Software Engineering: Software Requirement Specification (SRS)

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Software Engineering

Unit 2

Software Requirement Specification


Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Classification of Software Requirements
• According to IEEE standard 729, a requirement is defined as follows:
 A condition or capability needed by a user to solve a problem or
achieve an objective (Pre Development)
 A condition or capability that must be met or possessed by a system
or system component to satisfy a contract, standard, specification or
other formally imposed documents (Post Development)
 A documented representation of a condition or capability as in 1 and
• A software requirement can be of :
Functional requirements
Non-functional requirements
 Interface Requirements
 Inverse Requirements
 Design and Constraints Requirements Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Functional Requirements
• These are the requirements that the end user specifically demands as basic facilities
that the system should offer.
• All these functionalities need to be necessarily incorporated into the system as a
part of the contract.
• These are represented or stated in the form of input to be given to the system, the
operation performed, and the output expected.
• They are basically the requirements stated by the user which one can see directly in
the final product, unlike the non-functional requirements.
• Each high-level functional requirement may involve several interactions or dialogues
between the system and the outside world.
• In order to accurately describe the functional requirements, all scenarios must be
• There are many ways of expressing functional requirements e.g., natural language,
a structured or formatted language with no rigorous syntax and formal specification
language with proper syntax.
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Non-Functional Requirements
• These are basically the quality constraints that the system must satisfy according to
the project contract.
• The priority or extent to which these factors are implemented varies from one project
to other.
• They are also called non-behavioral requirements.
• They basically deal with issues like:
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Non-Functional Requirements
• NFR’s are classified into following types:
 Interface constraints: H/w and S/w
 Performance constraints: response time, security, storage
space, etc.
 Operating constraints : Environment of operation
 Life cycle constraints: maintainability, portability, etc.
 Economic constraints : Financial implications
• The process of specifying non-functional requirements
requires the knowledge of the functionality of the system, as
well as the knowledge of the context within which the system
will operate.
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Difference between Functional Requirement and
Non-functional Requirement

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Interface Requirements
•Systems must operate with other systems and the operating interfaces must be specified as
part of requirements. It includes:
1. User Interface 2. Communication Interface
3. Software Interface 4. Hardware Interface
1. User Interface:
Describe the logical characteristics of each user interface that the system needs. Example
includes GUI, CLI (Command line Interface), API (Application Program Interface) etc.
2. Communication Interface:
State the requirements for any communication functions the product will use, including e-mail,
Web browser, network communications protocols, and electronic forms. Define any pertinent
message formatting. Specify communication security or encryption issues, data transfer rates,
and synchronization mechanisms.
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Interface Requirements
3. Software Interface:
Describe the connections between this product and other software components
(identified by name and version), including databases, operating systems,
tools, libraries, and integrated commercial components.
4. Hardware Interface:
Describe the characteristics of each interface between the software and
hardware components of the system.
This description might include the supported device types, the data and
control interactions between the software and the hardware, and the
communication protocols to be used.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Inverse Requirements

•Inverse requirements specify the constraints on allowable behavior.

•Software safety and security requirements are usually stated in this
•Inverse requirements can be functional and non functional.
For example: When a customer specifies that something must not
be done. For example, User ID should only contain digits.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Design and Implementation Requirements

Design constraints and implementation constraints are boundary

conditions on how the required software is to be constructed and
Examples of design constraints include the fact that the software must
run using a certain database system or that the software must fit into
the memory of a 512 Kbyte machine.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Requirement Engineering
•According to Pohl in 1993, “it can be defined as the process of developing
requirements through an interactive, co-operative process of analyzing the problem,
documenting the resulting observations in a variety of representation formats, and
checking the accuracy of the understanding gained”.
• Requirement Engineering is the process of defining, documenting and maintaining
the requirements. It is a process of gathering and defining service provided by the
system. Requirements Engineering Process consists of the following main activities:
• Requirements elicitation
• Requirement Analysis
• Requirements specification
• Requirements verification and validation
• Requirements management
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Problem Statement





Crucial Process Steps of requirement engineering

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
• It is related to the various ways used to gain knowledge about the project
domain and requirements.
• The various sources of domain knowledge include customers, business
manuals, the existing software of same type, standards and other stakeholders
of the project.

• The techniques used for requirements elicitation include interviews,

brainstorming, task analysis, Delphi technique (opinions are most valuable,
traditionally industry experts), prototyping, etc.
• Elicitation does not produce formal models of the requirements understood.
• Instead, it widens the domain knowledge of the analyst and thus helps in
providing input to the next stage.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Requirements Elicitation
1. Interviews
Both parties have a common goal
--- open ended Success of the project
--- structured

Selection of stakeholder
1. Entry level personnel
2. Middle level stakeholder
3. Managers
4. Users of the software (Most important)

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
Types of questions.
• Any problems with existing system
• Any Calculation errors
• Possible reasons for malfunctioning
• No. of Student Enrolled

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
5. Possible benefits
6. Satisfied with current policies
7.How are you maintaining the records of previous students?
8. Any requirement of data from other system
9. Any specific problems
10. Any additional functionality
11. Most important goal of the proposed development

At the end, we may have wide variety of expectations from the

proposed software.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
2. Brainstorming Sessions
It is a group technique

group discussions

New ideas Quickly Creative Thinking

Prepare long list of requirements

Prioritized Pruned

*Idea is to generate views ,not to vet them.

1. Users 2. Middle Level managers 3. Total Stakeholders
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
A Facilitator may handle group bias, conflicts carefully.

-- Facilitator may follow a published agenda

-- Every idea will be documented in a way that everyone can
see it.
--A detailed report is prepared.

3. Facilitated Application specification Techniques (FAST)

-- Similar to brainstorming sessions.

-- Team oriented approach
-- Creation of joint team of customers and developers.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
1. Arrange a meeting at a neutral site.
2. Establish rules for participation.
3. Informal agenda to encourage free flow of ideas.
4. Appoint a facilitator.
5. Prepare definition mechanism board, worksheets, wall
6. Participants should not criticize or debate.

FAST session Preparations

Each attendee is asked to make a list of objects that are:

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
1. Part of environment that surrounds the system.
2. Produced by the system.
3. Used by the system.
A. List of constraints
B. Functions
C. Performance criteria
Activities of FAST session
1. Every participant presents his/her list
2. Combine list for each topic
3. Discussion
4. Consensus list
5. Sub teams for mini specifications
6. Presentations of mini-specifications
7. Validation criteria
8. A sub team to draft specifications
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
4. Quality Function Deployment
-- Incorporate voice of the customer

Technical requirements.
Prime concern is customer satisfaction
What is important for customer?

