Presentation HRM
Presentation HRM
Presentation HRM
Group Members:-
Uswa Fatimah.
Hamza Rehman.
Faraz Khalid.
Saqib Saeed.
Areej Pervaiz.
Submitted to:-
Mam Saira Solat.
i. Dedication
ii. Acknowledgement
iii. Abstract
iv. Chapter 01 (Introduction)
v. Chapter 02 (Procurement)
vi. Chapter 03 (Development)
vii. Chapter 04 (Maintenance)
viii. Chapter 05 (Integration)
ix. Chapter 06 (Compensation)
x. Chapter 07 (Separation)
xi. SWOT analysis
xii. Review
xiii. Conclusion
History of Interloop
1. Recruitment
• Recruitment means searching finding
and recruiting the best talent for an
open job vacancy within the
organization in specific time and cost.”
• In any business organization, employees are always considered to
be their biggest asset and People Management is the most
important function managed by their HRM Department.
• The Human Resource Management Department often considers
two major sources of recruitment namely internal and external
source of recruitment.
2. Selection
• The selection process refers to the
steps involved in choosing people who
have the right qualifications to fill a
current or future job opening.
The selection process consists of five distinct aspects:
• Criteria development
• Application and resume review
• Interview
3. Placement:
• Placement is the determination of
the job to which an accepted
candidate is to be assigned and
his assignment to that job.
• A well placed employee will be an
asset to the organization.
Proper placement makes the employee happy and reduces
absenteeism and labor turnover.
Chapter: 03
• Development is an act of increasing the
knowledge and skills of an employee
for doing a particular job.
• By means of development an employee
can improved itself by learning about
modern techniques, skills and knowledge.
• Interloop is a business textile organization, which is an exporter
organization, they also make relations with foreign countries to
learn more about business and also facilitate their employees with
modern technologies and inventions.
• Interloop is doing work on a large scale for the development of its
employees by organizing workshops and by making projects and
agreements with other foreign countries.
Chapter: 04
•Maintenance function of human
resource management is concerned
with protecting and promoting the physical and
mental health of employees.
• Wages and salaries, rewards and sanctions, psychological
motivation and safe physical working conditions.
HR maintenance system consists of following actions:
1. Preventive actions
2. Medical care action
3. Welfare service
4. Retirement action
5. Insurance action
Maintenance in Interloop
• Maternity issue fee, is 73,0000 PKR, in case of Injury 20000 PKR
while i case if Child / Children's health issue there is 40000 PKR .
• All the expenses in hospital are paid by the organization
• They adapt such strategies to satisfy its employee so that he / she
can perform well and become more profitable for the
• Interloop facilitates its employees so that today it consists of 25000
employees in every branch they always encourages their employee
as well.
Chapter: 05
• The integration function of HRM
is the process of reconciling
organizational goals.
•Integration is also the process of
solving conflicts and disputes
among the organization.
• In Interloop there is a labor union that is responsible for the rights
of the employees when e survive in a community there are some
problems over there.
•The goal of Interloop is to satisfy their employees, so that they
always make a strategic plan to solve their issues.
Chapter: 06
• Compensation means the
reward that is received by an
employee for the work performed
in an organization.
• The term compensation is used to indicate the employee’s gross
earnings in the form of financial rewards and benefits.
• According to the HR manager of Interloop they gave school fee
charges as well as the conveyance charges of the children of their
staff member or employee.
• Not only that they also gave them residence to their employees
according to their rankings.
• If we talk about other factors they also gave loans to their
employees to meet their expenses.
Chapter: 07
• Employee Separation is the
discontinuation of the
employment contract with the
• The termination of employees services can be voluntary or
involuntary. This can take the form of Retirement, Resignation,
Discharge, Layoff, etc
• In Interloop, they gave pensions to their employees after retirement
and they also duration of three months if their any employee quit
the job due to some reasons.
• In case of layoff they did not cut off their employee completely they
just sent him or her to some other bramch for more practice.
Chapter: 08
Swot Analysis
Strength of interloop:-
• In Interloop more facilities like transport, health and education etc
are the strengthen their firm when they gave more facilities they are
successful to make skilled and hard work workforce .
• Due to a large number of employees are are able to become largest
exporter in textile industries.
Weaknesses of Interloop:-
• As we know that an organization is not allowed to disclose its
weaknesses so according to our knowledge weak or poor
management is the biggest weakness of an organization.
• If the managers did not manages the employees properly then it will
cause a serious distress or loss in the organization.
• Opportunities to interloop-
• As we know Interloop LTD, facilitate its employee so due to their
facilities and reliefs more employees applied for the job.
• So, they can collect or appoint more workers as well as as talented
staff by the process of selection.
• With the help of more workers they can complete their task or order
in less time and get more orders and projects.
• Threats to interloop:-
• If the business or firm is working widely definitely it will face some
threats among the market by its competitors or rivals.
• Similarly, Interloop is working on a large scale so it can be careful
while purchasing raw materials or machinery as well to maintain its
quality so they can be faced problems in purchasing raw material
from its rivals or competitors because every organization have some
threats from their rivals.
Chapter:- 10
Reviews about Interloop:-
• Interloop is class not a local unit it is the best working place that
provides so much facilities to its employees such as education,
medical, transport etc..
• It also gives opportunity to students to work in night shift.
• It gives the perfect benefit for every employee.
• It is a wonderful workplace to work and has an inclusive culture.
• They have very good mechanism or rules for employees.
• I recommended everyone related to this field to gain experience at
Interloop with great advantages and benefits with handsome salary
and skilled experience.
Chapter: 11
• The textile industry of Pakistan plays an important role in earning
foreign exchange, providing employment to the country. But with the
ending of quota system in world, Pakistan textile loses share in world
trade of textile products.
• A little over halfway through the current financial year, Pakistan's
economic landscape looks strong for 2022 as it has bagged a growth
of 5.37%, substantially higher than the previous two years
• Interloop plays a magnificent role in the economy of Pakistan so we
concluded that Interloop is actually performing much better than
other organizations for Pakistan and Insha'Allah it also spread their
services in the whole world although it is also the biggest exporter
organization of Pakistan.