Unit 2 Chapter 2.2 Product Concepts
Unit 2 Chapter 2.2 Product Concepts
Unit 2 Chapter 2.2 Product Concepts
Subject Name: Fundamentals of Marketing
From: Assistant Prof. Ravinder Kaur
• 2. William Stanton:
• “Product is complex of tangible and intangible attributes, including packaging, colour, price,
prestige, and services, that satisfy needs and wants of people.”
• 3. W. Alderson:
• “Product is a bundle of utilities, consisting of various product features and accompanying
Product can also be referred as a bundle of satisfaction, physical
and psychological both. Product includes:
1. Core Product:
• Core product includes basic contents, benefits, qualities, or utilities.
2. Product-related Features:
• They include colour, branding, packing, labeling, and varieties.
3. Product-related Services:
• They include after-sales services, installation, guarantee and warrantee, free home delivery, free
repairing, and so forth. As per the definition, anything which can satisfy need and want of consumers
is a product. Thus, product may be in form of physical object, person, idea, activity, or organisation
that can provide any kind of services that satisfy some customer needs or wants.
Product Dimensions
• Managerial Dimension
• Consumer Dimension
• Social Dimesion
Characteristics of Product
• 1. Product is one of the elements of marketing mix or programme.
• 2. Different people perceive it differently. Management, society, and consumers have different expectations.
• 4. Marketer can actualize its goals by producing, selling, improving, and modifying the product.
• 6. In marketing terminology, product means a complete product that can be sold to consumers. That means branding,
labeling, colour, services, etc., constitute the product.
• 7. Product includes total offers, including main qualities, features, and services.
• 10. Important lies in services rendered by the product, and not ownership of product. People buy services, and not the
physical object.
Types of Product
Consumer Products
Industrial Products