-- Normal requirements
-- Expected requirements
-- Exciting requirements

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
1. Identify stakeholders
2. List out requirements
3. Degree of importance to each requirement.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
5 Points : V. Important
4 Points : Important
5 Points : Not Important but nice to have
2 Points : Not important
1 Points : Unrealistic, required further
Requirement Engineer may categorize like:
(i) It is possible to achieve
(ii) It should be deferred & Why
(iii) It is impossible and should be dropped from
First Category requirements will be implemented as per
priority assigned with every requirement.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
5. The Use Case Approach

Ivar Jacobson & others introduced Use Case approach for elicitation
& modeling.
Use Case – give functional view

The terms

Use Case
Use Case Scenario Often Interchanged
Use Case Diagram But they are different

Use Cases are structured outline or template for the description

of user requirements modeled in a structured language like
English. 24
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
Use case Scenarios are unstructured descriptions of user

Use case diagrams are graphical representations that

may be decomposed into further levels of abstraction.

Components of Use Case approach


An actor or external agent, lies outside the system model, but

interacts with it in some way.

Actor Person, machine, information System

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
• Cockburn distinguishes between Primary and
secondary actors.

• A Primary actor is one having a goal requiring the

assistance of the system.

• A Secondary actor is one from which System needs


Use Cases
A use case is initiated by a user with a particular goal in
mind, and completes successfully when that goal is

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
* It describes the sequence of interactions between actors
and the system necessary to deliver the services that
satisfies the goal.
* Alternate sequence
* System is treated as black box.

Use Case captures who (actor) does what (interaction)
with the system, for what purpose (goal), without dealing
with system internals.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
*defines all behavior required of the system, bounding the
scope of the system.
Jacobson & others proposed a template for writing Use cases
as shown below:
1. Introduction
Describe a quick background of the use case.

List the actors that interact and participate in the
use cases.

3.Pre Conditions
Pre conditions that need to be satisfied for the use
case to perform.

4. Post Conditions
Define the different states in which we expect the system
to be in, after the use case executes.
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
5. Flow of events

5.1 Basic Flow

List the primary events that will occur when this use case is executed.

5.2 Alternative Flows

Any Subsidiary events that can occur in the use case should be
separately listed. List each such event as an alternative flow.
A use case can have many alternative flows as required.
6.Special Requirements

Business rules should be listed for basic & information flows as special
requirements in the use case narration .These rules will also be used
for writing test cases. Both success and failures scenarios should be
7.Use Case relationships

For Complex systems it is recommended to document the relationships

between use cases. Listing the relationships between use cases also
provides a mechanism for traceability

Use Case Template. 29

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
Use Case Guidelines
1. Identify all users
2. Create a user profile for each category of users including
all roles of the users play that are relevant to the system.
3. Create a use case for each goal, following the use case
template maintain the same level of abstraction throughout
the use case. Steps in higher level use cases may be
treated as goals for lower level (i.e. more detailed), sub-
use cases.
4. Structure the use case
5. Review and validate with users.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
Use case Diagrams
-- represents what happens when actor interacts with a system.
-- captures functional aspect of the system.

Actor Relationship between

Use Case
actors and use case
and/or between the
use cases.
-- Actors appear outside the rectangle.
--Use cases within rectangle providing functionality.
--Relationship association is a solid line between actor & use
cases. 31
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
*Use cases should not be used to capture all the details of the

*Only significant aspects of the required functionality

*No design issues

*Use Cases are for “what” the system is , not “how” the system
will be designed

* Free of design characteristics

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Use case diagram for Result Management System

Maintain Student

Maintain Subject

Data Entry Operator

Maintain Result


Generate Result

View Results

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation
1. Maintain student Details
Add/Modify/update students details like name, address.
2.Maintain subject Details
Add/Modify/Update Subject information semester wise
3.Maintain Result Details
Include entry of marks and assignment of credit points for each
4. Login
Use to Provide way to enter through user id & password.
5. Generate Result Report
Use to print various reports
6. View Result
(i) According to course code
(ii) According to Enrollment number/roll number
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation (Use

1.1 Introduction : This use case describes how a user logs into
the Result Management System.

1.2 Actors : (i) Data Entry Operator

(ii) Administrator/Deputy Registrar

1.3 Pre Conditions : None

1.4 Post Conditions : If the use case is successful, the actor is

logged into the system. If not, the system state is unchanged.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Elicitation (Use
1.5 Basic Flow : This use case starts when the actor wishes
to login to the Result Management system.

(i) System requests that the actor enter his/her name and
(ii) The actor enters his/her name & password.
(iii) System validates name & password, and if finds correct
allow the actor to logs into the system.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Use Cases
1.6 Alternate Flows

1.6.1 Invalid name & password

If in the basic flow, the actor enters an invalid name and/or
password, the system displays an error message. The actor can choose
to either return to the beginning of the basic flow or cancel the login,
at that point, the use case ends.

1.7 Special Requirements:


1.8 Use case Relationships:


Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Use Cases
2.Maintain student details

2.1 Introduction : Allow DEO to maintain student details. This

includes adding, changing and deleting student information

2.2 Actors : DEO

2.3 Pre-Conditions: DEO must be logged onto the system before

this use case begins.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Use Cases
2.4 Post-conditions : If use case is successful, student
information is added/updated/deleted from the system.
Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.

2.5 Basic Flow : Starts when DEO wishes to

add/modify/update/delete Student information.

(i) The system requests the DEO to specify the function,

he/she would like to perform (Add/update/delete)

(ii) One of the sub flow will execute after getting the

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Use Cases
 If DEO selects "Add a student", "Add a student" sub flow will
be executed.

 If DEO selects "update a student", "update a student" sub flow

will be executed.

 If DEO selects "delete a student", "delete a student" sub flow

will be executed.

2.5.1 Add a student

(i) The system requests the DEO to enter:
Roll No
Phone No
Date of admission
(ii) System generates unique id
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Use Cases
2.5.2 Update a student

(i) System requires the DEO to enter student-id.

(ii) DEO enters the student_id. The system retrieves and display the
student information.

(iii) DEO makes the desired changes to the student information.

(iv) After changes, the system updates the student record with
changed information.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Use Cases
2.5.3 Delete a student

(i) The system requests the DEO to specify the student-id.

