May 2023
• MSSRF is committed to provide safe work environment to all genders , irrespective of age,
colour, caste etc. and does not support or take part in any form of sexual exploitative or
abusive activities, including, child pornography or trafficking of human beings.
• MSSRF has designed the policy and process in line with statutory requirement and is guided
by Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal)
(SHWW) Act, 2013 and guidelines of Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)
• Indian Penal Code (Section 209, 354, 376 and 509), 1860; and
Every individual in the Organisation comes with a baggage. His /her perception depends on what his/her
experience has been
Prevention of Sexual Harassment
5.The reason men behave in a certain way because women invite such reaction with the
clothes they wear and the language they use; and therefore men cannot be responsible
for such behaviour.
Wrong. The clothes they wear or the language they use cannot be the reason that they are harassed by
men. It must be understood that the way women dress or carry themselves is no reason that they can be
Why is this policy important?
• It is the duty of the employer to provide a harassment free workplace to the employees
• The law mandates that the employers sanitize the employees on the policy
• When faced by an act if harassment, they can stand up for their rights
Sexual Harassment includes
Physical confinement
or touches against the
Physical Vulgar/ indecent will and likely to
contact jokes, phone intrude upon one’s
calls, text privacy; or
colored Demand or
remarks request for
Using sexually Abusive
Sounds sexual
abusive language
or signs in the
presence of
woman employee
Sexual Harassment includes
Showing pornographic
pictures on the computer,
Humming, or singing or phone, either with
provocative, sexually Staring or
intent, or as if by accident
explicit songs every looking their
time the woman body up and
concerned is in the down
Creating Hurdles
Any unwelcome
What is at stake?
• Brand value – Negative publicity;
• Understand
• Observe
• Examine
• Confront
• Resolve
• Support
Who is Employee?
Employee means a person employed by the Foundation for any work and includes:-
• Either directly or through any agency, with or without the knowledge of the principal employer ;
• Contractor , coworker, a contract worker, probationer, apprentice, intern , field workers, or called
by any other such name
• All premises including Head Office, site offices and all other premises, locations,
establishments, institutions, units, sites controlled directly or indirectly and/or where from
business/work of the Foundation is conducted;
• All other premises where employees of visit arising out of or during the course of their
employment including official events ( employees working on field)
• Includes transportation and accommodation, if any, provided by the Foundation for employees
arising out of or during the course of employment for commutation or residence purposes.
How to prevent?
Responsibilities of the employer under the Act:-
• Constitution of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) to handle the complaints of sexual harassment;
• Display on the notice board of the premises giving full details of members of ICC;
• Provide training to sensitize the employees on the issues and implications of sexual harassment at
workplace and organizing orientation programme(s) for members of ICC.
Internal Complaint Committee
Every Employer needs to constitute ICC as per the provisions of the Act to take care of following
To make recommendations to the Board of Directors of the Company in the matters of sexual
harassment after conclusion of enquiry;
Any aggrieved woman may make a complaint in writing with any member of ICC
• The complaint shall consists of name of the Respondent(s), date and details of incident of
sexual harassment, name and details of witness, if any, along with the supporting
Who is eligible to file a complaint?
• Aggrieved woman herself;
• Where the Aggrieved Woman is unable to make a Complaint on account of her physical or
mental incapacity , a Complaint may be filed by any prescribed person, on her behalf;
• Where the Aggrieved Woman for any other reason is unable to make a Complaint, a Complaint
may be filed by a person who has knowledge of the incident, with her written consent;
• Where the Aggrieved Woman is dead, a Complaint may be filed by any person who has
knowledge of the incident, with the written consent of her legal heir(s).
Procedure of Enquiry
Conciliation –
• The ICC may, before initiating an inquiry, at the request of the Aggrieved Woman, take steps
to settle the matter between her and the Respondent.
• The settlement terms shall be recorded in writing and forwarded to the Executive Director.
Copies of the same shall be provided to the Aggrieved Woman and the Respondent.
• Where a settlement has been arrived at, no further inquiry shall be conducted by the ICC.
Procedure of Enquiry
• In case, conciliation is not possible, ICC shall investigate the complaint and provide its report,
as promptly as possible, but not later than 90 working days from the date of the Complaint.
• The ICC shall follow principles of natural justice in all its proceedings.
• Complete confidentiality shall be maintained, unless required by law.
• A copy of the Complaint as recorded by ICC shall be given to the Respondent as well as the
• The Respondent shall submit his response to the Complaint as well as to indicate whether the
Respondent wishes the ICC to examine any witnesses or furnish any evidence.
• The Complainant shall also indicate in writing whether the Complainant wishes the ICC to
examine any witnesses or furnish any additional evidence.
Procedure of Enquiry
• Upon receipt of the responses from the Respondent and the Complainant, the ICC shall
conduct a hearing, where both the Complainant and the Respondent shall be heard in
• ICC shall be empowered to call upon such of the Employees who may have been witness to
the incident(s) of Sexual Harassment and/or connected in any manner thereto.
• Upon completion of the hearing, the ICC shall prepare its complete report, setting out its
recommendations on the disciplinary action(s) to be taken against the Respondent or
Complainant (as the case may be).
Punishment for Sexual Harassment
• To take action for sexual harassment as an act of misconduct in accordance with the
rules/regulations of the Foundation governing ‘conduct and discipline’ as applicable to the
Respondent; and/or
• To deduct such amounts from the salary or wages of the Respondent as may be considered
appropriate to be paid to the Complainant as per the Policy of the Company.
• Section 354, 354 A, 354B, 354 C, 354 D and 509 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 provides for
punishment for offences of outraging the modesty of woman, sexual harassment, disrobe,
voyeurism, stalking and insulting the modesty of woman respectively and the punishment
ranges between rigorous imprisonment from 1 to 3 years AND fine or both.
Punishment for Malicious Compliant or False Evidence
If an Employee or witnesses are found to have raised a malicious or false Complaint or given
any false evidence, such complainant or such person making evidence may also be subject to :-
• Disbelieving a woman when she shares about harassment. Remember that sexual harassment is ‘Unwelcome
• Hold the harasser accountable for his actions. Don’t make excuses for him;