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In the Nervous System, neurons are the cells that
communicate with one another and with cells in other
organ systems. Sensory structures pass along
information about the outside world to the body's
internal communication networks, triggering
responses that maintain homeostasis.

Love, happiness, tranquility, sadness, jealousy, rage, fear,
and excitement all of these emotions spring from the cells
of the nervous system. So do language, the sensation of
warmth, memories of your childhood, and your perception
of pain, color, sound, smell, and taste. The muscles that
move when you chew, blink, or breathe all are controlled
by the nervous system, as is the unseen motion that
propels food along your digestive tract.

Among the nervous system's most critical functions are the
"behind the scenes" activities that keep the body's temperature, ion
balance, and other conditions within optimal levels. The nervous
system and endocrine system are two organ systems that provide
communication between the sensors that detect each condition, the
control center, and the effectors (muscles and glands) that make
adjustments. The nervous system's electrochemical impulses travel
quickly, while the endocrine system acts much more slowly.
Endocrine glands secrete chemical messages called hormones that
can take minutes or hours to take effect, but these signals last much
longer. This communication is essential for maintaining

There are 2 basic cell types that include Nervous
tissue: interconnected neurons and their associated

The neurons are the cells that communicate with one

another (and with muscles and glands). The more
numerous neuroglia are cells that provide physical
support, help maintain homeostasis in the fluid sur-
rounding the neurons, guide neuron growth, and Play
many other roles that researchers are just beginning to

There are 2 main divisions of the Vertebrate Nervous System:
the central and peripheral nervous systems

As nervous systems increased in complexity, so too did animals'

abilities to detect stimuli, coordinate responses, form memories,
solve problems, and communicate. These capabilities are most
highly developed in vertebrates.

The central nervous system consists of the brain (inside the skull)
and spinal cord. The main function of these two organs is to integrate
sensory information and coordinate the body's response. The
peripheral nervous system carries information between the central
nervous system and the rest of the body.

The nervous system's function is rapid communication by
electrical and chemical signals. Neurons are the cells that
do the communicating, either with one another or with
muscles and glands, To understand how neurons carry out
their function, it helps to first learn about their structure.

A. A Typical Neuron Consists of a
Cell Body, Dendrites, and an Axon
The enlarged, rounded cell body contains
the nucleus, mitochondria that supply ATP,
ribosomes, and other organelles. Dendrites
are short, branched extensions that transmit
information to the cell body. The axon, also
known as the nerve fiber, conducts nerve
impulses away from the cell body. It is
typically a single long extension that is
finely branched at its tip and communicates
with another cell at a junction called a
synapse. In many neurons, a myelin sheath
composed of fatty material coats sections of
the axon, speeding nerve impulse
B. The Nervous System Includes Three Classes of

Biologists divide neurons into three categories, based on general


• A sensory neuron brings information to the central nervous system

from the rest of the body. Sensory neurons respond to light, pressure
from sound waves, heat, touch, pain, and chemicals detected as odors or
taste. The dendrites, cell body, and most of the axon of each sensory
neuron lie in the peripheral nervous system, whereas the axon's endings
reside in the central nervous system.

B. The Nervous System Includes Three Classes of
Biologists divide neurons into three categories, based on general

• About 90% of all neurons are interneurons, which connect one

neuron to another within the spinal cord and brain. Interneurons receive
information from sensory neurons, process this information, and
generate the messages that the motor neurons carry to muscles and

B. The Nervous System Includes Three Classes of

Biologists divide neurons into three categories, based on general


• A motor neuron conducts its message from the central nervous
system toward a muscle or gland cell. A motor neuron's cell body and
dendrites reside in the central nervous system, but its axon extends into
the peripheral nervous system. Thus, motor neurons stimulate muscle
cells to contract and stimulate glands to secrete their products into the
bloodstream or into a duct.

Neurons send messages by conveying action potentials; a
neural impulse is the propagation of action potentials like
a wave along an axon. As you will see, action potentials
result from the movement of charged particles (ions)
across a neuron's cell membrane. This section describes
the distribution of ions in neurons, both when the cell is
"at rest" and when it is transmitting a neural impulse.

A. A Neuron at Rest Has a Negative Charge

To understand how ions move in a neural impulse, it helps to be familiar

with the membrane potential, which is the difference in electrical
charge between the inside and outside of a neuron. The membrane
potential can change, depending on whether or not the neuron has
received a stimulus.

The neuron's resting potential is its membrane potential when it is not

conducting a neural impulse. At rest, the inside of a neuron carries a
negative electrical charge relative to the outside because it maintains an
unequal distribution of ions across its membrane.