(ii) DEO enters the student-id. The system retrieves and displays
the student information.
(iii) The system prompts the DEO to confirm the deletion of the
(iv) The DEO confirms the deletion.
(v) The system marks the student record for deletion.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Use Cases

2.6 Alternative flows

2.6.1 Student not found

If in the update a student or delete a student sub flows,

a student with specified_id does not exist, the system
displays an error message .The DEO may enter a
different id or cancel the operation. At this point ,Use
case ends.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Use Cases
2.6.2 Update Cancelled

If in the update a student sub-flow, the data entry

operator decides not to update the student information,
the update is cancelled and the basic flow is restarted at
the begin.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Use Cases
2.6.3 Delete cancelled
If in the delete a student sub flows, DEO decides not to delete
student record ,the delete is cancelled and the basic flow is re-
started at the beginning.

2.7 Special requirements


2.8 Use case relationships


Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Use Cases
3. Maintain Subject Details

3.1 Introduction
The DEO to maintain subject information. This includes adding,
changing, deleting subject information from the system

3.2 Actors : DEO

3.3 Preconditions : DEO must be logged onto the

system before the use case begins.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirements Analysis

• Requirements Analysis is the activity during which the requirements

gathered in elicitation are analyzed for conflicts, ambiguity,
inconsistencies, missing requirements or extra requirements.
• This activity reviews all requirements and may provide a graphical
view of the entire system.
• After the completion of analysis, it is expected that the
understandability of the project may improve significantly.
• An important part of the analysis effort is to model the system to
understand what you are trying to understand.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Requirement Specification
• The purpose of the requirements analysis is to identify requirements for the proposed system.
The emphasis is on the discovery of user requirements.
• Each requirement (or problem) must be defined and documented in the requirements
• This activity is used to produce formal software requirement models.
• All the requirements including the functional as well as the non-functional requirements and
the constraints are specified by these models in totality.
• During specification, more knowledge about the problem may be required which can again
trigger the elicitation process.

• The models used at this stage include ER diagrams, data flow diagrams(DFDs), data
dictionaries, etc.
• Requirements specification is the activity during which requirements are recorded in one or
more forms, usually in a Software Requirement Specification Document (SRS)
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Requirement Verification and Validation
• Concerned with demonstrating that the requirements define the system that
the customer really wants.
• Requirements error costs are high, so validation is very important
• Fixing a requirements error after delivery may cost up to 100 times the cost of
fixing an implementation error.
• Verification: It refers to the set of tasks that ensures that the software correctly
implements a specific function.
Validation: It refers to a different set of tasks that ensures that the software that
has been built is traceable to customer requirements.
If requirements are not validated, errors in the requirement definitions would
propagate to the successive stages resulting in a lot of modification and

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

The main features for this process include:
• The requirements should be consistent with all the other
requirements i. e. no two requirements should conflict with each
• The requirements should be complete in every sense.
• The requirements should be practically achievable.
• Reviews, buddy checks, making test cases, etc. are some of the
methods used for this.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Requirements Management

• Requirement management is the process of analyzing, documenting,

tracking, prioritizing and agreeing on the requirement and controlling
the communication to relevant stakeholders.
• This stage takes care of the changing nature of requirements.
• It should be ensured that the SRS is as modifiable as possible so as to
incorporate changes in requirements specified by the end users at later
stages too.
• Being able to modify the software as per requirements in a systematic
and controlled manner is an extremely important part of the
requirements engineering process.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Feasibility Study

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Feasibility Study
• Feasibility Study in Software Engineering is a study to evaluate feasibility of
proposed project or system.
• Feasibility study is the feasibility analysis, or it is a measure of the software
product in terms of how much beneficial product development will be for the
organization in a practical point of view.
• Feasibility study is carried out based on many purposes to analyze whether
software product will be right in terms of development, implantation, contribution
of project to the organization etc.
Types of Feasibility Study
1. Technical Feasibility
2. Operational Feasibility
3. Economic Feasibility
4. Schedule Feasibility
5. Legal Feasibility
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Technical Feasibility
• In Technical Feasibility current resources both hardware and
software along with required technology are analyzed/assessed to
develop project.
• This technical feasibility study gives report whether there exists
correct required resources and technologies which will be used
for project development.
• Along with this, feasibility study also analyzes technical skills and
capabilities of technical team, existing technology can be used or
not, maintenance and up-gradation is easy or not for chosen
technology etc.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Operational Feasibility
• In Operational Feasibility degree of providing service to
requirements is analyzed along with how much easy product
will be to operate and maintenance after deployment.
• Along with this other operational scopes are determining
usability of product, Determining suggested solution by
software development team is acceptable or not etc.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Economic Feasibility
• In Economic Feasibility study, cost and benefit of the project is
• In this feasibility study a detail analysis is carried out what will
be cost of the project for development which includes all
required cost for final development like hardware and software
resource required, design and development cost and
operational cost and so on.
• After that it is analyzed whether project will be beneficial in
terms of finance for organization or not.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Schedule Feasibility
• In Schedule Feasibility Study mainly timelines/deadlines is
analyzed for proposed project which includes how many times
teams will take to complete final project which has a great
impact on the organization as purpose of project may fail if it
can’t be completed on time.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Legal Feasibility
• In Legal Feasibility study project is analyzed in legality point of
• This includes analyzing barriers of legal implementation of
project, data protection acts or social media laws, project
certificate, license, copyright etc.
• Overall it can be said that Legal Feasibility Study is study to
know if proposed project conform legal and ethical

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Feasibility Study Process
The below steps are carried out during entire feasibility analysis.
1.Information assessment
2.Information collection
3.Report writing
4.General information

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Need for Feasibility Study

• Feasibility study gives a conclusion of whether to go ahead with

proposed project
• It helps in identifying risk factors involved in developing and
deploying system and planning for risk analysis
• It narrows the business alternatives and enhances success rate
analyzing different parameters associated with proposed project

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Focus of feasibility studies
• Is the product concept viable?
• Will it be possible to develop a product that matches the
project’s vision statement?
• What are the current estimated cost and schedule for the
• How big is the gap between the original cost & scheduled
targets & current estimates?
• Is the business model for software justified when the current
cost & schedule estimate are considered?

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Focus of feasibility studies (Contd..)
• Have the major risks to the project been identified & can
they be surmounted?
• Is the specifications complete & stable enough to support
remaining development work?
• Have users & developers been able to agree on a detailed
user interface prototype? If not, are the requirements really
• Is the software development plan complete & adequate to
support further development work?

