Muhammad Adamu

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A Credit Seminar

Nutritional, Medicinal and Pharmacological Properties OF Carica papaya Linn.
Mal. Abubakar Mujaheed
Muhammad Adamu

Department of Biological Science Faculty of Natural and Applied science Sule Lamido
University Kafin Hausa

Papaya belongs to a small family Caricaceae having four
genera in world. The genus Carica L. is represented by
four species in India, of which Carica papaya L. is the
most widely cultivated and the best-known species (Jean
et al., 2011). It is a rich source of three powerful
antioxidant, vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E. The
minerals, magnesium and potassium, vitamin B
pantothenic acid and foliate and fibers. In addition to all
this , it contain digestive enzyme papain that effectively
treat cause s of trauma, allergies and sports injuries. And
also used as antimalarial, anti ulcer, anti hypertensive
activity, wound healing activity hepato -protective activity

2.1 Taxonomical Classification

Kingdom : Plantae
The papaya is native to tropical
Division : Magnoliophyta
America, perhaps in southern Mexico
Class : Magnoliopsida
and neighboring Central America.
Order : Brassicales
Successful commercial production
Family : Caricaceae
today in Hawaii, tropical Africa, the
Genus : Carica
Philippines, India, Ceylon, Malaysia
Species : Carica papaya Linn.
and Australia. Apart from the wide
2.2 International Synonym of Carica papaya Linn. spread but smaller scale production in
Country Names South Africa, and Latin America, in
1. India Papita India, papaya is cultivated in
2. Holland Tree melon Maharashtra, Bengal, Bihar, Haryana,
3. France Papaya Punjab and Delhi e.t.c.
4. Australia Paw- paw
5. Brazil Mamao
6. UK Paw- paw
Fruit shape : oval
Fruit length : 6 to 12 inches
 it is herbaceous succulent plant with self-supporting Fruit color : orange, yellow
stems. It is a large tree-like plant with a single stem
growing from 5 to 10 meters tall with sparely arranged
leaves confined to the top of the trunk.
Leaf color : Green
Leaf arrangement : Alternate
Leaf type : Simple
Leaf shape : Star -Shaped
Leaf venation : Palmate
Flower color: white- yellow
Flower characteristics : winter flowering, spring
Chemical constituents
 Carica papaya leaves contain, saponin, tannin, flavonoid, alkaloid and Glycoside,
leaves and shoots contains Minerals Ca, K, Mg, Zn, Mn, Fe, Unripe fruit contains
Enzyme, Papain, chymopapain, Fruits contains Carotenoids Β carotene,
cryptoxanthin, roots contains Carposide, Glucosinolates Benzyl isothiocynate,
papaya oil found in seeds, shoots consists Flavoniods Myricetin, kaemferol, fruits
Monoterpenoids Linalool,4-terpinol (Ogbonna et al., 2013).

Nutritional value of Carica papaya Linn.

 Carica papaya Linn. is a plant that have many Nutritional value. The plant parts
like fruits are contains low calories and rich in vitamins A, B, C, and minerals also
used as anti-aging properties, used in also cosmetic preparations which have
antioxidant actions. The fruits have many Nutritional values like proteins,
carbohydrates, fibres, minerals, beta carotene , Thiamine, Riboflavin, Energy etc
(Abhishek et al., 2016).
Medicinal Properties of C.Papaya Linn.
 According Krishna et al., (2008) Various medicinal uses of different parts of the papaya are reported

with the crude extracts and different fractions from crude extracts of different parts of papaya. They
have been used as traditional medicine for the treatment of various diseases.

i. Latex: Cures diarrhoea, whooping cough, bleeding hemorrhoids.

ii. Ripe Fruit: digestive, chronic diarrhoea, relieves obesity, diarrhoea, expectorant, sedative and
tonic ,relieves obesity, bleeding piles.

iii. Unripe Fruit: laxative ,diuretic, dried fruit reduces enlarged spleen and liver, use snakebite to

remove poison, anti- implantation activity and antibacterial activity.

iv. Seeds :Carminative , emmenagogue , vermifuge, abortifaciant, counter irritant, as paste in the

treatment of ringworm and pasoriasis ,anti-fertility agent in malic

v. Root: Abortifacient, diuretic, checking irregular bleeding from the uterus, piles, antifungal activity

vi. Leaves :Young leaves as vegetable , Jaundice(fine paste), urinary complaints

&gonorrhoea (infusion) dressing wound fresh leave, antibacterial

v. Flower; Jaundice, emmenagogue, febrifuge and pectoral properties
vi. Steam bark: Jaundice, anti-haemolytc activity, STD , store teeth(inner bark) ,anti-
fungal activity.

The plant C. papaya has been proved for various medicinal activities like
 Antioxidant Anti-tumor
 Anti-hypertensive Anti-diabetic
 Wound healing Anti -sickling activity
 Anti-malarial Anti-ulcer activity
 Anti-fertility Antimicrobial activity etc.
 Antihelmintic
 Hepatoprotective
 Anti-inflammatory
 From the various literature studied, it could be concluded that Papaya possesses
unique compounds, which aids pharmacological improvement/development in
human and animals. Apart from serving as food, Papaya has been found to possess
nutritional, medicinal and pharmacological properties, hence
consumption/utilization of Papaya is therefore encouraged, as the fruit crop stands
to supply unique compounds which aids mankind development/advancement.
 Abhishek Agarwall, Sony Vyas, Devi Prasad Agarwal, (2016). Therapeutic benefits of
Carica papaya leaf extracts in dengue fever patients. Scholars Journal of Applied
Medical Sciences, 4(2A),299-302.
 Ikeyi Adachukwu P, Ogbonna Ann O and Eze Faith U. ( 2013).phytochemical analysis
of paw-paw (Carica papaya) leaves. International journal of life science
biotechnology and Pharmacy research, Vol. 2, No. 3.
 Jean J., Soucy J., Pouliot R. (2011). Effects of retinoic acid on keratinocyte proliferation
and differentiation in a psoriatic skin model. Tissue Eng Part A, 17, 1859 – 1868.
 Krishna, K., M. Paridhavi, et al. (2008). Review on nutritional, medicinal and
pharmacological properties of papaya (Carica papaya Linn.). Nat Prod Radian, 7, 364-


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