Day I - Introduction To Phonetic and Phonology
Day I - Introduction To Phonetic and Phonology
Day I - Introduction To Phonetic and Phonology
Natalia Anggrarini, M.Pd
Lecturer of FKIP
Wiralodra University
Language: what is language?
Language is arbitrary vocal symbol used for
human communication.
How is language produced or used by human?
There are many ways on how human use
language, they can use it by gesture, written
language, symbols, etc.
Every human knows at least one language, spoken or signed.
Linguistics is the science of language, including the sounds, words, and grammar rules.
Words in languages are finite, but sentences are not. It is this creative aspect of human
language that sets it apart from animal languages, which are essentially responses to
The rules of a language, also called grammar, are learned as one acquires a language.
These rules include phonology, the sound system, morphology, the structure of words,
syntax, the combination of words into sentences, semantics, the ways in which sounds
and meanings are related, and the lexicon, or mental dictionary of words. When you
know a language, you know words in that language, i.e. sound units that are related to
specific meanings. However, the sounds and meanings of words are arbitrary. For the
most part, there is no relationship between the way a word is pronounced (or signed)
and its meaning.
Knowing a language encompasses this entire system, but this knowledge (called
competence) is different from behavior (called performance.) You may know a language,
but you may also choose to not speak it. Although you are not speaking the language,
you still have the knowledge of it. However, if you don't know a language, you cannot
speak it at all.
There are three types of the study of the sounds
of language.
1. Acoustic Phonetics is the study of the
physical properties of sounds.
2. Auditory Phonetics is the study of the way
listeners perceive sounds.
3. Articulatory Phonetics (the type this lesson is
concerned with) is the study of how the vocal
tracts produce the sounds.
To simplify it, lets say;
The three separate but interacting aspects of
speech relate to the speaker (articulation), the
hearer (audition) and what happen between the
speaker and the hearer (acoustics)
Some characteristics of speech and writing
Written Spoken
1. Occurs in space 1. Occurs in time
2. Permanent inscription on material 2. Evanescent occurrence in behavior
3. Source can be absent 3. Sources of speech often conversational, face
4. Is transcribed by definition to face
5. Skills : writing, reading – literacy 4. Can be transcribed from recordings
6. Acquired by formal education 5. Skills: speaking, listening – oracy
7. Must be taught 6. Naturally acquired by about age 5
8. Must be acquired second 7. Not taught, appears innate
9. Allows detailed planning 8. Acquired firs naturally
10. Allows complex interpretative procedures, 9. Spontaneous
which may not relate to speaker’s intentions 10. Usually comprehended in terms of speaker’s
11. Based on sentences communicative intentions (speaker has
12. Space between words authority)
13. Sentence construction according to 11. Based on intentional groups
conventions of writing 12. Continuous stream of speech
14. Standardized spelling 13. Performances include semi-sentences,
15. Enables all practices involving writing – repetitions, re-statements, corrections, false
administration, business, bureaucracy, starts and hesitations
literature, history, note-taking, letter-writing, 14. Accent variation
etc 15. Constitutes conversational and all other
16. Segmental mode transcription spoken uses of language – telling narratives,
joke, etc
16. Continuous articulation
The orthography (spelling) of words in
misleading, especially in English. One sound can
be represented by several different
combinations of letters.
For example, all of the following words contain
the same vowel sound: he, believe, Lee, Caesar,
key, amoeba, loudly, machine, people, and sea.
The following poem illustrates this fact of
English humorously (note the pronunciation of
the bold words):
take it you already know of tough and bough and cough and dough?
Some may stumble, but not you, on hiccough, thorough, slough, and
So now you are ready, perhaps, to learn of less familiar traps?
Beware of heard, a dreadful word, that looks like beard, but sounds like bird.
And dead, it's said like bed, not bead; for goodness' sake, don't call it deed!
Watch out for meat and great and threat. (They rhyme with suite and straight
and debt.)
A moth is not a moth in mother, nor both in bother, broth in brother.
And here is not a match for there, nor dear and fear, for bear and pear.
And then there's dose and rose and lose - just look them up - and goose and
And cork and work and card and ward and font and front and word and
And do and go, then thwart and cart, come, come! I've hardly made a start.
A dreadful language? Why man alive! I've learned to talk it when I was five.
And yet to write it, the more I tried, I hadn't learned it at fifty-five.
- Author Unknown
The discrepancy between spelling and sounds
led to the formation of the International
Phonetics Alphabet (IPA.) The symbols used in
this alphabet can be used to represent all
sounds of all human languages. The following is
the English Phonetic alphabet. You might want
to memorize all of these symbols, as most
foreign language dictionaries use the IPA
Phonetic Alphabet for English Pronunciation
p pill d dill h heal ʌ but
- a sound source that sets the air in motion in ways specifically relevant to
speech production
the larynx where a set of muscles called the vocal folds (or vocal cords) are
The main portion of the larynx is formed by the thyroid cartilage, which rests
on the ring-shaped cricoid cartilage.
Fine sheets of muscle flare from the inner sides of the larynx, forming the
paired vocal folds (vocal cords).
The vocal folds are each attached to the thyroid cartilage at the front and to
the arytenoids cartilage at the back.
The vocal cords can be pulled apart or drawn closer together, especially at their
back or posterior ends, where each is attached to one of two small cartilages
the arytenoids.
As the air passes through the spaces between the vocal folds, which is called
the glottis, different glottal states are produced.
a. The larynx from the front
b. The larynx from the back
c. The larynx from above
The larynx in picture a, is a condition with the vocal folds open. The striated lines
indicate muscles, a number of which have been eliminated from the drawings to
show the cartilages more clearly
The air passages that make up the vocal tract are often
divided into three main parts:
- the oral tract
- the pharynx
- the nasal tract.
Nasal cavity
Oral cavity
Hard palate
Alveolar ridge
tongue Soft palate (velum)
Tip of the tongue
Blade of the tongue
Front of the tongue
Back of the tongue
The principal parts of the lower surface of
the vocal tract
The tip and blade of the tongue are the most mobile parts.
The back of the tongue is beneath the soft palate, and the root
which is opposite the back wall of the pharynx.