A. A Neuron at Rest Has a Negative Charge

The term resting potential is a bit misleading because the neuron

consumes a tremendous amount of energy while "at rest." In fact, the
nervous system devotes about three quarters of its total energy budget to
maintaining the ion gradients that characterize the resting potential. The
resulting state of readiness allows each neuron to respond quickly when
a stimulus does arrive. The resting potential is therefore like holding
back the string on a bow to be constantly ready to shoot an arrow.

B. A Neuron's Membrane Potential Reverses During
an Action Potential
A change in pH, a touch, or a signal from another neuron may trigger a neuron to
"fire," meaning that action potentials occur along the neuron's axon. An action
potential is a brief reversal in membrane potential that propagates like a wave along
the membrane of the axon.

The most important details in this text are that a neuron's resting potential keeps it
primed to convey messages at any moment, and that an action potential will occur
only if the cell's threshold potential is reached. Once the action potential does begin,
additional sodium channels open, and more Na+ pours into the cell. The axon's
membrane now has a positive charge at its interior side, but this reversal of the
membrane potential lasts only for an instant. To transmit a neural impulse, the signal
must move from near the cell body to the end of the axon. To do this, some of the
Na+ ions that rush into the cell diffuse along the interior of the membrane, triggering
a new influx of Na+.

B. A Neuron's Membrane Potential Reverses During
an Action Potential

The axon's membrane now has a positive charge at its interior side, but this
reversal of the membrane potential lasts only for an instant. To transmit a
neural impulse, the signal must move from near the cell body to the end of the
axon. To do this, some of the Na+ ions that rush into the cell diffuse along the
interior of the membrane, triggering a new influx of Na+. 

The resulting chain reaction carries the impulse forward, but it does not spread
""backward"" because the membrane must reestablish its resting potential
before another action potential can occur. A neural impulse is similar to people
doing the wave in a stadium, where the participants do not change their
locations, but the wave travels around the stadium as successful groups of
spectators stand.

C. The Myelin Sheath Speeds Communication

The greater the c diameter of an axon, the faster it conducts an impulse.

A squid's "giant axons" are up to millimeter in diameter. (Much of what
biologists know about action potentials comes from studies on these
large-diameter nerve fibers.) Axons from vertebrates are a hundredth to
a thousandth the diameter of the squid's. Yet even thin, vertebrate axons
can conduct impulses very rapidly when they are coated with a myelin

C. The Myelin Sheath Speeds Communication
Myelin prevents ion flow across the membrane, preventing the spread of action
potentials. However, ions can move across the membrane at the gaps in the axon's
sheath. When an action potential happens at one gap, Na+ entering the axon diffuses
to the next gap, making the membrane potential more positive and stimulating the
sodium channels to open at the second gap. This allows a neural impulse to move up
100 times faster when leaping between gaps in the myelin sheath than when it
spreads along an unmyelinated axon. Myelinated axons occur in neural pathways
where speed is essential, such as those that transmit motor commands to skeletal
muscles. A sensory message travels from the toe to the spinal cord in less than 1/100
of a second. Unmyelinated axons occur in pathways where speed is less important,
such as those that trigger the secretion of stomach acid.

To form a communication network, a, neuron conducting action potentials must
convey the impulse to another cell- another neuron, a gland cell or a muscle cell
(figure 24,7). Most neurons do not touch each other, so the electrical impulse cannot
travel directly from cell to cell. Instead, an action potential that reaches the tip of an
axon causes the release of a neurotransmitter, a chemical signal that travels from a
sending" cell to a receiving" cell across a tiny space.

A synapse is specialized junction at which the axon of a neuron communicates with
another cell. Note that every synapse has three components: the neuron sending the
message, the cell receiving the message, and the synaptic cleft, which is the space
between the two cells.

As illustrated in figure 24.7 and the upper portion of figure 24.8, the axon of the
sending neuron enlarges at its tip to form knob-shaped synaptic terminal. Each tiny
knob contains many small sacs, or vesicles, that hold neurotransmitter molecules. The
lower half of figure. 24.8 shows the receiving cell's membrane. Immediately opposite
the synaptic terminal are receptor proteins that can bind to the neurotransmitters.

The neurons of the brain and spinal cord interact constantly with those of the
peripheral nervous system--the nerve cells outside the central nervous system. The
peripheral nervous system consists mainly of nerves, which are bundles of axons
encased in connective tissue. The nerves, in turn, are classified based on where they
originate. Cranial nerves emerge directly from the brain; examples include the nerves
that transmit information from the eyes and ears to the brain. Spinal nerves emerge
from the spinal cord and control most functions from the neck down.