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Information Modelling

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Information Modelling : Concept and Need
• Common level of understanding is the key to collaboration and the production
of good quality.
• Any discussions about and the modelling of business processes and the
respectively manipulated data can be only as good as the underlying
comprehension of the matter itself.
• Absence of or a flawed understanding is the main cause for bad software and
failed IT-projects.
• IT people must understand what users need (and not only what they want or
ask for).
• Business and management people in turn must understand what information
they need in order to do their business, how they can best use this
information, and what they must demand of IT-people to get real value out of
their software. Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Information Modelling : What we get
• An information model  is a representation of concepts and the relationships,
constraints, rules, and operations to specify data semantics for a chosen
domain of discourse.
• Specifies relations between kinds of things.
• It can provide sharable, stable, and organized structure of information
requirements or knowledge for the domain context.
• Encourages mutual understanding between all stakeholders

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

• An information model is essential to provide the structure for information that is
transferred in a communication.
• An information model is a formal description of a portion of interest of the real
world and that provides explicit rules to enable the data items that populate the
model to be interpreted without ambiguity.
• In general, the contents of an information model include

• Scope
• Information requirements

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

• The scope specifies the domain of discourse and the processes that are to be
supported by the information model.
• It is a bounded collection of processes, information, and constraints that
satisfy some industry need.
• The scope statements include the purpose as well as viewpoints of the model
mentioned below:
• type of product
• type of data requirements
• supporting manufacturing scenario
• supporting manufacturing activities
• supporting stage in the product life cycle.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Information Requirement
• After the scope is defined, the next phase is to conduct a requirements
• There is no standard method for collecting information requirements.
However, requirements analysis may be accomplished by:

Literature surveys
Standards surveys
Domain experts’ interviews
Industrial data reviews
State-of-the-art assessments

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Information Modeling
• Information modeling in other words may be taken as a technique for
specifying the data requirements that are needed within the application

• There are different practices in developing an information model:

• Data Flow Diagram
• Data Dictionaries
• E-R Diagram
• Decision Tables

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Data Flow Diagram
• A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a traditional visual representation of the
information flows within a system.
• A neat and clear DFD can depict the right amount of the system
requirement graphically. It can be manual, automated, or a combination of
• It shows how data enters and leaves the system, what changes the
information, and where data is stored.
• The objective of a DFD is to show the scope and boundaries of a system as
a whole.
• It may be used as a communication tool between a system analyst and any
person who plays a part in the order that acts as a starting point for
designing a system.
• The DFD is also called as a data flow graph or bubble chart.
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Data Flow Diagram
The following observations about DFDs are essential:
1. All names should be unique. This makes it easier to refer to elements in the
2. Remember that DFD is not a flow chart. Arrows is a flow chart that
represents the order of events; arrows in DFD represents flowing data. A DFD
does not involve any order of events.
3. Suppress logical decisions. If we ever have the urge to draw a diamond-
shaped box in a DFD, suppress that urge! A diamond-shaped box is used in
flow charts to represents decision points with multiple exists paths of which
the only one is taken. This implies an ordering of events, which makes no
sense in a DFD.
4.Do not become bogged down with details. Defer error conditions and error
handling until the end of the analysis.
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Symbols used in DFD

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Levels in Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)
• The DFD may be used to model a system or software at any level of
• Infact, DFDs may be partitioned into levels that represent increasing
information flow and functional detail. Levels in DFD are numbered 0,
1, 2 or beyond.
• Here, we will see primarily three levels in the data flow diagram, which
are: 0-level DFD, 1-level DFD, and 2-level DFD.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

0-level DFD
• It is also known as context diagram, and represents the entire software requirement as a
single bubble with input and output data denoted by incoming and outgoing arrows.
• Then the system is decomposed and described as a DFD with multiple bubbles.
• Parts of the system represented by each of these bubbles are then decomposed and
documented as more and more detailed DFDs.
• This process may be repeated at as many levels as necessary until the program at hand is
well understood.
• It is essential to preserve the number of inputs and outputs between levels, this concept
is called leveling by DeMacro.
• Thus, if bubble "A" has two inputs x1 and x2 and one
output y, then the expanded DFD, that represents
"A" should have exactly two external inputs and
one external output as shown in fig:
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Zero level DFD

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1-level DFD
• In 1-level DFD, a context diagram is decomposed into
multiple bubbles/processes.
• In this level, we highlight the main objectives of the
system and breakdown the high-level process of 0-level
DFD into sub-processes.
• It is to be remembered that Inputs and Outputs of the
Level 0 DFD be maintained.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja


Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja


Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Decision Table
• Decision table is a brief visual representation for specifying which actions to
perform depending on given conditions.
• The information represented in decision tables can also be represented as decision
trees or in a programming language using if-then-else and switch-case statements.
• Decision tables specify:
• Which variables are to be tested
• What actions are to be taken if the conditions are true,
• The order in which decision making is performed.
• A Decision table is a table of rows and columns, separated into four quadrants and is
designed to illustrate complex decision rules
• Condition Stub – upper left quadrant
• Rules Stub – upper right quadrant
• Action Stub – bottom left quadrant
• Entries Stub - bottom right quadrant
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Decision Table
• In technical terminology
• A column of the table is called a rule.
A rule implies:
• If a condition is true, then execute the corresponding

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Decision Table Layout

• Standard format used for presenting decision tables.

Stub Rules

Action Entries
Stub Stub

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Payroll System example

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Decision Table

For example: A bookstore gets a trade discount of

25% for order more than 6 books; for order from
libraries and individuals, 5% allowed on orders of
6-19 copies per book title; 10% on orders for 20-49
copies per book title; 15% on orders for 50 copies
or more per book title.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Developing Decision Tables

• Process requires the determination of the number of

conditions (inputs) that affect the decision.
• The set of possible actions (outputs) must likewise be
• The number of rules is computed
• Each rule must specify one or more actions

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Importance of Decision Tables
1.It provides a regular way of stating complex business rules, that is
helpful for developers as well as for testers.
2.It assists in development process with developer to do a better job.
Testing with all combination might be impractical.
3.A decision table is basically an outstanding technique used in both
testing and requirements management.
4.It helps testers to search the effects of combinations of different
inputs and other software states that must correctly implement
business rules.
5.It is a structured exercise to prepare requirements when dealing with
complex business rules.
6.It is also used to model complicated logic.
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Number of Rules
• Each condition generally has two possible alternatives (outcomes):
Yes or No
[In more advanced tables, multiple outcomes for each condition are permitted]
• The total number of rules is equal to
• no. of condition1 values * no. of condition2 values
• If no of values for each condition is T/F, then 2 no. of conditions
• Thus, if there are four conditions, there will be sixteen possible rules

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Building the Table
• For each rule, select the appropriate action and indicate with an ‘X’
• Identify rules that produce the same actions and attempt to
combine those rules;

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Cleaning Things Up
• Check the table for any impossible situations, contradictions, and
redundancies and eliminate such rules.

