1.5 Christian Beliefs - Atonement and Salvation NMT

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Keywords Sub-Title: Todays Date: ? / ?

/ 2017
Christian Beliefs (1.5)
Atonement Title
Salvation The nature of God
Doctrine of the fall The Incarnation
The last day’s of Jesus life
Redemption Atonement and salvation
Eschatology: Life after death
Moral Change Theory
Ransom Theory Evil and suffering

Justification by faith

- Christians believe that Jesus suffered and died on the cross to save human beings from their sins.
This is called Atonement
- There are different views and theories regarding how it works
- Salvation is the idea that only a soul that is free from sin can be with God in Heaven after death
- The opportunity of salvation is available to everyone through faith in Jesus, providing they are
truly sorry for what they have done, repent of their sins and ask for forgiveness
The Doctrine of the Fall and original sin

Christianity teaches that all human beings are

from God! – This is the teaching of the ‘Doctrine of
original sin.

Introduced n the 4th C by St. Augustine. He taught

that original sin came from the first human beings,
Adam and Eve who disobeyed God – known as ‘The
Adam and Eve were created perfect and lived in a world
without fault.

When they disobeyed God, they fell from that perfect state
and separated themselves from God.

Christians believe this is how evil and suffering were first

introduced and remain in the world today.
They are important for understanding atonement and
salvation because they explain how through disobedience
and sin human beings became separated from God
Atonement and redemption – {Moral Change Theory}
‘Atonement’ means ‘being at one or reconciled with God’. Christians believe this is
NECESSARY in order to be given eternal life with God – known as SALVATION

Christians believe because of

{A great act of love} Jesus’ total: Obedience, Suffering and
Death, were so powerful – it could offer
A DIVINE SACRIFICE redemption to the whole of mankind.
Meaning the original relationship can now
be restored

One theory for how atonement leads to

salvation is ‘MORAL CHANGE THEORY’
(Jesus set an example through his
martyrdom and resurrection) Moral Change
Theory restores relationship with God
Atonement and redemption – {Ransom Theory}
Jesus paid the Christians don’t believe in this
price or ransom theory as there is no SoWA’s to
to release prove it! And the theory also gives
humans from to much importance to the devil.
being enslaved
because of Another theory is the ‘PENAL
their sin to the SUBSITUTION THEORY’ – The idea
that Jesus paid the penalty for
human sin, which God’s justice
demanded. Jesus earned salvation
by suffering punishment on behalf
of us all. Many Christians support
this as this is supported through
SoWA’s biblically.

To achieve ‘SALVATION’ and be with God after

death Christians must be free from sin. The
Bible suggests ways to achieve this:

- Being baptised
- Repenting their sins
- Accepting Jesus as their Lord and saviour
- Doing good works
- Participating in church rituals (sacraments)
- Avoiding certain behaviours
Salvation – justification by FAITH
Christians agree that SALVATION is made possible by: the death of Jesus on the cross
Salvation is possible through the grace of God – if you believe in God and accept Jesus as
your saviour. HOWEVER!... Different denominations have different beliefs about whether
FAITH IN JESUS alone is enough (sufficient) for SALVATION?. Let’s look at 3 different views.

1 Protestant 2 Roman Catholics 3 Orthodox Christianity

Church of England Believe FAITH and Believe salvation is a
Believe FAITH alone is participating in sacraments gradual process that
enough for a person to e.g.: ‘baptism’ is enough happens in the context of
be saved as long as FAITH for a person to be saved living a Christian life.
is deep and life changing Individuals must try to
(not just intellectual) The Nicene Creed supports become more and more
this: like God.
Repent thorough prayer ‘We acknowledge one
and ask for forgiveness baptism for the There is not ‘one’ single
Truly sorry = SALVATION forgiveness of sins’ salvation event
The significance of atonement and salvation for Christians today

The idea of atonement CONFIRMS:


2) Who cares about human beings
3) Through Jesus, God made atonement possible
4) Which allows Christians today to have a relationship with God
5) And be reconciled with each other
6) To maintain their duty and responsibility of stewardship
7) To be saved from their consequences of their sin
Salvation and the TRINITY
Most Christians understand SALVATION to be a spiritual re-birth that takes place through
the Grace of God and the actions of the holy spirit (this can be a single event –’baptism’ or
over a longer period of time ‘living a Christian life, therefore becoming more like God’
Each member of the TRINITY has an important role to play in SALVATION

1 God the Father 2 God the Son 3 God the Holy Spirit

sent the Son to die for the sacrificed himself for the sins works within human beings
sins of human beings of human beings to enable them to understand
the truth about God

Christians therefore can only be saved by the TRINITY as a whole!

The term ‘born again’ is used by some Christians to describe the
process for their faith in Jesus journey or for when all they have
been taught about Jesus becomes ‘real’ for the first time
Atonement and Salvation

- Christians all try to live their lives in

the way God wants them to by
following Jesus’ teachings.

- Many argue that they do this as a

consequence of their faith and NOT
because it is a condition of achieving
Knowledge check! What are your top
knowledge points
on Atonement and
SoWA recorded?

P. 23
Prepare for learning debate

‘Salvation is important to a Christian’

‘Some Christians refer to themselves as ‘born

Determines ‘Christians believe salvation can be achieved in
Why? many ways’
This means
‘Atonement is vital to achieve salvation’
This shows
(a) (3) Challenge!
(b) (4) 2
(c) Explain the significance of atonement and salvation to Christians
today (5)
Using your trigger notes from today:
(d) (12/15)

Keywords Doctrine of the fall
Moral Change Theory
Ransom Theory
Justification by faith

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