The peripheral nervous system is functionally divided into sensory and motor
division ( figure 24.9). Sensory pathways carry signals to the central nervous system
from sensory receptors in the skin, skeleton, muscles, and other organs. Motor
pathways, on the other hand, convey information from the central nervous system to
muscles and glands. In most nerves, the sensory and motor nerve fibers form a single

The motor pathways of the peripheral nervous system include the somatic (voluntary)
nervous system and the (involuntary) nervous system. The somatic nervous
system carries signals from the brain to voluntary skeletal muscles, such as those that
enable you to ride a bicycle, shake hands, or talk. The autonomic nervous system
transmits impulses from the brain to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands,
enabling internal organs to function without conscious awareness.

The autonomic nervous system is further subdivided into the sympathetic and
parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous system dominates
under stress, including emergencies. When you are startled, you can immediately
feel your sympathetic nervous system leap into action as your heart pounds and
your breathing rate increases. Neurons of the sympathetic nervous system also
slow digestion and boost blood flow toward vital organs such as the heart, the
brain, and the muscles necessary for "fight or flight". The parasympathetic
nervous system returns body systems to normal during relaxed times ("rest and
repose"); heart rate and respiration slow, and digestion resumes., Despite the "fight
or flight" and *rest and repose" nicknames, the autonomic nervous system is
always active; the two subdivisions maintain homeostasis without conscious

The nerves of the peripheral nervous system spread across the body, but
the brain and spinal cord form the largest part of the nervous system.
Together, these two organs make up the central nervous system.
Two types of nervous tissue occur in the central nervous system (figure
24.10). Gray matter consists of neuron cell bodies and dendrites, along
with the synapses by which they communicate with other cells,
Information processing occurs in the gray matter. White matter consists
of myelinated axons transmitting information throughout the central
nervous system.

A. The Spinal Cord Transmits Information Between Body
and Brain
The spinal cord is a tube of neural tissue that emerges from the base of the brain and
extends along the back of the body. This critical component of the central nervous
system is encased in the bony armor of the vertebral column. or backbone. The
backbone protects the delicate nervous tissue and provides points of attachment for

The spinal cord handles reflexes without communicating with the brain. A reflex is a
rapid, involuntary response to a stimulus. For example, if a flying insect of a splash
of water hits your face, your eyes close immediately, without you being conscious of
the need to do so. This response is a reflex because it does not require input from the
brain. (Nevertheless, impulses must be relayed to the brain for awareness to occur.)

B. The Brain is Divided into Several Regions

The human brain weighs, on average, about 1.4 to 1.6 kilograms; it looks and feels
like grayish pudding. The brain requires a large and constant energy sup- ply to
oversee organ systems and to provide the qualities of "mind" learning reasoning, and
memory. At any time, brain activity consumes 20% of the body's oxygen and 15% of
its blood glucose. Permanent brain damage occurs after just 5 minutes without

The brain has three main subdivisions: the hindbrain the midbrain, and the forebrain

B. The Brain is Divided into Several Regions

The hindbrain is located toward the lower back of the skull. The midbrain is a
narrow region that connects the hindbrain with the forebrain. The forebrain is the
front of the brain. All three subdivisions are obvious early in embryonic development,
but the forebrain's rapid growth soon obscures and much of the hindbrain. 

The midbrain and parts of the hindbrain make up the brainstem, the stalk like lower
portion of the brain. The brainstem regulates essential survival functions such as
breathing and heartbeat. In addition, most of the cranial nerves emerge from the
brainstem. Among other functions, these nerves control movements of the eyes, face,
neck, and mouth along with the senses of taste and hearing.

B. The Brain is Divided into Several Regions
The brainstem includes two parts of the hindbrain: the medulla oblongata and the pons.
The medulla oblongata is a continuation of the spinal cord; this region, not only
regulates breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate, but it also contains centers for
vomiting. coughing, sneezing, defecating, swallow ng, and hiccupping. The pons, which
means "bridge," is the area above the medulla. White matter in this oval mass connects
the forebrain to the medulla and to another part of the hindbrain, the cerebellum.

The midbrain is also part of the brainstem. Portions of the midbrain help control
consciousness and participate in hearing and eye reflexes. In addition, nerve fibers that
control voluntary motor function pass from the forebrain through the brainstem; the death
of certain neurons in the midbrain results in the uncontrollable movements of Parkinson

B. The Brain is Divided into Several Regions

Behind the brainstem is the cerebellum, the largest part of the hindbrain. The neurons of
the cerebellum refine motor messages and coordinate muscle movements subconsciously.
Thanks to the cerebellum, you can complete complex physical skills-such as tying your
shoes or brushing your teeth smoothly and rapidly.

