Peer Tutoring

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Peer tutoring/Peer teaching

“The best way to learn

something is to teach it”.
Make students teach each
other in a “Think,Pair,Share”.

Teacher listens for

formative assessment of

Peer tutoring is commonly

employed when the teacher
request the older, brighter
and more cooperative
member of the class to
tutor other classmates.
Tutoring arrangement

Instructional Structural
Tutoring tutoring
Here a definite procedure is
Older students help
followed. Highly structured
younger one-to-one or
tutoring is administered by
one-to-a group basis. trained tutors.
Same age Semi-Structured
This arrrangement works tutoring
This is a combination of
well with children who unstructured and structured
can act as interactive where the tutor guides
pairs. his/her tutee.
This maybe divided into
groups and monitors are
assigned to lead each
Instructional Characteristics

1. The tutees receive 2. The tutees receive more

individualized instruction. instruction. They are
The tutees are provided afforded more contact
with their own teacher. hours by a tutor.

4. The teacher is free at the

3. Rapport between tutor same time to do other
and tutee may be readily classroom chores while the
established considering members are being
that they belong more or handled by the tutors.
less to the same age group.
Instructional Characteristics

6. Discipline problems are

5. This kind of arrangement
lessened because ther are
reduces a large class into
more assistants looking
smaller working groups.
after small groups.

8. The tutors stand to gain

more since teaching is an
excellent learning situation.
7. The spirit of cooperation,
camaraderie, and 9. The tutors can likewise
reciprocity are highlighted. improve their own self-
Guidelines for its Effective Use

4. Explain well the benefits of

1. Care in selecting the tutors this form of arrangement in
to assist the rest must be order to avoid possible
strictly exercised. resentment since both tutor
and tutees are classmate.

5. The tutor must confer wirh

2. The teacher must go the teacher regarding the
around and observe how the narture and extent of
members of the groups are assistance they are expected
interacting with one another. to provide.

6. Prepare both tutors and the

3.Tap students who possess
tutees regarding the role each
leadership qualities in
will play in the teaching-
addition to being
learning situation in oder to
knowledgeable and older.
avoid confusion.
Guidelines for Its Effective Use

9. Instant evaluation by way

7. Make sure the tutor of performance and oral
exhibits teaching competence responses serve as feedback
as to the depth and breadth that can indicate progress in
of the subject. the tutorial situation.

8. The tutors must employ a

variety of techniques in
“reaching” the tutees since
they are more alike tastes,
skills and habits.
Partner Learning

A student chooses partner from among his/her


It can be employed when you get your students

reherase what they have learned and explore
their understanding of content with a partner.

Assigning “Study Buddy”.

Guidelines for Its Effective Use

1. To prevent your students

from socializing about
unrellated topics, give them
specific amount of time and a
specific prompt for

2. Give your students less

time than you think they
actually need. You may add
more seconds if necessary. It
is better than to let the
minutes drag on with your
students getting of task.

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