• Rewrite the decision table with the most reduced set of rules;
rearranging the rule order is permissible if it improves user

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Decision Table example: Combine and Reduce


The four gray columns can In addition, Rules 1&5 and

be combined into a single Rules 3&7 can be combined.
rule. Note that for each, Each pair produces the same
there was NO order placed action and each pair shares two
from the Special Catalog. common conditions.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

1 5 1&5 2 4 2&4 3 7 3&7 6 8 6&8

Y N   Y Y   Y N   N N  

Y Y   Y N   N N   Y N  

Y Y   N N   Y Y   N N  

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

1 5 1&5 2 4 2&4 3 7 3&7 6 8 6&8

Y N - Y Y Y Y N - N N N

Y Y Y Y N - N N N Y N -


Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Now for Rule 2,4 6 and 8 We can combine as

2&4 6&8 2,4,6 & 8

Y N -
- - -

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Conditions and Actions 1& 5 3 & 7 2,4 6,8
Order from Fall Catalog - - Y N
Order from Christmas Catalog Y N - -
Order from Special Catalog Y Y N N
Mail Christmas Catalog     X X
Mail Special Catalog   X    
Mail Both Catalogs X      

Conditions and Actions 1& 5 3&7 2,4,6,8

Order from Fall Catalog - - -
Order from Christmas Catalog Y N -
Order from Special Catalog Y Y N
Mail Christmas Catalog     X
Mail Special Catalog   X  
Mail Both Catalogs X     Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Decision Table example ~ Final Version

Eliminates the need to check for every possible case.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Constructing a Decision Table
• Identify the conditions (decision criteria). These are the factors that will influence the decision.
• E.g., We want to know the total cost of a student’s tuition. What factors are important?
• Identify the range of values for each condition or criteria.
• E.g. What are they for each factor identified above?
• Identify all possible actions that can occur.
• E.g. What types of calculations would be necessary?
• Create a table with 4 quadrants.
• Put the conditions in the upper left quadrant. One row per condition.
• Put the actions in the lower left quadrant. One row per action.
• List all possible rules.
• Alternate values for first condition. Repeat for all values of second condition. Keep repeating this
process for all conditions.
• Put the rules in the upper right quadrant.
• Enter actions for each rule
• In the lower right quadrant, determine what, if any, appropriate actions should be taken for each
• Reduce table as necessary.
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Assignment 1
Q1: If you are a new customer and you want to open a credit card
account then there are three conditions first you will get a 15% discount
on all your purchases today, second if you are an existing customer and
you hold a loyalty card, you get a 10% discount and third if you have a
coupon, you can get 20% off today (but it can’t be used with the ‘new
customer’ discount). Discount amounts are added, if applicable.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Conditions Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule 3 Rule 4 Rule 5 Rule 6
New Y Y N N N N

Loyality N N Y Y N N
Card (10%)

Coupon Y N Y N Y N

20% X
15% X
30% X
10% X
20% X
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Q2 : Consider the payroll system of a person
(a) If the salary of a person is less than equal to Rs. 70,000 and
expenses do not exceed Rs. 30,000 then 10% tax is charged by IT
(b) If the salary is greater than Rs.60,000 and less than equal to
Rs 2lakhs and expenses don’t exceed Rs. 40,000 than 20% tax is
charged by IT department.
(c) For salary greater than Rs 2 lakhs, 5% additional surcharge is
also charged. (d) If expenses are greater than Rs. 40,000
surcharge is 9%.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

• A Decision Tree offers a graphic read of the processing logic concerned in a
higher cognitive process and therefore the corresponding actions are taken. The
perimeters of a choice tree represent conditions and therefore the leaf nodes
represent the actions to be performed looking on the result of testing the
• Decision Tree is not a tool exclusively used in software engineering. It has its use
in any domain where there is a need to concisely and graphically documenting a
decision-making process.
• Decision Trees can also be considered as a framework that allows businesses to
make consistent choices. They are also used to map out all possible outcomes of a
decision and be used as a guide in the process of decision making.
• A Decision Tree is a graphical representation of the processing logic at various
points in the software application in a software engineering setup.
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
• For example, consider Library Membership Automation Software (LMS) where it ought to support the following
three options: New member, Renewal, and Cancel membership. These are explained as following below.
1. New Member Option:
• Decision:
Once the ‘new member’ possibility is chosen, the software system asks details concerning the member just like
the member’s name, address, number, etc.
• Action:
If correct info is entered then a membership record for the member is made and a bill is written for the annual
membership charge and the protection deposit collectible.
2. Renewal Option:
• Decision:
If the ‘renewal’ possibility is chosen, the LMS asks for the member’s name and his membership range to test
whether or not he’s a sound member or not.
• Action:
If the membership is valid then membership ending date is updated and therefore the annual membership bill is
written, otherwise, a slip-up message is displayed.
3. Cancel Membership Option:
• Decision:
If the ‘cancel membership’ possibility is chosen, then the software system asks for member’s name and his
membership range.
• Action:
The membership is off, a cheque for the balance quantity because of the member is written and at last the
membership record is deleted from the information.
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Decision tree representation of the above example:

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

E-R Model
• ER Model is used to model the logical view of the system from data perspective
which consists of these components:
• Entity
• Entity Type
• Entity Set
• An Entity may be an object with a physical existence – a particular person, car,
house, or employee – or it may be an object with a conceptual existence – a
company, a job, or a university course.
• An Entity is an object of Entity Type and Set of all entities is called as entity set.
• Example : E1 is an Entity having Entity Type Student and Set of all students is
called Entity Set.

• In ER diagram, Entity Type is represented as:

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

E-R Model
• ATTRIBUTES are the properties which define the entity type. For example, Roll_No, Name,
DOB, Age, Address, Mobile_No are the attributes which defines entity type Student. In ER
diagram, attribute is represented by an oval.