By far the largest part of the human brain is the forebrain, which contains structures that
participate in complex functions such as learning, memory, language, motivation, and

B. The Brain is Divided into Several Regions
Three major parts of the forebrain are the thalamus, hypothalamus, and cerebrum.
• The thalamus is a mass of gray matter located between the midbrain and the
cerebrum. This central relay station processes sensory-input and sends it to the
appropriate part of the cerebrum.
• The almond-sized hypothalamus, which lies below the thalamus, occupies less than
1% of the brain volume, but it plays a vital role in maintaining homeostasis by
linking the nervous and endocrine systems.
• The cerebrum, controls the qualities of what we consider the "mind"- that is,
personality intelligence, learning, perception, and emotion. In humans, the cerebrum
occupies 83% of the brain's volume. It is divided into two hemispheres, which gather
and process information simultaneously. The cerebral hemispheres work together,
interconnected by a thick band of nerve fibers called the corpus callosum.

B. The Brain is Divided into Several Regions
The cerebrum consists mostly of white matter-myelinated axons that transmit information
within the cerebrum and between the cerebrum and other parts of the brain. But the outer
layer of the cerebrum, the cerebral cortex, consists of gray matter that processes
information (see figure 24.10). The human cerebral cortex is only a few millimeters thick,
but it boasts about 10 billion neurons that form some 60 trillion synapses. In humans and
other large mammals, deep folds enhance the surface area of the cerebral cortex.

Anatomically, the cerebral cortex of each hemisphere is divided into four main parts: the
frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes. The functions of the cerebral cortex,
however, overlap across these lobes. Sensory areas receive and interpret messages from
sense organs. Motor areas send impulses to skeletal muscles, which produce voluntary

B. The Brain is Divided into Several Regions

The cerebrum also houses most of the limbic system, a loosely defined collection of
brain structures that is sometimes called the emotional center of the brain. The thalamus
and hypothalamus are part of the limbic system, as are two nearby parts of each temporal
lobe: the hippocampus and the amygdala. The hippocampus participates in long-term
memory formation, whereas the amygdala is a center for emotions such as pleasure or
fear. The amygdala sends signals to the hypothalamus, which activates the autonomic
nervous system and coordinates the physical sensations that accompany strong emotions.

C. Many Brain Regions Participate in Memory
Why is it that you can't remember the name of someone you met a few minutes ago,
but you can easily picture your first-grade teacher or your best friend from
The answer relates to the difference between short-term and long-term memories. In
response to the new acquaintance's name, your brain apparently created a short-term
memory that remained available only for a few moments. You remember the teacher,
however, because you interacted with that person every day for months at a time. This
repeated reinforcement allowed your brain to produce a long-term memory, which
can last a lifetime.

No one knows exactly what happens to the brain's neurons and synapses when a new
memory forms, but researchers are actively trying to learn more. Practical
applications could include drugs that enhance memory in patients with disorders that
cause memory loss, including Alzheimer disease. Conversely, pharmaceuticals that
selectively erase memories could help people who are struggling in the aftermath of
traumatic experiences.
D. Damage to the Central Nervous System Can Be
The central nervous system is generally well protected from physical injury. The
bones of the skull and vertebral column shield nervous tissue from bumps and blows.
Meninges are layered membranes that jacket the central nervous system.
Cerebrospinal fluid bathes and cushions the brain and spinal cord. this fluid further
insulates the central nervous system from injury. And the blood-brain barrier,
formed by specialized neuroglia lining the brain's capillaries, helps protect the brain
from harmful chemicals.

Whatever its cause, part of the difficulty in reversing damage to the central nervous
system is that mature neurons typically do not divide. The brain and spinal cord
therefore can- not simply heal themselves by producing new cells, as your skin does
after a minor cut. The neurons that survive the damage can, how- ever, form some
new connections that compensate for the loss. Therapy can therefore help restore
some function to injured tissues.

The senses are an integral part of the nervous system. A sensation is the raw input
from the peripheral nervous' system that arrives at the central nervous system. For
example, your eyes and hands may inform your brain that a particular object is small,
round, red, and smooth The brain integrates all of this sensory input and consults
memories to form perception, or interpretation of the sensations-in this case, of

The human senses paint a complex portrait of our surroundings. As rich as our own
senses are, other animals can detect stimuli that are imperceptible to us. Dogs, for
example, have an extremely well-developed sense of smell, which explains why these
animals are so useful in sniffing out illicit drugs and other contraband. Bats have an
entirely different ability, called echolocation. As a bat flies, it emits high-frequency
pulses of sound.

