Oracle 11g Results Cache

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Oracle 11g Results Cache

Dean Richards Senior DBA, Confio Software

Who Am I?

Senior DBA for Confio Software
[email protected]

20+ Years in Oracle, SQL Server 5+ Years in Oracle Consulting - SPG Specialize in Performance Tuning Review Performance of 100s of Databases for Customers and Prospects

SELECT /*+ result_cache */ state, sum(order_total) FROM order_history WHERE order_date BETWEEN 1-JAN-09 AND 1-JAN-10 GROUP BY state First Execution
Elapsed: 00:03:42.96 Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------824825 consistent gets 824791 physical reads

Second Execution
Elapsed: 00:00:00.10 Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------0 consistent gets 0 physical reads

Execution Plan
Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------Plan hash value: 47235625 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 44 | 396 | 6854 (2)| 00:01:23 | | 1 | RESULT CACHE | 7zvt0xan8bw0pgry071f7mt85s | | | | | | 2 | HASH GROUP BY | | 44 | 396 | 6854 (2)| 00:01:23 | | 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| T | 1739K| 14M| 6802 (1)| 00:01:22 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Result Cache Information (identified by operation id): -----------------------------------------------------1 - column-count=2; dependencies=(PROD.ORDER_HISTORY); parameters=(nls); name=SELECT /*+ result_cache */ state, sum(order_total) FROM order_history GROUP BY state

SELECT ID, TYPE, CREATION_TIMESTAMP, BLOCK_COUNT, COLUMN_COUNT, PIN_COUNT, ROW_COUNT FROM V$RESULT_CACHE_OBJECTS WHERE CACHE_ID = '7zvt0xan8bw0pgry071f7mt85s'; ID TYPE CREATION_ BLOCK_COUNT COLUMN_COUNT -- ------ ---------- ----------- -----------2 Result 06-JAN-10 1 2 4 PIN_COUNT ROW_COUNT --------- --------0 12

Oracle 11g Result Caches

New in Oracle 11g, Improved in 11gR2

SQL Query Results (local and distributed) PL/SQL Function Results OCI Client Results

Cached Data is shared across executions Automatically marked stale if underlying data is changed Can Dramatically Increase Performance

Server Result Caches

Stores Results of Query or Function Call Uses a Slice of the Shared Pool Not Affected by Flushing Shared Pool


MANUAL (default) requires a query hint or table annotation FORCE every result set is cached. Not recommended because it can create significant performance and latching overhead AUTO??? more about this option

Amount of memory allocated to server result cache 0 (Disabled), 0.25% (memory_target), 0.5% (sga_target) and ~1% (shared_pool_size)

Amount of memory for a single result set 5% (Default)

AUTO Mode Not Supported

Oracle Error Says AUTO Mode is Supported

SQL> alter system set result_cache_mode=incorrect; alter system set result_cache_mode=incorrect * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00096: invalid value INCORRECT for parameter result_cache_mode, must be from among FORCE, MANUAL, AUTO

Many notes in blogs, etc that say AUTO mode is not supported and probably never will

Using Result Cache

Database Setting
result_cache_mode = FORCE (not recommended)

Query Hint
select /*+ result_cache */ rep_name, sum(order_total) from orders group by rep_name

Table Annotation Mode

alter table order_history result_cache (mode force)

Session Mode
alter session set result_cache_mode = force

Queries that Benefit

Access Large Amount of Data Return Few Rows Execute Somewhat Frequently Based on Slowly Changing Data Limited Number of Bind Values
Results are cached by Bind Value



Will Not Work With

Temporary tables SYS or SYSTEM tables Sequences (NEXTVAL or CURRVAL) Date/Time Functions SYSDATE, CURRENT_DATE, SYS_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, etc USERENV / SYS_CONTEXT (with non-constant variables) SYS_GUID

Query must retrieve the most current committed state of the data
No Active Transaction Against Objects in Current Session