• An attribute which uniquely identifies each entity in the entity set is called KEY
ATTRIBUTE. For example, Roll_No will be unique for each student. In ER diagram, key
attribute is represented by an oval with underlying lines.

• The MULTI-VALUED ATTRIBUTE consisting more than one value for a given entity.

For example, Phone_No (can be more than one for a given student). In ER diagram,
multivalued attribute is represented by double oval.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

E-R Model
• An attribute composed of many other attribute is called as COMPOSITE ATTRIBUTE. For
example, Address attribute of student Entity type consists of Street, City, State, and
Country. In ER diagram, composite attribute is represented by an oval comprising of

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

E-R Model
• An attribute which can be derived from other attributes of the entity type is known as
DERIVED ATTRIBUTE. e.g.; Age (can be derived from DOB). In ER diagram, derived
attribute is represented by dashed oval.

• The complete entity type Student with its attributes can be represented as:

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Relationships in E-R Model
• The number of participating entities in a relationship describes the degree of the
relationship. The three most common relationships in E-R models are:
1.Unary (degree1)
2.Binary (degree2)
3.Ternary (degree3)
1. Unary relationship: A unary relationship, also called recursive, is one in which a
relationship exists between occurrences of the same entity set.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Relationships in E-R Model
• Binary relationship: It is a relationship between the
instances of two entity types. For example, the Teacher
teaches the subject:

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Relationships in E-R Model
• Ternary Relationships
• A ternary relationship is a relationship type that involves many to many
relationships between three tables. 

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Relationships in E-R Model
• Cardinality
• Cardinality describes the number of entities in one entity set, which can be associated with the
number of entities of other sets via relationship set.
• Types of Cardinalities
(i) One to One: One entity from entity set A can be contained with at most one entity of entity set B and vice
versa. Let us assume that each student has only one student ID, and each student ID is assigned to only one
person. So, the relationship will be one to one.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Relationships in E-R Model
ii. One to Many: When a single instance of an entity is associated with more than one instances of
another entity then it is called one to many relationships. For example, a client can place many
orders; a order cannot be placed by many customers.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Relationships in E-R Model
ii. Many to Many : One entity from A can be associated with more than one entity
from B and vice-versa. 

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Question 3
Assume we have the following application that models soccer teams, the games they play, and the
players in each team. In the design, we want to capture the following:
• We have a set of teams, each team has an ID (unique identifier), name, main stadium, and to which
city this team belongs.
• Each team has many players, and each player belongs to one team. Each player has a number (unique
identifier), name, DoB, start year, and shirt number that he uses.
• Teams play matches, in each match there is a host team and a guest team. The match takes place in
the stadium of the host team.
• For each match we need to keep track of the following: o The date on which the game is played o The
final result of the match o The players participated in the match. For each player, how many goals he
scored, whether or not he took yellow card, and whether or not he took red card. o During the match,
one player may substitute another player. We want to capture this substitution and the time at which
it took place.
• Each match has exactly three referees. For each referee we have an ID (unique identifier), name, DoB,
years of experience. One referee is the main referee and the other two are assistant referee.
• Design an ER diagram to capture the above requirements. State any assumptions you have that affects
your design (use the back of the page if needed). Make sure cardinalities and primary keys are clear.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Software Requirement Specification
• A software requirements specification (SRS) is a detailed description
of a software system to be developed with its functional and non-
functional requirements.
• The SRS is developed based the agreement between customer and
contractors. It may include the use cases of how user is going to
interact with software system.
• The software requirement specification document consists of all
necessary requirements needed for project development.
• To develop the software system we should have clear understanding
of Software system. To achieve this we need to continuous
communication with customers to gather all requirements.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Characteristics of Good SRS
User review is used to ensure the correctness of requirements stated in the SRS.
SRS is said to be correct if it covers all the requirements that are actually
expected from the system.
2. Completeness:
Completeness of SRS indicates every sense of completion including the
numbering of all the pages, resolving the to be determined parts to as much
extent as possible as well as covering all the functional and non-functional
requirements properly.
3. Consistency:
Requirements in SRS are said to be consistent if there are no conflicts between
any set of requirements. Examples of conflict include differences in terminologies
used at separate places, logical conflicts like time period of report generation,
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Characteristics of Good SRS
4. Unambiguousness:
An SRS is said to be unambiguous if all the requirements stated have only 1
interpretation. Some of the ways to prevent unambiguousness include the use of
modelling techniques like DFD’s, ER diagrams, proper reviews and buddy checks,

5. Ranking for importance and stability:

There should a criterion to classify the requirements as less or more important or
more specifically as desirable or essential. An identifier mark can be used with
every requirement to indicate its rank or stability.

6. Modifiability:
SRS should be made as modifiable as possible and should be capable of easily
accepting changes to the system to some extent. Modifications should be properly
indexed and cross-referenced.
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Characteristics of Good SRS
7. Verifiability:
An SRS is verifiable if there exists a specific technique to quantifiably measure the
extent to which every requirement is met by the system. For example, a
requirement stating that the system must be user-friendly is not verifiable and
listing such requirements should be avoided.
8. Traceability:
One should be able to trace a requirement to a design component and then to a
code segment in the program. Similarly, one should be able to trace a requirement
to the corresponding test cases.
9. Design Independence:
There should be an option to choose from multiple design alternatives for the final
system. More specifically, the SRS should not include any implementation details.
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Characteristics of Good SRS
10. Testability:
An SRS should be written in such a way that it is easy to generate test cases and
test plans from the document.
11. Understandable by the customer:
An end user may be an expert in his/her specific domain but might not be an
expert in computer science. Hence, the use of formal notations and symbols should
be avoided to as much extent as possible. The language should be kept easy and
12. Right level of abstraction:
If the SRS is written for the requirements phase, the details should be explained
explicitly. Whereas, for a feasibility study, fewer details can be used. Hence, the
level of abstraction varies according to the purpose of the SRS.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

IEEE format for SRS

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Software Requirements Specification
Version 1.0 approved
Prepared by <author>
<date created>

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Components of SRS
• Introduction
 Identify the Purpose of the Project
 Whether the project is standalone or a component of an existing project
 Identify the scope of project
 Intended Audience
 Any references used
• Overall Description
 Describe the need for origin of the project
 Specify the functionalities the project will provide
 Provide some data flow diagram or ER diagram to elaborate the system to
 Identify the user classes who will use the product based on frequency,
expertise, literacy etc.
 Describe the environment in which the software will operate, including the
hardware platform, operating system and versions
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Describe any constraints and limitations in making the product in terms of

technology, hardware, software etc.
Elaborate the user documentation that will be available with final
List any assumed factors (as opposed to known facts) that could affect the
requirements stated in the SRS. These could include third-party or
commercial components that you plan to use, issues around the
development or operating environment, or constraints.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

