Composition of Soil
Composition of Soil
Composition of Soil
Soil deposit consists of solid particles and void spaces between particles, either partially or completely filled with water.
The properties of soil deposit, especially the strength and compressibility is necessary to determine so that we can know the bearing capacity and its stability when it is used for concrete.
The strength and compressibility of the soil is directly related to: Soil Density Water content of soil Void ratio Degree of Saturation
Total Weight - It is equal to the weight of the solid + Weight of the water.
Wt = Ws + Ww
Similarly ; for mass measurement; Mt = Ms + Mw
The relationship between the weight and volume: W = Vg Uw While Mass and Volume:
M= Vg Dw
Where: W = Weight of the material (solid, liquid or gas) V = Volume occupied by the material Uw = Unit weight of water at 40 M = Mass of Materials Dw = Density of water
- The Specific Gravity of most commonly occurring rock or soil or soil materials is between 2.30 and 3.10. - The Specific Gravity of soil solids lies within the range of 2.60 to 2.75.
Iron oxide Quartz
2.55-2.75 2.6-2.7
Uwet = Wt Vt
Wet Density - is the ratio of the total mass of soil to its total volume Dwet = Mt Vt
Dry Density -Dry density is used because it is esentially a "normalized" density value.
Dwet = Mt Vt
- It is the ratio of the weight of water in soil volume to the weight of the soil solids, or of the mass of water in a soil to the mass of solid. W% = Ww Ws or Mw Ms
Where: W% = Water content in percentage Ww= Weight of Water Ws= Weight of dry soil Mw= Mass of water Ms= Mass of Solid
- It is the convinient measure of a soil dry density that is not affected by the specific gravity of the soilo particle or by moisture content .
- describes the fraction of void space in the material, where the void may contain, for example, air or water
e = Vv (Vs) e =
pVt __100%__ Vt Vv
Therefore: e= p%
1 p% 100%
Therefore: p% =
__e__ *100%
- Indicates the porton of the void spaces in a soil material that is filled with water
S% = Vw * 100% Vv
One cubic foot of soil sample weighing 130 lbs. was taken from the test pit. The entire sample is throughly dried and finally weighted 120 lbs. Solve for the water content, wet unit weight and the dry unit weight
Block Diagram
120 1.0
Compute for the wet density, dry unit weight, void ratio, water contentand the degree of saturation from a sample of moist soil with mass weight of 20 kg that occupies a total volume of 0.008 cu. M. and 0.006 cu.m volume of solid. The sample is dried in oven and weighted 18 kg. The specific gravity of the soil solid is 2.60
Block Diagram
For wet density: Dwet = Mt = 20 Vt 0.008 Dwet= 2500 kg/cu.m For dry unit weight: Udry= Ws Vt = Msg Vt = 18 kg (9.81 kN/ cu. m) 0.008 cu.m
For under water condition, the solid is buoyed up by pressure of the surrounding body of water. Therefore the weight of submerged soil, become lighter compared with the soil above water. Thus the effective soil weight becomes the unit weight when weighed under water, the weight of water in the voids of soil is zero when submerged, because all voids were assumed to be filled with and the weight of the solid reduced by the weight of water displaces