Chapter 8.1
Chapter 8.1
Chapter 8.1
- The g factor refers to the broad - Is the person’s specific and success
spectrum of mental faculties that is from our own personal strengths.
influences the performance on a It is learned and acquired in the
wide variety of cognitive abilities. environment. It varies from
The s factor is the single or activity to activity in the same
unique factor. individual. Individuals differ in the
amount of 'S' ability.
Example: The way you walk and talk.
Example: Baking, Cooking, Dancing
General Intelligence (g)
03 04
Verbal/ Linguistic Mathematical/ Logical
Word- smart Number- smart
Logic- smart
Types of Intelligences
05 06
Bodily/ Kinesthetic Musical
Body- smart Music- smart
Spirit- smart
Life- smart
07 08
Intrapersonal Interpersonal
Self- smart People- smart
1. You take part in a sport or regularly perform some kind of physical exercise.
2. You’re quite adept at taking things apart and putting them back together. You can
assemble kids quite easily and can follow diagrams. VISUAL- SPATIAL
3. You enjoy the challenge of brainteasers or other puzzles and games that require logical
and statistical thinking, e.g., checkers, chess. LOGICAL-
4. You can easily and confidently express yourself either orally or in writing, i.e., you’re a
persuasive debater and a good storyteller or writer.
5. You often use rhythm or rhyme to remember things, e.g., saying a telephone number
rhythmically. MUSICAL
Intelligence Theory
Successful intelligence is one’s ability to formulate,
execute, evaluate and then, as needed, reformulate one’s
plans for one’s life. It encompasses creative, analytical,
practical and wise thinking.
3 Different Kinds of Abilities