Microprocessor - Introduction

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Quaid -E- Awam University of Engineering, Science and

Technology Nawabshah

Lecture # 1


Department of Computer Systems Engineering

Basic Definition

 A micro-computer is a computer on a single printed

circuit board containing some chips. Used as general
purpose computer
 A microprocessor is a programmable electronics chip
that has computing and decision making capabilities.

 Contains the Arithmetic, Logic Unit for arithmetic and

logic operations.

 Hosts the groups of registers, a temporary storage area

for arithmetic, logic operations and other core functions.

 Processor performs operations on data stored in registers.

This requires to load data from main memory in the
registers, perform operations on the loaded data and
store the result back to the memory.
CPU organization
Design Metrics

 NRE Cost
 Unit Cost
 Size
 Flexibility
 Time-to-market
 Time-to-prototype
 Energy
 Power
 Reliability
 perofrmance

A system bus is a single computer bus that connects the

major components of a computer system, combining the
functions of a data bus to carry information, an address
bus to determine where it should be sent or read from,
and a control bus to determine its operation. 

Wires connecting memory & I/O to microprocessor

 Address Bus
• Unidirectional
• Identifying peripheral or memory location
 Data Bus
• Bidirectional
• Transferring data
 Control Bus
• Synchronization signals
• Timing signals
• Control signal

 The address bus is 'unidirectional', over which the

microprocessor sends an address code to the memory or

 The size (width) of the address bus is specified by the

number of bits it can handle.

 The more bits there are in the address bus, the more
memory locations a microprocessor can access.

 A 16 bit address bus is capable of addressing 65,536 (64K)

Classification of processor

 Classification of processor based on data bus.

 4-bit microprocessor

 8-bit microprocessor

 16-bit microprocessor

 32-bit microprocessor

 performs data processing function.

 ALU includes the accumulator, which is part of every

arithmetic & logic operation.

 The ALU includes a temporary register used for holding

data temporarily during the execution of the operation.

 This temporary register is not accessible by the

 Execution unit executes instructions.

 It contains a circuit called the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU).

 The ALU can perform arithmetic and logic (AND, OR, NOT} operations.

 The data for the operations are stored in circuits called registers.

 A register is a memory location but is referred by a name rather than a


 The EU has eight registers for storing data; their names arc AX, BX, CX,
DX, SJ, DI, Br, and SP.

 In addition, the EU contains temporary registers for holding operands

for the ALU, and the FLAGS register whose individual bits reflect the
result of a computation

 Memory is the location where information is kept while

not in current use.
 Memory is a collection of storage devices. Usually, each
storage device holds one bit. Also, in most kinds of
memory, these storage devices are grouped into groups
of 8. These 8 storage locations can only be accessed
together. So, one can only read or write in terms of bytes
to and form memory.
 Memory is usually measured by the number of bytes it
can hold. It is measured in Kilos, Megas and lately Gigas.
A Kilo in computer language is 2^10 =1024. So, a KB
(KiloByte) is 1024 bytes. Mega is 1024 Kilos and Giga is
1024 Mega
Memory Map

 The main memory in a computer, also known as

internal memory or internal storage. Accessing data
from primary memory is pretty fast and it is either
volatile like RAM or non-volatile like ROM. The
capacity of primary memory is also limited and
generally smaller when compared to secondary

 RAM is the main memory in a computer system. It is

basically a high-speed component that temporarily
stores the data.
Memory Word
Data bus
Allah Hafiz

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