The senses convey vital information about food, danger, mates, and other
stimuli. Sensory information also helps animals maintain homeostasis. Many
of the negative feedback loops that stabilize the body's internal conditions
operate without our awareness; for example, we can't directly "feel" our blood
pH or hormone concentrations. But we are aware of sights, sounds, smells,
and many other stimuli. The central nervous system responds to many types
of sensory input by coordinating the actions of muscles and glands, which
make adjustments as necessary to maintain homeostasis.

A. Sensory Receptors Respond to Stimuli by
Generating Action Potentials
All sense organs ultimately dèrive their information from sensory receptor cells that
detect stimuli. The human body includes several types of sensory receptors.
Mechanoreceptors respond to physical stimuli such as sound or touch.
Thermoreceptors respond to temperature. Pain receptors detect tissue damage,
extreme heat and cold, and chemicals released from damaged cells. Photoreceptors
respond to light, and chemoreceptors detect chemicals.

Each of these cell types "translates" sensory information into the language of the
nervous system. Transduction is the process by which a sensory receptor converts
energy from a stimulus into action potentials. Generally, a stimulus alters the shape of
a protein embedded in a sensory receptor's cell membrane, causing the membrane's
permeability to ions to change. The resulting movement of ions across the membrane
triggers receptor potential, which is a change in the membrane potential of a sensory
receptor cell. 

B. Continuous Stimulation May Cause Sensory

Sensory adaptation is a phenomenon in which sensations become less noticeable

with prolonged exposure to the stimulus. The explanation is that sensory receptors
generate fewer action potentials under constant stimulation. Generally, the response
returns only if the intensity of the stimulus change.

Without sensory adaptation, our nervous system would constantly react to

old information, and detecting new stimuli would be challenging. Many receptors
adapt quickly. Pain receptors, however, are very slow to adapt. The cor tant awareness
of pain is uncomfortable, but it also alerts us to tissue damag and prompts us to
address the source of.the pain

The general senses allow you to detect touch. temperature, or pain with any part of
your skin. Each of these senses uses its own types of receptors.

The sense of touch comes from several types of mechanoreceptors in the skin. The
receptors all work in essentially the same way: Pressure pushes the flexible sides of
the receptor cell inward, generating an action potential in the nerve fiber. Some detect
light touch, whereas others respond to deeper pressure. In addition, the dendrites of
some mechanoreceptors snake around each hair follicle and sense when the hair
bends. Thanks to these sensitive hair follicle receptors, you can tell when a mosquito
or other tiny insect lands on your arm

The density of touch receptors varies across the body. As a result, the fingertips and
tongue are much more sensitive to touch than, say, the skin of the lower back. This
observation explains why medical professionals generally administer injections in the
buttocks, shoulders, and thighs. These parts of the body have relatively few nerve
endings and therefore are the least sensitive to needles and other painful stimuli.

Sensory receptors also enable the skin to sense temperature and pain. The brain
integrates input from many cold and heat thermoreceptors to determine whether a
stimulus is cool, hot, or somewhere in between. Pain receptors detect Tissue damage.
These neurons respond to the mechanical damage that follows a sharp blow, a cut, or
a scrape. Pain receptors also detect extreme heat, extreme cold, and chemicals
released from damaged cells

A monarch butterfly emerges from its chrysalis; a baby bird
hatches from an egg: a kitten becomes a full-grown cat. All of
these familiar examples illustrate growth and development.
'Together, reproduction and development are shared features of all
multicellular life, this chapter described how flowering plants
reproduce and grow; this chapter picks up the topic for animals.

A. Reproduction Is Asexual or Sexual

Like plants, animals may reproduce asexually or sexually (or both). In

asexual reproduction, the offspring contain genetic information from
only one parent. Aside from mutations that occur during replication, all
offspring are identical to the parent and to one another, Asexually
reproducing animals include sponges, sea anemones, aphids, and some
types of lizards. In general, asexual reproduction is advantageous in
environments that do not change much over time.

A. Reproduction Is Asexual or Sexual
Sexual reproduction requires two parents, each of which contributes half the DNA
in each offspring. In many species, sexual reproduction entails high energy costs for
attracting mates, copulating, and defending against rivals. Nevertheless, the benefits
of genetic diversity apparently outweigh these costs, especially in a changing
environment. Sexual reproduction is extremely common among animals.

