Health Drink - MKT
Health Drink - MKT
Health Drink - MKT
Group members
Brand Name
Product Concept
A healthy natural drinks for young and sports man, who are health conscious and who wants to keep fit, to drink as refreshment after high exhaustiveness and boost up health before going to work.
Market Segmentation
Market Segmentation
There have four types of segmentation: Geographic Segmentation Demographic Segmentation Psychographic Segmentation
Geographic Segmentation
Based on geographic segmentation our brand segmentation is: Region: INDIA Density: Mass population.
Demographic Segmentation
Based on demographic segmentation our brand segmentation is: Age: No age limit but not below six years old. Family life cycle: Young generation, married, single and others. Gender : Male, Female
Demographic Segmentation
Occupation: Sports man, Collage and University students, Professional persons and others Religion: Every religion Social class: Every social class
Psychographic Segmentation
Based on Psychographic Segmentation our brand segmentation is: Lifestyle: Sports-oriented, outdoororiented (Students, Employee etc) Per sonality: Natural drinks lover.
Behavioral Segmentation
Based on Behavioral Segmentation our brand segmentation is: Occasion: Indoor, outdoor games, Dj party, Open concert etc. Benefits: Keeping the body cool at the proper temperature, promoting weight loss, detoxifying and fight viruses, boosting immune system etc. User Status: potential user, regular user.
Brand Communicatio n
Brand Communication
CooLUp will communicate to its consumer by 100% natural drink slogan
Brand Communication
To communicate statement will be:our brand our
To young, active soft drink consumers who are health conscious, CooLUp is the natural soft drink that gives you the best refreshment and sustenance because it has highest level of nutrition. With CooLUp, you can stay refresh and keep going even when you havent been able to do your work.
Differentiation tools
Differentiati on Tools
Differentiation Tools
We dif fer entiate our pr oduct fr om our tar get consumer by the tools w hich is given below:
Form Differentiation
Size: The size of cool up drinks bottle will be 250ml. Shape: The shape of the bottle will be just as original coconut shape. Color : Our products package color will be original coconut color.
Features Differentiation
We mainly differentiate our product from our competitor by 100% natural. Our product features are: Keeping the body cool at the proper temperature Carrying nutrients and oxygen to cells Promoting weight loss Boosting your immune system
Features Differentiation
Boosting poor circulation Relieving muscle spasms Low in carbohydrates Low in calories
Performance quality
Cool Up drinks performance quality is superior. Because it contains five essential electrolytes like Potassium Sodium Magnesium Calcium Phosphorous That your body needs to keep nerves firing, keep muscles moving, and to manage stress thats why cool up is the best way to refresh, and re-hydrate.
Style Differentiation
Our products bottle style will be original coconut style and consumer can get a real image of natural coconut drink.
Design Differentiation
In terms of design differentiation our product design is an innovative design. Because it looks like real coconut, it is easy to open and drink. The bottle there will have a hole and consumer can put a straw inside it and drink. We will make this bottle by plastic thats why it is easy to dispose or consumer can hold it because the bottle is attractive and well designed.
Channel differentiation
To achieve the competitive advantage we will use extensive distribution coverage. Because it will help us to make available of our product in the market, so that consumer can easily get it.
Image differentiation
Our product slogan is The best natural drink of the town. So we want to differentiate our product from our competitor by this slogan.
Rational Attributes
Rational attributes of our brand is:
Emotional Attributes
Emotional attributes of our brand is:
Superiority as opposed to quality Availability as opposed to reasonable price Friendly as oppose to refreshing Healthy as opposed to nutritious
We have done two types of positioning for our brand:
High Quality
Low Quality
Brand Positioning
High Price
Low price
Test Marketing
From the method we have chosen Controlled test marketing
In controlled test marketing the marketers generally manages as panel of stores that will carry new product for a fee. This research helps to know the marketer whether the new product is match able to the given geographical area and also with the target consumer. Controlled test marketing will say weather our target consumers are response to the product more or less. And by the response rate we have to take proper action about our product.
For cool-up drinks we develop a package which is very unique and attractive. Convenience: Easy to Handel. Promotion: An effective and attractive package design can make promotion itself. Cool Up drink also make its promotion itself by: Size: 250ml bottle size. Shape: Cool-up drinks package is looks like
Color: Light Green (Coconut Color) Materials: The package will be made by the plastic.
Protection: Cool-up package is made by the plastic so it can give the best protection of the product. It can maintain the proper temperature of the product and help to protect coconut waters nutrients and flavor.
Labeling is the most important thing for a product. Because it contains brand name, product information, usages condition, ingredient etc. Content Specification: 4fl oz(250ml) Servicing size
Amount per serving
Carbohydrates Calcium Phosphorus Sodium Potassium Magnesium Total Fat Cholesterol 2 100mg 60mg 10mg 3.8mg 2.1mg 10mg 0g 0g