3.earnings Per Share
3.earnings Per Share
3.earnings Per Share
Diluted EPS
Potential Shares (Options; Convertible
Debentures and Convertible Preference
Diluted EPS
A dilution is defined as:
A reduction in earning per share, or
An increase in a loss per share.
Resulting from the assumption that:
• Convertible instruments are converted; or
• Options/ warrants are exercised; or
• Ordinary shares are issued upon the
satisfaction of specified conditions
Example 19
Diluted EPS
Weighted Average
Actual Diluted
Profit for the year is R279 000 afterR30 000 debenture interest before tax
Tax rate is 30 %
100 000 ordinary shares @ R2 each
200 000 convertible debentures (one ordinary shares per debenture) at 2 each
Airway Ltd on 2 January 20x5 bought 100 % of Radio Ltd by an issue of extra 1 million
ordinary shares shares
Another 500 000 ordinary shares are contingent on Radio Ltd generating over a total
of R100 million profits over the next three years
Airway Ltd earned R500 million profits in 20x5 (20x4: R400 million)