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Many establishment and organization are doing everything to improve the level of quality service
through the performance of the employees. Others develop their systems. Some also embed the
concept of corporate culture and environment in their setups. All of these are deemed effective,
but sometimes, what we often forget in that the center of the service concept is our GUEST. this
would be the focus of our study- the concept of Guestology.

·For us to understand what it means to be a guest, we should now understand what hospitality
is as our guest is an outcome of the hospitality that we give.
·service executed immaculately is different from hospitality.
Guestology- Dickson (2010) defined guestology as the scientific study of the behaviors, needs,
and expectations of people in a service environment, and how to use that knowledge to optimally
manage a service organization.
Guestology entails studying the totality of the guest experience, from thier expectations down to the
results and feedback.
• Klein(2014)- mentioned in her study that guestology involves knowing the guest or clients and their
need wants, perceptions, and expections.

Customer Expectation:
·For customer satisfactions and for customer service to be achieved, a complete and proper
understanding of customer expectations is very important.
·Companies should make it a practice to always inquire from their customers whether they have a
different expetations and put all of this data into thier internal research. it is important that we note of
their likes, dislikes, needs,wants, and profile as these would be the baseline of our entire operations
·Depending on the service desired, most of our guest have general similarities when in comes to their
expectations. Their USUAL EXPECTATIONS would be the stablishment be clean and the staff be
courteous, responsive, reliable, and friendly.
• focusing on making things right rather than making people feel great
• A sequenc of acts, talks, and procedures which are done consistency
• it is the mechanics, the logistics, and how-tos of any process.
• Service, as a commodity, is expected to be built-in with any products. (We expect our meals to
be served in less than 12 minutes and our reservations finished immediately.


• Is the positive emotional response elicited from our guests. A Service is what we do for our
guests, while hospitality is what we do with them.
• service is about delivering the needs and wants and wants of our guests, expressed and
• Service can be given methodically, while hospitality is dynamic.
• Ekiz et al. (2012) noted in their article that even in luxury hotel, there are still basic problems that
are actually unresolved, and with social media around, guests have easy access to flaunt these
problems which sets a spring board for other problems.
1. Rooms- with concerns extending from small sized rooms to rooms with no modern technology.
2. Arrogant and/or clueless staff- with comments ranging from staff being rude and no answer to
questions posed.
3. Failure to respond- mainly covering staff's failure to respond to guest complaints.
4. Poor delivery- covering complaints such as late service or wrong room service and long
process for check in/outs.
5. Cleanliness- with criticisms on soiled linen, carpet stains, and hair trapped in bathtubs.
6. Amenities and utilities- with problems associated to the lack or inadequacy of toiletries and
items in minibar.
7. Billing- with guests grumbling about having them charged extra for parking, internet, gym, and
the like.
• Customers, otherwise known as guests and clients, in the hospitality and tourism business play a
significant role in the operations.
• The corporate finance institute (2015) has idenfied five basic types of customer that is hospitality and
tourism enterprise shoud be aware of.
1. Loyal customers- are actually the most important segment to please and should be one of the
priorities in mind of a specific company.
2. Impulsive customers- second to loyal customer when it comes to attractiveness in the market.
3. Discount customers- affects the company's inventory turnover. They are contributory to a
company's cash flow because the products which are seldom purchased at full price are actually
availed by these customers as best markdowns.
4. Need-based customers- they buy for a specific reason and occasion, and because of this, it may
difficult to convince then to upsell.
5. Wandering customers- These customers generate the largest amount of traffic as they no have
specific need or desire in mind but yield the smallest percentage in sales revenue.
Quality and Values
Quality as tied together to the concept of value and how it affects the guest-service staff
relatonship. the measure of quality for the guests is actually based on the difference between
their expectation and their experience (or a netizen qoute it in present memes “Reality”.)
Value, in relation to quality, would entail the study of costs. To measure the value derived from a
guest experience, we need to match if the costs incurred total or equal to the quality of the
The Customer and the definition of value
Since the tourism and hospitality is a guest-centered or customer-centered industry, ultimately,
it is the customer who defines value.

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