Spist College Titling
Spist College Titling
Spist College Titling
1 . t o p ic
2 . t i t le
3 . p r o b l em
4. locale
5 . RR L
6 . RR S
7 . c o n ve n t i o n a l
8 . i n f or m a t i ve
9 . t i t le
1 0 . t o pi c
1 1 - 1 5 . e le m e n t s
16. ad hoc
1 7 . m et h od o l og y
1 8 . RR L / RRS
1 9 . f or e i gn
2 0 . Ga p s
. Selecting and focusing a Research
Problem/ TOPIC
A. Sources of a Research Problem. A research topic may be
derived from 3 sources: the researchers experience and
interest, other researches; researches on allied
A- bility
I- nterest –required motivation
M- anageability –not too broad/not too
R- esources – avaibility of materials
- Primary
T ime
After selecting a general topic, the next task to consider is how
to narrow down the topic into something that can be done
within the limits of the researcher’s environment such as time,
resources, researcher’s expertise. And other conditions under
which the study would be conducted. At this point, the
researcher has to decide whether to work on a general or
specific topic.
2. Deciding the appropriate
methodology and procedure
5. Data Collection
7. Conclusion
8. Reporting
9. Publishing
B Sources of related literature and studies
I t is extremely important to
select a topic that you can
manage within the time and
resources at your disposal.