Lesson 11 Ways To Improve Brain Functions

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What’s In?

Now let us have a review of the previous lesson. Draw a STAR if the words are
parts of the brain. Draw a HAPPY FACE if the words are functions of the brain.
Put your answer in the space provided.

1. Processing information 6. Regulates emotion

2. Hindbrain 7. Motor movement
3. Cerebrum 8. Organize information
4. Thalamus 9. Frontal Lobe
5. Brain stem 10. Cerebral cortex
Our personality is a product of genetic
response that we inherit from our
parents and from the influence of our
environment. This environment shaped
by the people around us, culture, and
practices that we are being raised in
continuously creates social interactions
and relationships.
Ways to Improve your
Brain Function for
Personal Development
Ways to Improve your Brain Function for
Personal Development
The brain is responsible for our way of
thinking, feeling, and behaving. Still, it
is important to observe and exercise
ways to improve your brain functions as
a maturing adolescent.
Some useful tips to improve your brain power
- benefits your brain health and
cognition, improves your memory
and even protects your brain from
degeneration. Aerobic exercise is
particularly good for the brain.
Activities that keep your blood
pumping is good for your heart and
great for your brain.
Some useful tips to improve your brain power

- taking 10-15 minutes of
meditation a day could help
to extend your cognitive
Some useful tips to improve your brain power

- enough sleep is required to
consolidate memory
learning. If you do not get
enough sleep, you will have
a less healthy brain.
Some useful tips to improve your brain power
Food Intake
- Just as the body needs fuel, so does
the brain. Eat a brain boosting diet
such as food rich in omega-3,
antioxidants, amino acids, and
vitamin E. Eat more vegetables, limit
calorie and saturated fat intake. Drink
green tea and wine, or grape juice in
Some useful tips to improve your brain power
- sunlight and exercise can
sometimes go hand in hand.
Getting too little sunlight is not
good for your brain. Higher levels
of vitamin D in your system allow
you to perform better and can even
slow down the aging of your brain.
Some useful tips to improve your brain power
Good Relationship
- make time for friends.
Building a strong support
system around you will enable
you to stay healthy mentally and
psychologically over the long
term. This is called the ultimate
brain booster.
Some useful tips to improve your brain power
Do not smoke
- smoking can cause brain
disorder called dementia.
Those people who smoked
more than two packs of
cigarettes a day had twice the
rate of dementia when they
were older.
Some useful tips to improve your brain power

Be creative
- when something is broken,
find creative repair
solutions using common
Some useful tips to improve your brain power

Classical music
- listening to calm music
can improve to brain
Some useful tips to improve your brain power

Drink coffee
- drinking coffee in moderation
increases your brain
performance and speed and will
even boost your intelligence,
including your reaction time
and reasoning.
How to Improve
your mental focus?
How to Improve your mental focus?

- begin by assessing just
how strong your mental
focus is at the present
moment before you start
How to Improve your mental focus?
Eliminate distractions
- request to be left alone and set
aside a specific time and place, seek
out a calm or quite place where you
can work undisturbed. The library, a
private room in your house, or even
a quiet coffee shop might all be
good spots to try.
How to Improve your mental focus?
Limit focus
- Part of improving your mental
focus is all about making the
most of the resources you have
available. Stop multitasking and
instead give your full attention
to one thing at a time.
How to Improve your mental focus?
Live in the moment
- It is hard to stay mentally focused when you
are ruminating about the past, worrying about
the future, or tuned out of the present
moment for some other reason. It may take
some time but work on learning to truly live
in the moment. You cannot change the past
and the future has not happened yet, but what
you do today can help you avoid repeating
past mistakes and pave a path for a more
successful future.
How to Improve your mental focus?

Practice mindfulness
- Practicing mindfulness can
involve learning how to
meditate, but it can also be as
simple as trying a quick and
easy deep breathing exercise.
How to Improve your mental focus?
Take a short break
- Shift your attention to something
unrelated to the task at hand, even if
it is only for a few moments. These
short moments might mean that you
are able to keep your mental focus
sharp and your performance high
when you really need it.
How to Improve your mental focus?
Build your mental focus
- it is not something that will happen
overnight. it requires plenty of time and
practice to strengthen concentration
skills. By building your mental focus,
you will find that you are able to
accomplish more and concentrate on
the things in life that truly bring you
success, joy, and satisfaction.
How to Improve your mental focus?
- A mind map is an easy way to
brainstorm thoughts organically
without worrying about order
and structure. It allows you to
visually represent the structure
your ideas to help with analysis
and recall.

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