In organisms that reproduce sexually haploid gametes are the sex cells that carry the
genetic information from each parent. The gametes-sperm cells from males and egg
cells from females-are the products of meiosis, a specialized type of cell division. In
meiosis, a diploid cell containing two sets of chromosomes divides into four haploid
cells, each containing just one chromo- some set, Fertilization is the union of two
gametes; the product of fertilization is the zygote, the diploid first cell of the new

A. Reproduction Is Asexual or Sexual
Sperm and egg come together in a variety of ways. In external fertilization, males
and females release gametes into the same environment, and fertilization occurs
outside the body. This strategy is especially common in aquatic animals. Salmon, for
example, spawn in streams. Females lay eggs in gravelly. nests, and then males shed
sperm over them. Other animals with external fertilization include sponges, corals,
sea urchins, some crustaceans (such as American lobsters), and some amphibians.
Unique "recognition" proteins on the surfaces of the gametes ensure that sperm cells
fertilize egg cells of the correct species.

In internal fertilization, a male deposits sperm inside a female's body, where

fertilization occurs. Land animals, including mammals, nonavian reptiles, and birds,
commonly use internal fertilization. After copulation, the female may lay hard-
shelled, fertilized eggs that provide both nutrition and protection to developing
offspring. A chicken egg is a familiar example. Alternatively, the female may bear
live young, as humans and other mammals do,

B. Development is Direct or Indirect
One key to animal development is differentiation, the process by which cells acquire
their specialized functions by activating unique combinations of genes in the skin,
brain, eyes, and other organs. Another essential process is pattern formation, in
which genes determine the overall shape and structure of the animal's body, such as
the number of segments or the placement of limbs.

Differentiation and pattern formation involve complex interactions between the DNA
inside cells and external signals such as hormones. These interactions ultimately
regulate the formation of each structure. Scientists first discovered homeotic genes by
studying mutant flies with legs growing out of their heads. Since that time, additional
studies have verified that homeotic genes orchestrate development in humans and all
other animal species.

B. Development is Direct or Indirect

An animal that undergoes indirect development spends the early part of its life as a
larva, an immature stage that looks different from the adult. A caterpillar, for
example, is a larva that looks nothing like its butterfly parents; likewise, a tadpole
resembles a fish, not the adult frog or salamander that it will grow up to become.
Caterpillars, tadpoles, and other larvae often spend most of their time eating and
growing. Then, during a process called metamorphosis, the larva matures into an

Humans and many other familiar animals undergo direct development: An infant
resembles a smaller version of its parents.

Both the male and female reproductive systems consist of the organs that produce
and transport gametes. Each system includes paired gonads (testes or ovaries), which
contain the germ cells that give rise to gametes. Both reproductive systems also
include tubes that transport the gametes.

In both sexes, hormones control reproduction and the development of secondary sex
characteristics, features that distinguish the sexes but do not participate directly in
reproduction. Examples include enlarged breasts and menstruation in adult females
and facial hair and deep voices in adult males.

A. Male Reproductive Organs Are Inside

The paired testes (singular: testis) are the male gonads. The testes lie in a sac called
the scrotum. Their location outside of the abdominal cavity allows the testes to
maintain a temperature about 3C cooler than the rest of the body, which is necessary
for sperm to develop properly. Muscles surrounding each testis can bring the scrotum
closer to the body, conserving warmth when the temperature is too cold. If conditions
are too warm. the scrotum descends away from the body.

A. Male Reproductive Organs Are Inside
The paired testes (singular: testis) are the male gonads. The testes lie in a sac called
the scrotum. Their location outside of the abdominal cavity allows the testes to
maintain a temperature about 3C cooler than the rest of the body, which is necessary
for sperm to develop properly. Muscles surrounding each testis can bring the scrotum
closer to the body, conserving warmth when the temperature is too cold. If conditions
are too warm. the scrotum descends away from the body.

A maze of small ducts carries developing sperm to the left or right epididymis, a
tightly coiled tube that receives and stores sperm from one testis. Each epididymis
opens into a vas deferens, a duct that travels upward out of the scrotum, bends
behind the bladder, and connects with the left or right ejaculatory duct. The two
ejaculatory ducts empty into the urethra, the tube that extends the length of the
cylindrical penis and carries both urine and semen out of the body. Although these
two fluids share the urethra, a healthy male cannot urinate when sexually aroused
because a ring of smooth muscle temporarily seals the exit from the urinary bladder.

A. Male Reproductive Organs Are Inside
Semen, the fluid that carries sperm cells, includes secretions from several accessory
glands. The two seminal vesicles, one of which opens into each vas deferens, secrete
most of the fluid in semen. The secretions include fructose (a sugar that supplies
energy) and prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are hormone-like lipids that may
stimulate contractions in the female reproductive tract., helping to propel sperm. In
addition, the single, walnut-sized prostate gland wraps around part of the urethra
and contributes a thin, milky, alkaline fluid that activates the sperm to swim.

