Theories of Leadership

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Some of Leadership Theories

 Great Man Theory
 Trait Theory
 Behavioural Theories
 Contingency Theory
 Sutuational Theory
Great Man Theory
 Leaders are born, not made
 This approach emphasized that a person is

born with or without the necessary traits of

Early explanations of leadership studied the
“traits: of great leaders
 “Great man” theories (Gandhi, Lincoln,

 Belief that people were born with these traits

and only the great people possessed them

Greta Man Theory
 Great Man approach actually emphasis
“charismatic” leadership. Charisma being the
Greek word for gift.
 No matter what group such a natural leader
finds himself in, he will always be recognized
for what he is
 According the great man theory of leadership,
leadership calls for certain qualities like
commanding personality, charm, courage,
intelligence, persuasiveness and aggressiveness
 What charakteristics or traits make a person a
leader ?
 Great Man Theory : Individuals are born either with
or without the necessary traits for leadership
 Trait theories of leadership sought personality,
social, physical or intellectual traits that
differentiate leader from non leaders
 Trait view has little analytical or predictive value
 Technical, conceptual and human skills (Katz, 1974)
Trait Theories of Leadership
 Theories that consider
personality, social,
Leadership Traits :
physical,or intellectual traits • Ambition and
to differentiate leaders energy
• The desire to lead
from non leaders • Honesty and
• Self-Confidence
• Intelligence
• Job relevant
Trait Theory
 The trait Theory is based on the great man
theory, but it is more systematic in its
analysis of leaderr. Like the great man theory,
this theory assumes that the leagers’s
personal trait are the key to leadership
-Need for
Personal Trait : occupational
Ability: Personality Trait
_ Self Assurance Avhievement
- Supervising _ Decisiveness _ Self
Anbility _Masculinity/ Actualization

- Intelligence Famininity _ Power over

_ MaturityAffinity others
_ Initiative
_Working Class _ High financial
affinity reward
- Job security
Trait of leaders
 Intelligence
 Physical Features
 Inner Motivation
 Maturity
 Vision and Foresight
 Acceptance of Responsibility
 Open-Minded and Adaptability
 Self confidence
 Human relations Attitude
 Fairness and Objectivity
Trait ang Skill Differentiating Leader from
Nonleader (Ralph Stogdill,1974)
• Adaptable to situation • Clever (intelligent)
• Alert to social environment • Conceptually skilled
• Ambitious, achievement oriented • Creative
• Assertive • Doplomatic and tactiful
• Cooperative • Fluent in speaking
• Decisive • Knowledgeable about the work
• Dependable • Organized (administrative ability)
• Dpminant (power motivation) • Persuasive
• Energetic (high activity level) • Socially skilled
• Persitent
• Self confident
• Tolerate of stress
• Willing to assume responsibility
Traits Theories : Limitation
 No universal traits that predict leadership in
all situation
 Traits predict behavior better in “weak” than

“strong” situation
 Unclear evidence of the cause and effect of

relationship pf leadership and traits

 Better predictor of the appearance of

leadership than distinguishing effective and

ineffective leaders
Behavioural Theory
In contrast with trait theory, behav ioural theory
attempt to describes leadership in terms of what
leaders do, while trait theory seeks to explain
leadership on the basis og what leaders are.
Leadership according to this approach is a result
of effective role behaviour. Leadership is shown
by a person’s act more than b y his trait. This is
an appropriate new research strategy adopted by
Michigan Reserachers in the sense that the
empasis on the trait is replaced by the empasis
on leader behaviour (which could be measured)
Behavioral Theory
 Theories proposing that specific behaviors
differentiate leader from non leaders
• Patterns of actions used by different
individuals determines leadership potential
• Exampels :
 Autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire

- Michigan Studies : Employee centered versus

task centered
Behavioral Theory
 Theories that attepmt to isolate behavioars
that differentiate effective leaders from
ineffective leaders
 Behavioral studies focus on identifying critical

behavioral determinant of leadership that, in

turn, could be used to train people to become
Ohio State Studies
 The Ohio State Studies, sought to identify
independent dimensions of leader behavior:
 Initiating structure : The extent to which a
leader is likely to define and structure his or
her role and those subordinates in the search
for goal attaintment
 Consideration : The estent to which a leader

is likely to have job relationship characterized

by mutual trust, respect for subordinates
ideas, and regard for their feeling
University of Michigan Studies
 Employee-oriented leader : emphasizing
interpersonal relation; taking a personal
interest in the needs of employees and
accepting in divodual difference among
 Production-oriented leader : one who
emphasizes technical or task aspect of the
Contingency Theories : Fiedler’s
FM Defining the Situation :
 Leader Member Relationship : the degree of

confidence, trust, and respect subordinates

have in their leider
 Task Structure : the degrre to which the job

assignment are prosedurized

 Position Power : Influence derived from one’s

formal structural position in the organization;

include power to hire, discipline, promote,
and give salaty increases
Findings From Fiedler Model
Leader Good Good Good Good Poor Poor Poor Poor
Task High High Low Low High High Low Low
Position Strong Weak Strong Weak Strong Weak Strong Weak
Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational
Leadership Theory
 A contigency theory that focuses on
follower’s readiness
Unable and Un Unable but Able and Able and willing
willing willing unwillinge
readiness :
ability and
Leader : willingness
need for
support and
Directive High Task and Supportive Monitoring
Relationship Participative
Leadership Style and Follower Readness (Hersey
and Blanchard)
Follower Readiness Unwilling Willing

Able Participative Monitoring

High Task
Unable Directive And
The Path Goal Theory
Cintigency Factors :
•Task Structure
•Formal Auhority
•Work Group
Leader Behavior :
• Directive Outcomes:
• Partisipative •Performance
• Achievement Oriented •Satisfaction
• Supportive
Citigency Factors :
• Locus of Control
•Perceived ability
Leadership Style
 Autocratic Management Style :
• An autocratic manager dictates orders to
their staff and makes decision wihout any
• The leader like to control the situation they
are in
• Decision are quick
• This type of management style can decrease
motivation and increase staff turnover
 Democratic or participative style :
• A democratic manager delegates authority to
the staff, giving them responsibility to
complete the task.
• Staff will complete the task using their own
work methods on time
• Employees are involved in decision making
giving them a sense motivating individuals
• Increase job satisfaction by involving
employees or team members
• Slow decision making process
 Laissez Faire Management Style :
• A laissez faire manager sets the task and gives
staff complete freedom to complete task as they
see fit “leave it be”
• It works for teams in which the individuals are
very experienced and skilled self-starters
• There is min imal involvement from the manager
• The managers coaches or suplly information if
• Benefits-staff are developed to take
• Staff feel lost and not reach the goals set within
the time frame
Leader Control Employee Control

Autocratic Laissez Faire

Characteristic of Transactional Leader

 Contingent Reward : contracts exchange of

reward for effort, promises rewards for
good performance, recognizes
 Management by Exeption : wathes and
searches for deviations from rules and
standards, takes corrective action
Characteristic of Transformational Leaders

 Idealized Influence : Provides vision and sense of

mission, instills pride, gains respect ant trust
 Inspiration: communicates high expectations, uses
symbols to focus efforts, expresses important purposes
in simple ways
 In tellectual Stimulation : Promotes intelligence,
rationality, and careful problem solving
 Individualized Consideration : Gives personal attention,
treats each employee individually, coaches, advises

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