.
They manage the various applications,
protocols, and limitations of each device to
allow communication
It ensures the necessary cooperation and stable
networking between devices.
Real-Time Analytics
These applications take data or input from
various devices and convert it into viable
actions or clear patterns for human analysis.
They analyze information based on various
settings and designs in order to perform
automation-related tasks or provide the data
required by industry.
Cloud computing Components
These components typically consist of a front-end platform
back-end platforms (servers, storage), a cloud-based delivery,
and a network Combined, these components make up cloud
computing architecture
Front End
Back End
Cloud computing Components
Components of Cloud Computing Architecture
1. Client Infrastructure
Client Infrastructure is a Front end component. It provides
GUI (Graphical User Interface) to interact with the cloud.
2. Application
The application may be any software or platform that a
client wants to access.
3. Service
A Cloud Services manages that which type of service you
access according to the client’s requirement.
4. Runtime Cloud:
Runtime Cloud provides the execution and runtime
environment to the virtual machines.
5. Storage
It provides a huge amount of storage capacity in the
cloud to store and manage data.
6. Infrastructure
It provides services on the host level, application level,
and network level. Cloud infrastructure includes hardware and
software components such as servers, storage, network devices,
virtualization software
7. Management
Management is used to manage components such as
application, service, runtime cloud, storage, infrastructure,
and other security issues in the backend and establish
coordination between them.
8. Security
Security is an in-built back-end component of cloud
computing. It implements a security mechanism in the
back end.
9. Internet
The Internet is a medium through which the front end and
back end can interact and communicate with each other.
Cloud Services Model:
Cloud computing offers the following three types of services:
i. Software as a Service (SaaS)
It is also known as cloud application services. Mostly, SaaS
applications run directly through the web browser means we do
not require to download and install these applications.
Data systems
Choose a network:-
Step 2. Choose a protocol