Module 2

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What is
What is Ethics?

 It came from a Greek word “ethos” which means

custom, character, habit or disposition.

 Is a way of being and a form of behaviour that is

firmly rooted in the relationships.
What is Ethics?
 It encompasses the study of moral problems, practical
reasoning, right and wrong, good or bad, virtues and vices,
character, moral duty, and related issues involving the nature,
origins and scope of moral values.

 Ethics is a discipline that examines ones moral standards or

moral standards of society. It asks how these standards apply
to our lives and whether those standards are reasonable or
What is Ethics?
 Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with morality.

 Ethics then can becomes a practical science designed to test logically the
rightness or wrongness of human acts.

 Ethics is one of the major branches of philosophy

 Ethics is the study of what is good or evil, right or wrong, and just or
You are the owner of the medium business enterprise that
manufacture and sells toys, you have found out that you are using
a particular chemical that is suspected to be harmful to people
especially children. You consider discontinuing the use of the said
substance. However the alternative chemical is very expensive
and it might take months before you can arrange its purchase and
shipment. Consequently, this means a three months temporary
work stoppage period of your 25 workers and a lost income
equivalent to three months.
Question: What will be your final decision? Continue or stop the
operation. Why?

What is Ethical Business Leadership?
It creates an environment
where ethical behaviour is
encouraged- good people
are able to do good deeds
and decisions, and bad
people are prevented from
doing bad deeds and

What is Ethical Business Leadership?
. The ethical leader understands that positive
relationships are the gold standard for all
organizational effort.  Good quality relationships built
on respect and trust—not necessarily agreement,
because people need to spark off each other—are the
single most important determinant of organizational
success.  The ethical leader understands that these
kinds of relationships germinate and grow in the deep
rich soil of fundamental principles: trust, respect,
integrity,honesty,fairness,equity,justice and comp

Tim Cook, Apple CEO
Parents, friends, people who
you surround yourself with,
they are the collective group of
people that influence you”,
excerpts from his video”
Talking with Real Leaders”.

A person will always be faced with
decisions that would have an impact on the
organization: “What should I do? How
should I act?” These are the common
questions that one asks when evaluating a
situation that needs decision making. Based
on a person’s morals or values, he may
believe that honesty in everything she does,
Therefore if someone asks him to cheat he
will refuse based on his own set of values.

How should we live? Refers to how we live together in
consideration of other members of community. Society and social
institutions or organizations are supposed to mold their cultures
in consideration of justice, public policy, law, civic virtues,
organizational structure and political philosophy. This molding is

● Based on laws created and ● Based on codes of
enforced by government conduct or morals
● Observance of laws is observed by a certain
mandatory population
● Non-adherence is ● Observance of ethical
punishable standards is voluntary
● Non-adherence is not
usually punishable

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