• External Interface Requirements
User Interfaces: Describe the logical characteristics of each interface between the
software product and the users. This may include sample screen images, any GUI
standards or product family style guides that are to be followed, screen layout
constraints, standard buttons and functions (e.g., help) that will appear on every
screen, keyboard shortcuts, error message display standards, and so on.
Hardware Interfaces : Describe the logical and physical characteristics of each
interface between the software product and the hardware components of the system.
This may include the supported device types, the nature of the data and control
interactions between the software and the hardware, and communication protocols to
be used.
Software Interfaces: Describe the connections between this product and other specific
software components (name and version), including databases, operating systems,
tools, libraries, and integrated commercial components.
Communications Interfaces : Describe the requirements associated with any
communications functions required by this product, including e-mail, web browser,
network server communications protocols, electronic forms, and so on.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

System Features
• This template illustrates organizing the functional requirements for the product
by system features, the major services provided by the product.
System Feature 1 <Don’t really say “System Feature 1.” State the feature name in
just a few words.>
• Description and Priority <Provide a short description of the feature and
indicate whether it is of High, Medium, or Low priority>
• Stimulus/Response Sequences <List the sequences of user actions and system
responses that stimulate the behavior defined for this feature>
• Functional Requirements <Itemize the detailed functional requirements
associated with this feature. These are the software capabilities that must be
present in order for the user to carry out the services provided by the feature,
or to execute the use case>
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Other Nonfunctional Requirements
• Performance Requirements
• Safety Requirements
• Security Requirements
• Software Quality Attributes
• Business Rules

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

• Other Requirements
• Define any other requirements not covered elsewhere in the SRS.
• This might include database requirements, internationalization
requirements, legal requirements, reuse objectives for the project,
and so on.
• Add any new sections that are pertinent to the project.
Appendix A: Glossary
• Define all the terms necessary to properly interpret the SRS, including
acronyms and abbreviations.
Appendix B: Analysis Models
• Optionally, include any pertinent analysis models, such as data flow
diagrams, class diagrams, state-transition diagrams, or entity-
relationship diagrams.
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Software Quality Assurance
• Software quality assurance (SQA) is a process which assures that all
software engineering processes, methods, activities and work items
are monitored and comply against the defined standards. 
• These defined standards could be one or a combination of any like ISO
9000, CMMI model etc.
• SQA incorporates all software development processes starting from
defining requirements to coding until release.
• Its prime goal is to ensure quality.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Software Quality Assurance Plan
• The software quality assurance plan comprises of the procedures,
techniques, and tools that are employed to make sure that a
product or service aligns with the requirements defined in the
SRS(software requirement specification).

The SQA plan document consists of the below sections

1.Purpose section: What is the intent of the SQA Plan

2.Reference section: References used for the plan preparation
3.Software Configuration management section: access to all, updation strategy
4.Problem Reporting and Corrective Action section: Whom to and how to
5.Tools, Technologies and Methodologies section
6.Code Control Section: Version
7.Records: Collection, maintenance and retention section
8.Testing methodology Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Activities
1. Creating an SQA Management Plan:
• This is the first activity of SQA Plan. A proper planning for SQA needs to be
carried out for project. Along with what SQA approach we are going to
follow, what engineering activities will be carried out, and it also includes
ensuring about the team.
2. Setting the Checkpoints:
• The SQA team sets up different checkpoints according to which it evaluates
the quality of the project activities at each checkpoint/project stage. This
ensures regular quality inspection and working as per the schedule.
3. Apply software Engineering Techniques:
• Applying some software engineering techniques aids a software designer in
achieving high-quality specification. For gathering information, a designer
may use techniques such as interviews. Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Software Quality Assurance (SQA)
4. Executing Formal Technical Reviews:
• An FTR is done to evaluate the quality and design of the prototype. In this process, a
meeting is conducted with the technical staff to discuss regarding the actual quality
requirements of the software and the design quality of the prototype. This activity
helps in detecting errors in the early phase of SDLC and reduces rework effort in the
later phases.
5. Having a Multi- Testing Strategy:
• By multi-testing strategy, we mean that one should not rely on any single testing
approach, instead, multiple types of testing should be performed so that the software
product can be tested well from all angles to ensure better quality.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Activities
6. Enforcing Process Adherence:
This activity insists the need for process adherence during the software development process. The
development process should also stick to the defined procedures. This activity is a blend of two
sub-activities which are explained below in detail:
(i) Product Evaluation:
This activity confirms that the software product is meeting the requirements that were discovered
in the project management plan. It ensures that the set standards for the project are followed
(ii) Process Monitoring:
This activity verifies if the correct steps were taken during software development. This is done by
matching the actually taken steps against the documented steps.
7. Controlling Change:
In this activity, we use a mix of manual procedures and automated tools to have a mechanism for
change control. By validating the change requests, evaluating the nature of change and controlling
the change effect, it is ensured that the software quality is maintained during the development and
maintenance phases. Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Activities
8. Measure Change Impact:
• If any defect is reported by the QA team, then the concerned team fixes the defect. After this, the
QA team should determine the impact of the change which is brought by this defect fix. They
need to test not only if the change has fixed the defect, but also if the change is compatible with
the whole project.
• For this purpose, we use software quality metrics which allows managers and developers to
observe the activities and proposed changes from the beginning till the end of SDLC and initiate
corrective action wherever required.
9. Performing SQA Audits:
• The SQA audit inspects the entire actual SDLC process followed by comparing it against the
established process.
• It also checks whatever reported by the team in the status reports were actually performed or
not. This activity also exposes any non-compliance issues.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Activities
10) Maintaining Records and Reports:
• It is crucial to keep the necessary documentation related to SQA and share the required SQA
information with the stakeholders. The test results, audit results, review reports, change requests
documentation, etc. should be kept for future reference.
11) Manage Good Relations:
• In fact, it is very important to maintain harmony between the QA and the development team.
• We often hear that testers and developers often feel superior to each other. This should be
avoided as it can affect the overall project quality.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