During sexual arousal, the penis becomes erect, enabling it to penetrate the vagina
and deposit semen in the female reproductive tract. At the peak of sexual stimulation,
a pleasurable sensation called orgasm occurs, accompanied by rhythmic muscular
contractions that eject the semen through the urethra and out the penis. Ejaculation
is the discharge of semen from the penis. One human ejaculation typically delivers
more than 100 million sperm cells.

B. Spermatogenesis Yields
Sperm Cells
Spermatogenesis, the production of sperm, begins when
a male reaches puberty and continues throughout life.

Figure 30.5 illustrates the internal anatomy of a testis.

Each testis contains about 200 tightly coiled, 50-
centimeter-long seminiferous tubules, which produce
the sperm cells. Endocrine cells fill the spaces between
the seminiferous tubules and secrete male sex hormones.

B. Spermatogenesis
Yields Sperm Cells
Sperm production begins with diploid
germ cells that reside within the wall of
a seminiferous tubule (see Figure 30.5b).
The germ cells have nuclei containing 46
chromosomes. When a germ cell divides
mitotically. one daughter cell remains in
the tubule wall and acts as a stem cell,
continually giving rise to cells that
become sperm. The other cell becomes a
diploid primary spermatocyte that
accumulates cytoplasm and moves closer
to the tubule's lumen (central cavity).
B. Spermatogenesis Yields Sperm Cells

In the wall of the seminiferous tubule, the primary spermatocyte

under- goes meiosis l, yielding two haploid secondary
spermatocytes. These cells undergo meiosis II, forming four
round, haploid cells called spermatids that each contain 23

B. Spermatogenesis Yields
Sperm Cells
As the spermatids move into the lumen of the
seminiferous tubule, they complete their
differentiation into mature sperm cells. 'They
separate into individual cells and develop
flagella. They also lose much of their
cytoplasm, ac- quire a streamlined shape, and
package their DNA into a distinct head (figure
30.6). Mitochondria just below the head region
generate the ATP the sperm needs to move
toward an egg cell. The caplike acrosome
covers the head and releases enzymes that will
help the sperm penetrate the egg cell. The
entire process, from germ cell to mature sperm
cell, takes 74 days in humans. 

C. Hormones Influence Male Reproductive Function
Hormones play a critical role in male reproduction (figure 30.7). In the brain, the
hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). This water-
soluble hormone travels in the bloodstream to the anterior pituitary, where it
stimulates the release of two other water-soluble hormones: follicle- stimulating
hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Blood carries FSH and LH
throughout the body.

LH induces endocrine cells in the testes to release the steroid hormone testosterone
and other male sex hormones (androgens). In the presence of FSH, testosterone
affects the body in multiple ways. In adolescents, the hormone stimulates the
development of secondary sex characteristics. The testes and penis begin to enlarge at
puberty, and hair grows on the face, in the armpits, and at the groin. Testosterone also
stimulates the secretion of growth hormone, causing a growth spurt that increases
height, boosts muscle mass, and deepens the voice. In adults, testosterone stimulates
sperm production, sustains the libido, and controls the activity of the prostate gland.
( steroid hormones section 25.2B
Egg cell production in females is somewhat more complicated than
is sperm formation in males, in at least two ways, First, in females,
meiosis begins before birth, pauses, and resumes at sexual
maturity. Meiosis does not complete until after a sperm cell
fertilizes the egg cell, Second, egg cell production is cyclical,
under the control of several interacting hormones whose levels
fluctuate monthly during a woman's reproductive years, Keep these
differences in mind while reading this section.

A. Female Reproductive Organs Are Inside the Body

Female sex cells develop within the ovaries, which are paired gonads in the abdomen
(figure 30,8). Ovaries produce both egg cells and sex hormones. They do not contain
ducts comparable to the seminiferous tubules of the male's testes. Instead, within each
ovary of a newborn female are about a million oocytes, the cells that give rise to
mature egg cells. Nourishing follicle cells surround each oocyte.

