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IMS Awareness

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Purpose-To Conscientise employees on IMS and its benefits

ISO Overview in relation to SHERQ
 ISO – International Organisation of Standards.
It is an independent, non-governmental international
organization with a membership of 162 national standards
bodies. It brings together experts to share knowledge and
develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant
International Standards that support innovation and provide
solutions to global challenges.

What is a standard?
 A standard is a document that provides requirements,
specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used
consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes
and services are fit for their purpose. 
 They are instrumental in facilitating international trade.
What An Integrated management system is a
consolidation of stand alone standards into
is a single management system that satisfies
the requirements of the standards included.
“The overall management system that
includes organizational structure, planning
activities, responsibilities, practices,
procedures, processes and resources for
developing, implementing, achieving,
reviewing and maintaining the IMS policy.”

Based on a PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT framework

ZPC IMS standards
ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management System
Make sure an organisations products and services meet
customers' needs

ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental Management System

To ensure that organisations activities do not adversely affect the
surrounding environment.

ISO 45001:2018 - Occupational Health and Safety

Reduce workplace risks and create safer working environments.
Integrated Management System (IMS)

ISO 9001:2015

ISO 14001:2015

ISO 45001:2018
ZPC Vision , Mission and Values
To be the preferred supplier of electricity and related services in the region by 2030. 
To generate and supply electricity sustainably.
Teamwork- Bound and powered together as one, we shall maximize on the skills
base of team members.
Environmentally Friendly- Zero harm to people, plant and environment.
Client Focus- Powering the economy and homes into the future.
Innovation- Creating energy solutions with the courage to implement.
Professionalism- Fearless, diligent and accountable application of our skills with
Corporate Social Responsibility- Uplifting the welfare of our communities.
 IMS Policy – is a statement of the organisations intentions and
principles in relation to its overall IMS performance, framework
on IMS objectives, top management responsibilities.

 Essentially, a policy is simply the way things are done within an

 Workplace policies establish guidelines for best practices in
certain work situations.
 They offer clear communication to the employees as to how they
are expected to act.
 Policies also contribute to the overall culture of the workplace,
because they instil norms and values
ZPC IMS Policy Statement
 Commitment to achieve and maintain
 Creativity : energy solutions
Zero Harm to people, environment,
property, and community  Professionalism
 Core Principles/Values
 Social responsibility
 Systems – risk based
internationally recognised  Risk management
management systems
(ISO9001:2015,  Compliance obligations:
ISO14001:2015,ISO 45001:2018) relevant SHERQ laws,
 Management: managing in ethical
way standards, policies, codes
 Teamwork  Competence and
 Environment: clean and awareness
sustainable energy generation
 Customer: powering the economy  Review & Change
into the future management
IMS Documents
IMS Manual- demonstrate ZPC commitment to
managing business through international standards
and Agency Integrated Performance
Agreement(AIPA), description of core elements of
IMS, their interaction and direction to related

IMS Scope-boundaries of IMS applicability (e.g

ZPC IMS does not cover schools whilst Deka is
Structure of ZPC Documents


IMS Manual

IMS Procedures

Work Instructions

IMS documents conti..
Generic procedures-ZPC has 21 generic
procedures that governs all activities and
Operating procedures-made by sections for
specific site operational level activities.
Work instructions-they give finer details of
implementing procedures.
General forms (e.g. pre-task risk assessment,
permits, out of norm, permit to leave site, removal
authority, leave forms etc.).
IMS Generic Procedures
IMSP 5.3 Organizational Roles and Responsibilities
IMSP 6.1 Actions to address Risks and Opportunities
IMSP 6.1.3 Compliance Obligations
IMSP 6.2 Objectives and Planning to achieve them
IMSP 6.3 Change Management
IMSP 7.1 Resources
IMSP 7.2.3 Competence and awareness
IMSP 7.4 Communication
IMSP 7.5a Documented Information
IMSP 7.5b Control of Records
IMSP 8.1 Operational Control
IMSP 8.1.2 SHERQ Committees
IMS Generic Procedures Cont’d
IMSP 8.1.3 IMS Representatives
IMSP 8.1.4 Waste Management
IMSP 8.1.5 Customer Feedback
IMSP 8.1.7 Temporary Exemption and alterations
IMSP 8.3 Design and Development
IMSP 8.4 Contractor Management
IMSP 9.1 Monitoring, Measurement and Performance evaluation

IMSP 9.2 Internal Auditing

IMSP 9.3 Management Review
IMSP 10 Accident Reporting and Incident Management
IMSP 10.2 Non Conformities and Corrective Actions
It ensures the proper writing, identification, review, approval,
distribution, withdrawal, security and monitoring of IMS
documents and data.
Documented information: information needed to be
controlled and maintained by an organisation and the
medium on which it is contained
Documents of External Origin: Documents as defined
above but originating from outside ZPC
Obsolete Documents: Hard copy or electronic documents
that have been superseded and replaced by new versions or
are no longer applicable to the current system.
Document Controller: person appointed to control IMS
documents either hard copies or soft copies(ZPC document
This topic is guided by a procedure applies to all
records used by ZPC locations including those
required by compliance obligations.
Record: A document stating results achieved or
providing evidence of activities performed.
Retention time: the time over which a record is
kept before it is disposed of.
Legal and other Requirements: All laws,
regulations, permits, contracts, memorandums of
agreement and consent orders applicable to ZPC’s
processes, activities, and services
Benefits of documentation
 Evidence-record to show work has been done, (objective
evidence used in audits)
 Communicating instructions-one of the most effective ways of
 Reference for work
 Performance measurement
 Quality of output-reduction of errors and reworks
 Accident prevention - Prevention of losses (financial, human
resources and assets) e.g. pre-task risk assessment forms,
risk registers
 Used by stakeholder’s e.g. NSSA for WCIF compensation
 Standardisation of work
Who is responsible for IMS in an Organisation??
Duties of employer and worker SI 68/1990
Duties of employer Duties of the worker
Report on the absence of or defect in any
Provision and maintenance of
equipment or protective devices
occupational health services
Report the existence of a hazard
Provision, ensure usage and
Have at the expense of the employer,
maintenance of prescribed equipment, medical examinations, tests, etc
materials and protective devices Work in compliance with OHS
Provision of OHS measures and requirements
procedures Use or wear the equipment, protective
Maintenance of various OHS records devices or clothing the employer requires
Compliance with standards limiting to be used or worn
Not remove or make ineffective any
employee exposure
Provision of OHS training
protective devices prescribed or required
by the employer
Provision of written policy Not use or operate any equipment,
Establishment of a safety committee machine, device in a manner that may
Appointment of a supervisor and OHS endanger self or others
Benefits of IMS
• Prevention of loss – human, production, financial, Envt. Damage
 Increased productivity
 Compliance Obligations
 Customer satisfaction
 Corporate image
 Higher levels of efficiency
 Sustainability
 Competitive edge / market share
 Managing SHERQ issues in a holistic manner
 Confidence of stakeholders
 Improved Public Relations
 Continual improvement
 Reduced re-works
 Business continuity and knowledge management

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