ESP 7 Lesson 1 Respect

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• The word respect comes from the Latin word
“respectus” meaning attention, regard, or consideration.

• The concept also refers to the ability to value and honor

another person, even if we do not approve or share
everything he or she does. It is accepting the other
person and not trying to change them.
1. Earned Respect
• The kind of respect received from another as a
mark of deference to their rank, seniority,
experience or standing in the society.
• We see it in statements like: “respect your elders”,
“show a little respect”, or “with all due respect”.
2. Given Respect
• The kind that calls on each one of us to
respect the intrinsic dignity of all other
people. If something is intrinsic to us, it is
essential to our being and cannot be earned.
It is a property of being a person.
•Self-respect: This type of respect
refers to the ability to respect
oneself, to value and appreciate
oneself. And to accept yourself
no matter what others think.
•Respect for others: This type of
respect refers to the act of tolerating,
accepting and being considerate
towards another person, despite the
fact that there may be differences
between you and them, or between
their way of thinking.
•Respect for social norms: This type of
respect refers to the ability to respect the set
of norms that govern society. Some examples
of this type of respect would be; Respect for
the rules of courtesy, working hours, other
people’s belongings, letting people speak and
listen, respecting other opinions.
• Respect for nature: This type of respect refers to
the appreciation of the environment (animals,
plants, rivers, etc.). Some examples of this type of
respect would be; not throwing garbage in rivers,
forests, or fields, not uprooting plants or
mistreating nature, not wasting water, not harming
animals or insects, recycling, using
environmentally friendly means of transport, etc.
•Respect for the family: This type
of respect implies being able to
understand and respect each other
within the family nucleus and implies
being able to follow a set of rules of
•Respect for values: This
type of respect refers to
the ability to honor our
own principles.
•Respect for culture: This type of
respect refers to the ability to recognize that
other beliefs exist and to be able to respect
them. Some examples of this type of
respect would be; avoiding trying to impose
our beliefs on others, avoiding making
judgments about the opinions of others, etc.
•Respect for national
symbols: This type of respect refers
to the ability to value and appreciate
the symbols of a nation. For example,
your anthem or flag.

Respect consists of learning to

tolerate, not to discriminate, and to
avoid taking actions that may offend
Confucius on the Golden Rule

•“Do not do unto others what

you would not want others to
do unto you.”
The Golden Rule of JESUS
•"Do unto others as you
would have them do unto
R-- RECOGNIZE the inherent worth of all
human beings.
E--  ELIMINATE derogatory words and
phrases from your vocabulary.
S-- SPEAK with people – not at them…or
about them.
P--  PRACTICE empathy.  Walk awhile in
others’ shoes.
E--  EARN respect from others through
respect-worthy behaviors.
C-- CONSIDER others’ feelings before
speaking and acting.
T-- TREAT everyone with dignity and

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