Disables result cache database-wide Flushes all objects from result cache Note: flushing shared pool has no affect Nice report that shows usage of result cache ENABLED or NOT ENABLED Invalidate contents of the result cache Invalidates contents that rely on object passed in





SET SERVEROUTPUT ON EXECUTE DBMS_RESULT_CACHE.MEMORY_REPORT Result Cache Memory Report [Parameters] Maximum Cache Size = 950272 bytes (928 blocks) Maximum Result Size = 47104 bytes (46 blocks) [Memory] Total Memory = 46340 bytes [0.048% of the Shared Pool] ... Fixed Memory = 10696 bytes [0.011% of the Shared Pool] ... State Object Pool = 2852 bytes [0.003% of the Shared Pool] ... Cache Memory = 32792 bytes (32 blocks) [0.034% of the Shared Pool] ....... Unused Memory = 30 blocks ....... Used Memory = 2 blocks ........... Dependencies = 1 blocks ........... Results = 1 blocks ............... SQL = 1 blocks

System Views

How well is the cache doing? Monitor CREATES vs. FINDS

Memory components and statistics

Objects that are in the cache along with attributes

Dependencies of the results in cache


ID --1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

NAME VALUE ------------------------------ -----Block Size (Bytes) 1024 Block Count Maximum 1856 Block Count Current 32 Result Size Maximum (Blocks) 92 Create Count Success 5 Create Count Failure 0 Find Count 3100016 Invalidation Count 0 Delete Count Invalid 0 Delete Count Valid 0 Hash Chain Length 1

Remote Result Sets

Expiration time (minutes) for results that depend on remote database objects 0 (Default, Disabled)

DML on Remote Database does not Invalidate the local results cache Must be Careful of Stale Results


PL/SQL Function Result Cache

Stores Results of Function by Parameter Automatically Refreshed Based on Object Usage Enabled Using result_cache Option

create or replace function state_sales_totals (p_state in varchar2) return number result_cache as l_order_total number; begin select sum(order_total) into l_order_total from orders where to_number(order_date,'YYYYMM') between 200901 and 200903 and state = p_state; return l_order_total; end;


Benefits and Restrictions

Similar Benefits as SQL Query Results Cache Works for Recursive Function Calls Restrictions
No invokers rights or anonymous block No pipelined table function Does not reference dictionary tables, temporary segments, sequences or non-deterministic SQL functions Has no OUT or IN OUT parameters No IN parameters of type BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB, REF CURSOR, Collection, Object, Record The Return Type is not a BLOB, NCLOB, REF CURSOR, Object, Record or collection using one of these

OCI Client Cache


Must use an OCI driver that Supports Results Cache Must use 11g client and 11g server Shared by All Sessions in Client Process Subqueries and Query Blocks are not Cached Database will Invalidate Client Result Cache Independent of Server Result Cache

Parameters and Views

Maximum size of client result cache 0 32767 (Disabled)

3000 ms (Default) Forces next statement execution to check for validations

Optional Client Parameter File (SQLNET.ORA) Overrides Database Parameters




One row for every client using Result Cache Cache Settings and Statistics


Column to show if FORCE has been used


NAME ------Block Size Block Count Max Block Count Current Hash Bucket Count Create Count Success Create Count Failure Find Count Invalidation Count Delete Count Invalid Delete Count Valid VALUE ----256 256 128 1024 10 0 12 8 0 0 CACHE_ID -------124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124


Look for high values of Find Count Look for low values
Create Count Failure Delete Count Valid


11g R1 vs. R2

R1 Memory Grows to Maximum Size but does not Automatically Free Memory

Latching Issues in R1
R1 Result Cache controlled by one latch R2 controlled by many latches

Better Table Annotation Support

PL/SQL required the RELIES_ON clause which is deprecated in R2 OCI Client Result Cache now supports table annotation


Confio Software

Developer of Wait-Based Performance Tools Igniter Suite Web Based and Agentless
Ignite for Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Sybase

Helps Identify Queries that may benefit from using Results Cache Based in Colorado, worldwide customers Free trial at


Ignite for Oracle

40% Improvement


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