Geo Presentation On Urbanization

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• Urbanization refers to the population shift from rural to urban
areas, the corresponding decreases in the proportion of people
living in rural areas.
• It is predominantly the process by which towns and cities are
formed and become larger as more people begin living and
working in Central areas.
• The common measure of Urbanisation is the proportion of total
population of an area that lives in the urban areas as defined in
the census.
Causes of urbanization

• Urbanisation affects all sizes of settlements from

small villages to towns to cities, leading up to the
growth of mega-cities which have more than ten
million people.

• Economic, political, and social issues merge with

circumstances of modernization to make people
want to migrate from rural to urban areas
Causes of urbanization include:
Industrial Growth: The
explosion of
industrialization and
manufacturing enterprises
within a certain urban
area gives rise to more
employment opportunities
— which is another factor
of urbanization.
•Employment: Rural
areas commonly are
Urbanization and
industrial growth create
opportunities for jobs
that pay more, are more
diverse, and may be less
physically demanding.
• Social Factors: Many
urban areas allow for
better living standards,
including superior
educational facilities,
better access to
healthcare, modern
housing, and more
recreational activities.
• Economic Problems: Many people may choose to
migrate from a world area, as it is generally not as
economically stable or wealthy as a booming
urban city.
• Modernization: New
technology upgrades the
infrastructure of urban areas.
Better communication,
medical facilities, and various
social amenities can attract
those from rural areas.
Positive impact of urbanization.

Every coin has two sides.

Hence, it doesn’t come as a
surprise that urbanization
also has a specific positive
impact on the development
of the nation. Let us take a
look at some of these
• Improved standards of living
The quality of education also
improves, and people are
provided with better medical
facilities and healthcare
requirements. There are better
communication and
transportation facilities in
urban areas. Naturally, the
living standards of the
population improve.
• Availability of better services
Due to advancements in the field of technology in
urban areas, they can provide a variety of services
to the people. These services are not available in
rural areas.

Proper medical care, education, transportation, etc.

are more developed in urban areas. Even
recreational facilities are more advanced in urban
• Improved market potential
City life generates the 
market potential of the
population. Their
shopping potential
increases manifold. It
leads to the development
of malls and shopping
Negative impact of urbanization
Housing Problems
An increase in the number of people within any
area results in the problem of accommodation.
The population has also significantly increased in
the last few years.

Because of this population pressure, urban areas

face a scarcity of housing facilities.
Since there is a lack of housing
facilities, many people are
forced to share small living
Congestion has significantly
increased with the influx of
rural population into urban
areas. It increases pressure on
land and resources, creating a
scarcity of basic amenities.
Although the primary reason for urbanization was
ample job opportunities, the situation has
dramatically reversed now.

Since several people flock to cities in search of jobs,

employing every one of them becomes difficult.
Moreover, jobs have become highly specialized- not
everyone can meet all the job requirements of a
Water Scarcity
Where the population has
increased, resources have
remained minimal.
One major crisis that big
cities face today is water
scarcity. Dry summer
seasons are even worse
where water is available for
only some hours during the
Thank you

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