PBL Project
PBL Project
PBL Project
Prof. M. P. Navale & P . R. Bajare
BY :
Problem Statement
Literature Survey
Project Scope
Future Scope
End User
System Requirements
Chat Application Diagram
Problem Statement
To design a chat application for a discussion among a set of people with interest in a new
growing technologies. So they can relate with new technologies and enhance their tech
Knowledge .
• The evolution of the internet technologies had benefit people to accessing to
the web easily. More and more services provide by this internet All of this can
be virtualize thank to the technologies.
• Communication between people using the internet becomes part of their tech
life. People used to communicate with each other’s using the online chat
system to transfer their technical knowledge.
To provide users with an instant messaging tool that has the ability to handle n
number of users simultaneously.
As a student we know that their are so many problem when we want to learn
new technologies such as not getting proper resources ,roadmaps and many such
small problem may affect our motivation to achieve our dreams.
Literature Survey
Purpose Design/methodology Originality/value
Lili Luo This paper aims to A thorough review of the This paper fills the need
Reference Services Revie provide a holistic view of literature on chat to provide reference
w the current practice of reference evaluation is practitioners with both a
ISSN: 0090-7324 chat reference evaluation conducted and the critical view of current
Article publication date: and to suggest a evaluation studies are chat reference practice,
15 February 2008 framework that could grouped by their and a tool that could help
help reference evaluative perspective them design and develop
practitioners evaluate chat and measures. Based on a chat reference
reference services in the literature review, a evaluation project.
multiple contexts. framework of
perspectives and
measures for chat
reference evaluation is
Jeremy Weinstein Traditional data collection As our survey method is built To test the method, we
Reference Services methods present limitations using three commercial implemented WhatsApp
October2020 for researchers and non-profit platforms - panel surveys with refugee
DOI:10.31235/osf.io/j9a2y organizations alike. In-person The WhatsApp Business API, and migrant
Graduate School of Business, and phone-based surveys can as well as the Twilio and populations in Colombia and
Stanford University be time-intensive and costly Google. As a first step, refugees in the U.S., two
to researchers mobile populations that are
implement, especially if must collect WhatsApp typically
collecting panel data over contact numbers and obtain Difficult to survey. For
time. It can also be difficult consent from research further detail on the
to maintain participants to questionnaire design,
panel data and stay in touch be contacted via WhatsApp. response rates, and
with respondents when there Second, researchers need to Summary statistics see the
are changes in contact be granted permission to Supplementary Materials.
information or location, access to
especially among mobile the WhatsApp Business API
populations. by verifying their
organization through
the Facebook Business
Akhilesh Sarjit M S, Previous chat applications The backend interface is This chatting application will
Srivishak V, Shiddarth S, like Yahoo messenger were implemented with two be built as a web-based and
Saravana Kumar P, based on the usage of PHP servers: client and Server. mobile application so as to
Preethi D and MySQL for server Server side is responsible for provide the users with
maintenance and for the database retrieval, flexibility. This chatting
Department of Electronics processing client requests. database maintenance and application is aimed for the
and Communication PHP is a server side, cross their services to the client users in organizations and
Engineering, Bannari Amman platform, HTML embedded side, whereas the page institutions with their very
Institute of Technology, tool used to design web pages maintenance and the own servers so as to provide
Erode, Tamil Nadu, India application interface will be privacy for the users. But
performed by the client side. apart from the specifics usage
Website is a set of pages of the application, this can
provided through also be put to generic usage
interconnected network that is so as to extend the services to
available for everyone to the general public.
access around the globe
through network facility
It is free platform and has user friendly interface .
As it is online it can used by n number of people from any corner of
It is more flexible and time convenient platform.
Project Scope
The above given diagram shows the basic architecture of the chat tool. The server should be connected to all the
clients directly but should be able to categories them into their respective chat rooms and broadcast messages only
to the sender’s chat room.
For example,
In chat room 101, if client A sends a message, the message should only be broadcasted to clients B and client C and
not to any other clients. Similarly, in chat room 102 the privacy of the clients is maintained.
For this project we used HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, Node.js, and Express.js to implement this idea. It is basically
web base chat application which is used for sharing knowledge of new growing technologies because we created
new growing technologies rooms in it. So students, employee or anyone can used this application to get answer of
their doubts like, Now a days BLOCKCHAIN is the new growing technologies but most of the students and
people don’t know about it so they can come on this platform and take advantage of this application.
If some people know little bit about blockchain they can enhance their knowledge and can compete with the world.
It has a user friendly interface so new users can easily familiar with this.
Future Scope :-
It can be summarized that the future scope of the project circles around maintaining information
and providing more facilities :
2. CSS – CSS has been used for all the designing part.
3. JAVASCRIPT – all the validation task and animations has been developed by javascipt.
4. Socket.js – it is libraries in JS which allows bi-directional communication between users and server.
5. NODE.JS – it is backend Javascript environment execute js code outside web browser before it is send to user
web browser and is used to create chat rooms very easily.
6. Express.js – it is node.js web framework use on backend side or server side of website
7. Momet.js – Moment.JS is a JavaScript library which helps in displaying date/time in JavaScript in a very easy way.
End user
Tech Company Employees
Tech Enthusiastic people
Common People
Development team of technical company.
Functional Requirements -
1. The clients can be able to do the following
– List all the existing chat rooms.
– Create a new chat room.
– Join an existing chat room.
2. Multiple clients should be able to communicate with each other through the chat
3. Send Message: User should be able to send instant message to contact on his/her chat room.
Login : Any user who make use of the system need to put username and select the room name.
Minimum intel core i3 processor
Minimum 5GB hard disk space
Minimum 2GB RAM.
Chat Application Diagram
Login Page :-
• Enter the username and Room
https://www.google.com/ for problem solving
Thank You!