Lecture 2
Lecture 2
Lecture 2
the initial
advocacy focus the twin
fundamental, transnational business,
on civil and challenges of
wider social may strongly influence
political rights human rights
involvement and the capacity for
and certain realization of rights, yet promotion and
participation in
economic and they may elude state protection
human rights
social rights control
A Provisional Framework
In many instances, however, the medical institutions still write down confidential
information in sick-leave certificates. It is done, first of all, on the request from
insurance body to spell out patient’s diagnosis. If the diagnosis is not written down in
the certificate, the insurance fills out complaints against hospitals or clinics.
Although this request is illegal, insurance company continues to pressure physicians,
and these latter, unwilling to complicate their lives, include the diagnosis in gross
violation of the law and their patients’ rights.
5. The human right to privacy in sphere of health care.