Legislative and Initiative in Corporate Organization Proposal
Legislative and Initiative in Corporate Organization Proposal
Legislative and Initiative in Corporate Organization Proposal
Group 6
- Scrutinize the performance of management in meeting agreed goals and monitor reporting of
- Satisfy themselves on the accuracy of financial information and that financial controls/risk
are robust/defensible
- Determine executive director’s remuneration and prime role in
Recruitment and appointment
These includes:
- Before an appointment identify balance of skills, knowledge and experience required.
- Identify and nominate suitable candidates given the above.
- Annually review time commitment required for a non-executive director and consider whether non-
executives are spending enough time to fulfill their duties.
- Consider succession planning given challenges or opportunities facing the business.
- Regularly review board structure/size/composition and recommend any necessary changes.
- Give a statement of activities in the annual report including committee membership, number of
meetings an attendance of members.
- Make it’s term of reference publicly available.
- Ensure the non-executive directors receive a formal letter of appointment setting out expectation.
• The nomination committee should have a majority if
independent non-executive directors
• Executive development programs should be
considered to train suitable individuals for future roles
as directors
• When shareholder approval is sought for the
appointment of a non-executive directors the board
set out the reasons why that person is appropriate and
how the meet the requirements of the role
Induction and professional
• There should be a comprehensive induction
program for new non-executive directors
• The chairman should address the developmental
needs if the whole board to enhance effectiveness,
adequate resources should be made available to
develop/refresh the skills knowledge if directors
• Performance of the board should be evaluated
annually and the annual report should indicate
whether and how this is done
• Higgs suggests that non-executive directors should
conduct self-appraisals if their skills, knowledge
and expertise
Tenure and time
Normal tenure of non-executive directors to
be two three-year terms, explanation should
be given to shareholder for any longer terms
- Set remuneration of executive directors, chairman and chairman and chairman secretary
- Determine targets for performance related pay schemes
- Determine policy on pension arrangements for executive directors
-Ensure on changes to employee benefit strictures
- Agree on changes to employee benefit structures
- Agree policy for authorizing expense claims from chairman and chief executive
- Ensure the annual report contains all the necessary disclosures
• The report recognizes that the question
of liability is an important one and
suggest a number of areas the
government should address