Approximately once a month, beginning at puberty, one ovary releases the single
most mature oocyte. Beating cilia sweep the mature oocyte into the fin- gerlike
projections of one of the two uterine tubes (also called Fallopian tubes or oviducts).
If sperm are present, fertilization occurs in a uterine tube. The tube carries the oocyte
or zygote into a muscular saclike organ, the uterus. During pregnancy, the fetus
develops inside the uterus, also called the womb. The endometrium, or inner lining
of the uterus, has a rich blood supply that is important in both menstruation and

A. Female Reproductive Organs Are Inside the Body

The cervix is the necklike narrowing at the lower end of the uterus. The cervix opens
into the vagina, the tube that leads outside the body. The vagina receives the penis
during intercourse, and it is the birth canal. Like many other areas of the body, the
vagina harbors a community of resident microorganisms. These bacteria lower the pH
of the vagina, which helps prevent colonization by harmful bacteria and the yeast
Candida albicans. Taking antibiotics can disrupt this microbial community and create
an opportunity for Candida to overgrow, causing a vaginal yeast infection.

Two pairs of fleshy folds protect the vaginal opening on the outside: the labia
majora (major lips) and the thinner, underlying flaps of tissue they protect, called the
labia minora (minor lips).

A. Female Reproductive Organs Are Inside the Body

The clitoris is a 2-centimeter-long structure at the upper junction of both. pairs of

labia. Rubbing the clitoris stimulates females to experience orgasm. Together, the
labia, clitoris, and vaginal opening constitute the vulva, or external female genitalia.

The female secondary sex characteristics include the wider and shallower shape of
the pelvis, the accumulation of fat around the hips, a higher pitched voice than that of
the male, and the breasts. The breasts produce milk that nourishes a nursing infant;
each breast has fatty tissue, collagen, milk ducts, and a nipple.

B. Oogenesis Yields Egg Cells

The making of an egg cell-oogenesis- begins with a diploid germ cell

containing 46 chromosomes (figure 30.9). Each germ cell grows,
accumulates cytoplasm, replicates its DNA, and divides mitotically.
becoming two primary oocytes. The subsequent divisions of meiosis
partition the cytoplasm unequally, so that oogenesis (unlike
spermatogenesis) produces cells of different sizes. By the end of
meiosis I, the primary oocyte has divided into a small, haploid polar
body and a larger, haploid secondary oocyte, each containing 23

B. Oogenesis Yields Egg Cells

Ovulation is the release of a secondary oocyte from its follicle. As the

follicle ruptures, fingerlike projections of the uterine tube move across
the ovary and usher the egg into the tube. Following ovulation, the now-
ruptured follicle transforms into a gland called a corpus luteum.
Meanwhile, meiosis halts at metaphase and does that not resume unless
sperm contacts the secondary oocyte. a case, the secondary
oocyte, again divides unequally to produce a small additional polar body
and the mature egg cell (or ovum), which contains 23 chromosomes and
a large amount of cytoplasm.

C. Hormones Influence Female Reproductive Function

The male and female reproductive systems rely on many of the same
hormones (figure 30.10). Females, however, produce these hormones in
different quantities and on a different schedule.

In females, hormonal fluctuations produce two interrelated cycles. The

ovarian cycle controls the timing of oocyte maturation in the ovaries, and the
menstrual cycle prepares the uterus for pregnancy. Figure 30.11 tracks
changes in the follicle, the uterine lining, and the levels of four hormones
during the ovarian and menstrual cycles.

C. Hormones Influence Female Reproductive Function

Menstruation begins on the first day of the menstrual cycle. Low blood
levels of two sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone, signal the
hypothalamus to secrete GnRH. This hormone prompts the anterior
pituitary to release FSH and LH into the bloodstream. In the ovaries,
receptors on the surfaces of follicle cells bind to FSH, stimulating
follicles to mature and to release estrogen.

Birth control, or contraception, is the use of devices or practices that work
"against conception"; that is, they prevent the union of sperm and egg. For
comparison, 85 out of 100 fertile women will become pregnant within one
year if they are sexually active and use no birth control at all. 

Besides abstinence, the most effective contraceptives are surgical, next are
those that adjust hormone concentrations in the woman's body. Birth control
pills, patches, vaginal rings, injections, and implants all contain a synthetic
form of progesterone. If used correctly, each of these methods prevents
ovulation and therefore precludes fertilization. Other methods kill sperm,
block the meeting of sperm and oocyte, or prevent a developing embryo from
implanting in the lining of the uterus.

Only latex and polyurethane condoms, however, simultaneously prevent
pregnancy and protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs),
which spread to new hosts during sexual contact. Vaginal intercourse,
oral sex, and anal sex all can provide direct, person-to-person
transmission for a wide variety of infectious agents. Interestingly,
humans are not the only ones to suffer from STIs. Other animal species
have STIs of their own; so do plants, which can pass viroids in pollen.

Thank you
Mirjam Nilsson​
[email protected]

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