CRIM 103 Presentation
CRIM 103 Presentation
CRIM 103 Presentation
Abnormal Behavior
Abnormal Behavior – can be defined as a behavior which is away from or deviating from normal
Normal Behavior – is actually an embodiment of an ideal, such as the case of an ideal
policeman, ideal husband, ideal professor etc.
(Normal behavior is that which follows this ideal model, and abnormal behavior is that which
deviates from it.)
The professional judgment as to whether behavior is
Sick Behavior obviously abnormal is independent on the presence of
certain symptoms which are characteristic of mental
(For example, does the person hears voices which are not
In our society, abnormal there or suffers hallucination, or false beliefs which are
behavior is most of the time strongly held despite reality or delusions)
referred to as “sick” behavior. One of the basis of the abnormality of the behavior is the
degree of the ineffectiveness of the individual’s behavior.
In this regard behavior which is ineffective, self-
defeating, self -destructive, and which separates the
individual from those who are important to him, is
regarded as abnormal.
Common Misconceptions about Abnormal Behavior
• The
delusions ofbehavior
and a mentally mentally ill persons have• noThe
of healthy delusion to
relationship of the feelings
ill person
ofindividual is able
the mentally to check
healthy. his mentally
Some beliefs ill persons experience
are not subject to the challenge of
against reality and to modify his thinking reality.
Delusion – may be defined as a false belief which is strongly held despite all test of reality. Many
based on the evidence presented.
of us have experienced beliefs that later turn out to be false.
The following are the general and specific characteristics of behavior which can be used to
serve as guidelines in assessing the problems:
Appropriateness – The basis of a behavior’s appropriateness includes assessment of not only the
behavior itself but also the situation in which it is happening.
Flexibility – Normal behavior, regardless of the place, tends to be .flexible and can be change in
order to fit the given situation.
Impulsivity – Abnormal behavior, since it is related in part to uncontrolled or partially controlled
needs and drives, tends to be impulsive. Normal behavior is more likely to be a result of a
consideration of its consequences, with important decisions being given careful thought before
Causes of Abnormal Behavior
Frustration – the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or
achieve something.
Frustration happens when a person is blocked in the satisfaction of a need. An individual faced with
frustration becomes anxious and restless and tries to seek or look for means of relieving these
anxieties. He tries to engage in various forms of activities that are intended to satisfy his needs and
reduce his tension.
Forms of Conflict
Double Approach Conflict – A conflict that arises when two desirable activities that cannot be
pursued simultaneously.
Double Avoidance Conflict – A conflict that arises when two undesirable situations in which the
avoidance of one is the exposure to the other .
Approach- Avoidance Conflict – A kind of conflict that results when a person faces situation
having both desirable and undesirable feature.
Multiple- Approach Avoidance Conflict – A kind of conflict that results when person is in aa
situation in which choice must be made between two or more alternatives.
Manifestations of Frustration
Frustration happens when a person is blocked in the satisfaction of a need. An individual faced with
frustration becomes anxious and restless and tries to seek or look for means of relieving these
anxieties. He tries to engage in various forms of activities that are intended to satisfy his needs and
reduce his tension.
A. Reactions to Frustration
Withdrawal or retreat — is corresponding to running away from the problem or flight which to
some, is the safest way.
Developing feeling of inferiority — Being discourage to go on working for a way to handle a
frustration could result to diminishing self-confidence, until the time when inferiority complex sets in.
Aggression — is a negative outcome of a person’s inability to handle frustration rightly.
Manifestation in physical behavior can be observed in one’s negative attitudes towards life both in
the personal and professional aspect.
Use of defense mechanism - is the most tolerated way of handling frustration. It is man’s last
result when a person attempts to overcome fear from an anticipated situation or event.
Defense Mechanism
Defense mechanism — are unconscious psychological processes that serve as a safety valve
that provides relief from emotional conflict and anxiety. They are forms of self-deception, which a
person may not be aware of.
It should be noted that,, with the possible exception of repression, none of the so called defense
mechanisms are necessarily pathological or harmful to the individual using them.
All of us use these psychological defense mechanism daily to protect us against guilt, tension,
anxiety, inferiority and other uncomfortable feelings. It is only when these mechanism are employed
indiscriminately and inappropriately or are not adequately developed that they become harmful to
oneself and others.
Defense Mechanism
Substitution — through this defense mechanism, the individual seeks to overcome feelings of
frustration and anxiety by achieving alternate goals and gratifications.
Fantasy — this is resulted to whenever unfulfilled ambitions and unconscious drives do not
Regression-- when a person uses this defense mechanism, he reverts to a pattern of feeling,
thinking, or behavior which was appropriate to an earlier stage of development. functions as form
of retreat, enabling a person to psychologically go back in time to a period when the person felt
Sublimation — is the process by which instinctual drives, consciously unacceptable are diverted
into personally and socially accepted channels.
Unhealthy Results of Frustration
However, a person is said to be normal and well-adjusted person when he or she exhibits the following
• Some(a) free expression
persons of personality
are incapable of making effective adjustments to their frustration.
• (b) adequate security feelings
• As a(c)
result theycontact
efficient may react
frustration in a random, impulsive, and inadequate manner
• that (d)
does not relievetothem
adoptability groupofnorms
tension, but, in fact increases the maladjustment.
• (e) emotional maturity
• (f) adequate self-knowledge
• (g) integrated and consistent personality
Strategies and Approaches for Handling Different Kinds of Abnormal
Behavior in Relation of Law Enforcement and Criminal Proceeding
Presented below is a table which shows the characteristics of an abnormal behavior and strategies
on how to deal with it.
Negotiation Strategy for
Characteristics Negotiation Strategy
Disorganized Thinking Do not try to convince them that delusions are wrong; and
Delusions false belief – often of persecution or grandeur despite evidence to
the contrary. Allow subject to explain in order to develop honesty, trust, rapport and
Thoughts spill out in no logical order, leaps from one idea to another. empathy.
Inappropriate emotions/actions Offer protection and medication to avoid them from feeling alone.
Laughs at funerals, cries when others laugh, performs compulsive or
senseless acts e.g. rocking, rubbing , twisting hair.
Strategies and Approaches for Handling Different Kinds of Abnormal
Behavior in Relation of Law Enforcement and Criminal Proceeding
Socially withdrawn, aloof. detached: May have a negative attitude to mental health professionals; and
Avoid getting the family/clergy as intermediaries.
Argumentative, suspicious of others, over reacts;
Brooding over past event (tearful) Discuss real world-here and now
Suicidal, but not always Beware of sudden improvements – may indicate suicide
Poor planner – lacks follow through Provide understanding and uncritical acceptance
Probable marital and employment problems Stay with subject, become significant other – we can work together.
May like attention and not want to end incident. Offer prospect of continued support/attention after incident.
Strategies and Approaches for Handling Different Kinds of Abnormal
Behavior in Relation of Law Enforcement and Criminal Proceeding
Low anxiety, blames others – never their fault Beware non police intermediaries
Frustration tolerance low – may turn to his/her for simulation. Negotiator – need to keep them busy/become source of stimulation.
Thank You For Your Cooperation
GOD Speed and Stay Safe
Group: 1 Members
Garlet, Mayfrisevenson C.
Lico, Jorlou Ann S.
Pasolot, Zayra Jane M.
Venida, Jhonly G.