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Lesson 3:
Recognize common isotopes and their uses (STEM_GC11AMIc-e-19)

Prepared by: MARK B. BARON

1. Define isotopes
2. Determine symbols for isotopes
3. Name some common isotopes and their uses
Properties of Matter – Key takeaways
01 03

Physical properties Chemical Properties Physical Change

04 05 06
and Methods of
Chemical Change Separating Mixtures
ACTIVITY 1 Fill in the gaps in this table.
Complete the sentences below.

1. If you want to know the number of neutrons in

an atom of a given element, you ______________.

2. Isotopes are ________________________.

Atoms that have the same atomic number, but
different mass numbers are called isotopes.
Isotopes of an element have the same amount of
proton and electron, and only differs in neutron.
This difference in neutron amount affects the
atomic mass because atomic mass is the sum of
the number of protons and neutrons in an atom
Isotope symbols are usually written
without the subscript, as in 1H, 2H, and
3H. They can also be written using the
hyphen notation. Here, the letter symbol is
followed by a hyphen and the mass
number is placed after the hyphen (e.g. H-
1, H-2, and H-3).

Note,in a neutral atom, the number of protons and

electrons are constant..
Two classification of Isotopes
Stable means it does not undergo radioactive decay

Unstable isotopes are called radioisotopes or radioactive isotopes of

an element.
Stable Isotopes Radioactive Isotopes
Radioactive decay is the process of shedding As the name implies, the radioactive isotopes
extra particles and energy in the form of emits radiation as they undergo radioactive
radiation. Only a small fraction of the isotopes decay. Of the different elements, more than
is known to be stable. Their stability is 1,000 radioactive isotopes are known.
determined by the ratio of the number of Approximately 50 of these are present in
neutrons to the number of protons in the nature; the remaining are made artificially in
nucleus. The nuclei with an even number of laboratories.
both protons and neutrons are in general, more
stable than nuclei with odd numbers of protons
and neutrons.
ACTIVITY 2 Directions: For each of the following isotopes, write the
number of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Assume all atoms are neutral.
ACTIVITY 3 Write the atomic symbols of the following isotopes. Place
atomic number as subscript and the mass number as a superscript to the left
side of the letter symbol of the atom.
Beneficial uses
Common Stable Isotopes and Their Uses
Stable isotopes do not emit radiation but has For example in water samples. Naturally
unique properties. They are used in a wide occurring stable isotopes of water and other
range of applications, including water and soil substances are used to trace the origin, history,
management, environmental research, studies sources, sinks and interactions in water, carbon
of nutritional evaluation and forensics. Stable and nitrogen cycles.
isotopes can be used by measuring their
amounts and proportions in samples.
Common Stable Isotopes and Their Uses

 The nuclear industry uses isotopes such as  Deuterium H-2, an isotope of hydrogen is
B-10 and Li-7 for neutron absorption and predominantly used in nutrition research.
depleted Zn-64 as an additive to cool water
of nuclear power plants to reduce radiation  In agriculture, Nitrogen-15 is the most
levels from unwanted radioactive isotopes of common stable isotope used.
cobalt and zinc (Co-67 and Zn-65).
Common Radioactive Isotopes and Their Uses
By shedding excess particles and energy in the
form of radiation, atoms with an unstable
One half-life is the time it takes to
undergo radioactive decay with half of the
nucleus regain stability.
unstable atoms. Some radioisotopes used in
nuclear medicine have short half-lives, meaning
For each radioisotope, the radioactive decay
they decay rapidly that makes them suitable for
mechanism is special and is determined by a
diagnostic purposes. Some require more time to
time period called half-life. decay, making them suitable for therapeutic

Nuclear medicine is a branch of medicine using radiation or

radioactive materials to diagnose as well as treat diseases.
Different sectors use radioisotopes in a variety of ways to increase productivity and collect knowledge that
can not be accessed in any other way. Following are the list of some applications of radioisotopes:

 dating rocks and fossils (identifying the age of  nuclear weapons testing
rock strata and fossils embedded in these  smoke alarms
rocks)  biological tracing
 surface and groundwater investigations  industrial radiography (ex. testing airplane jet
 medical diagnosis engine turbines for structural integrity)
 treatment of disease  Gauging (ex. measuring levels of liquid inside
 pest control containers or the thickness of materials)
 Agriculture  Scientific research
 Climatology
The table shows the summary of isotopes with known benefecial use.
ACTIVITY 3 Directions: Categorize the isotopes according to their uses.
Arrange the isotopes in their respective column
ACTIVITY 4 Directions: Write T if the statement is correct and F if the
statement is wrong.
 What are isotopes?
 How do you make a distinction between all isotopes of the same
 Differentiate stable and unstable isotopes.
 Carbon -14 is one of the most common isotopes. What are the uses of
this isotope?
Amorphous solids do not have an arranged shape like the other solid types. They look disorganized.

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