SQA Techniques
• Auditing: Auditing involves inspection of the work products and its related information to determine if the
set of standard processes were followed or not.
• Reviewing: A meeting in which the software product is examined by both the internal and external
stakeholders to seek their comments and approval.
• Code Inspection: It is the most formal kind of review that does static testing to find bugs and avoid defect
growth in the later stages. It is done by a trained mediator/peer and is based on rules, checklist, entry and exit
criteria. The reviewer should not be the author of the code.
• Design Inspection: Design inspection is done using a checklist that inspects the below areas of software
• General requirements and design
• Functional and Interface specifications
• Conventions
• Requirement traceability
• Structures and interfaces
• Logic
• Performance
• Error handling and recovery
• Testability, extensibility
• Coupling and cohesion Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
SQA Techniques
• Simulation: Simulation is a tool that models the real-life situation in order to virtually examine
the behavior of the system under study.
• Functional Testing: It is a QA technique which verifies what the system does without considering
how it does. This type of black box testing mainly focuses on testing the system specifications or
• Standardization: Standardization plays a crucial role in quality assurance. It decreases the
ambiguity and guesswork, thus ensuring quality.
• Static Analysis: It is a software analysis that is done by an automated tool without actually
executing the program. This technique is highly used for quality assurance in medical, nuclear
and aviation software. Software metrics and reverse engineering are some popular forms of static

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

SQA Techniques
• Walkthroughs: Software walkthrough or code walkthrough is a kind of peer review where the
developer guides the members of the development team to go through the product and raise
queries, suggest alternatives, make comments regarding possible errors, standard violations or
any other issues.
• Path Testing: It is a white box testing techniques where the complete branch coverage is ensured
by executing each independent path at least once.
• Stress Testing: This type of testing is done to check how robust a system is by testing it under
heavy load i.e. beyond normal conditions.
• Six Sigma: Six Sigma is a quality assurance approach that aims at nearly perfect products or
services. It is widely applied in many fields including software. The main objective of six sigma is
process improvement so that the produced software is 99.76 % defect free.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

• ISO 9000 is defined as a set of international standards on quality management
and quality assurance developed to help companies effectively document the
quality system elements needed to maintain an efficient quality system.
• They are not specific to any one industry and can be applied to organizations of
any size.
• ISO 9000 can help a company satisfy its customers, meet regulatory
requirements, and achieve continual improvement.
• It should be considered as first step or the base level of a quality system.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

The ISO Approach to Quality Assurance Systems

• ISO 9000 describes the elements of a quality assurance system in general terms.
• These elements include the organizational structure, procedures, processes, and
resources needed to implement quality planning, quality control, quality
assurance, and quality improvement.
• However, ISO 9000 does not describe how an organization should implement
these quality system elements.
• Consequently, the challenge lies in designing and implementing a quality
assurance system that meets the standard and fits the company’s products,
services, and culture.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

The ISO 9001 Standard
• ISO 9001 is the quality assurance standard that applies to software engineering.
• The standard contains 20 requirements that must be present for an effective quality assurance system.
• Because the ISO 9001 standard is applicable to all engineering disciplines, a special set of ISO guidelines have been
developed to help interpret the standard for use in the software process.
• The requirements defined by ISO 9001 address topics such as
• management responsibility,
• quality system,
• contract review,
• design control,
• document and data control,
• product identification and
• traceability,
• process control,
• inspection and testing,
• corrective and preventive action,
• control of quality records,
• internal quality audits,
• training, servicing, and
• statistical techniques.
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
The ISO 9001 Standard

• The software organization registered to ISO 9001, must establish policies and
procedures to address each of the requirements just noted (and others) and then
be able to demonstrate that these policies and procedures are being followed.
• ISO/IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) 9126 Software
engineering — Product quality was an international standard for the evaluation of
software quality.
• Now, It has been replaced by ISO/IEC 25010:2011.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Capability Maturity Model
• CMM was developed by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie
Mellon University in 1987.
• It is not a software process model. It is a framework which is used to analyze
the approach and techniques followed by any organization to develop a
software product.
• It also provides guidelines to further enhance the maturity of those software
• It is based on profound feedback and development practices adopted by the
most successful organizations worldwide.
• This model describes a strategy that should be followed by moving through 5
different levels.
• Each level of maturity shows a process capability level. All the levels except
level-1 are further described by Key Process Areas (KPA’s).

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Key Process Area
• Each of these KPA’s defines the basic requirements that should be met by a
software process in order to satisfy the KPA and achieve that level of maturity.
• Conceptually, key process areas form the basis for management control of the
software project and establish a context in which technical methods are applied,
work products like models, documents, data, reports, etc. are produced,
milestones are established, quality is ensured, and change is properly managed.
• The 5 levels of CMM are as follows:
• Initial
• Repeatable
• Defined
• Managed
• Optimized

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja
Level-1: Initial

• No KPA’s defined.
• Processes followed are adhoc and immature and are not well
• Unstable environment for software development.
• No basis for predicting product quality, time for completion, etc.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Level-2: Repeatable
• Focuses on establishing basic project management policies.
• Experience with earlier projects is used for managing new similar natured projects.
• KPA’s:
• Project Planning- It includes defining resources required, goals, constraints, etc. for the
project. It presents a detailed plan to be followed systematically for successful
completion of a good quality software.
• Configuration Management- The focus is on maintaining the performance of the
software product, including all its components, for the entire lifecycle.
• Requirements Management- It includes the management of customer reviews and
feedback which result in some changes in the requirement set. It also consists of
accommodation of those modified requirements.
• Subcontract Management- It focuses on the effective management of qualified software
contractors i.e. it manages the parts of the software which are developed by third
• Software Quality Assurance- It guarantees a good quality software product by following
certain rules and quality standard guidelines while development.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Level-3: Defined
• At this level, documentation of the standard guidelines and procedures takes place.
• It is a well-defined integrated set of project specific software engineering and
management processes.
• KPA’s:
• Peer Reviews- In this method, defects are removed by using several review methods
like walkthroughs, inspections, buddy checks, etc.
• Intergroup Coordination- It consists of planned interactions between different
development teams to ensure efficient and proper fulfilment of customer needs.
• Organization Process Definition- It’s key focus is on the development and
maintenance of the standard development processes.
• Organization Process Focus- It includes activities and practices that should be
followed to improve the process capabilities of an organization.
• Training Programs- It focuses on the enhancement of knowledge and skills of the
team members including the developers and ensuring an increase in work efficiency.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Level-4: Managed

• At this stage, quantitative quality goals are set for the organization for software products
as well as software processes.
• The measurements made help the organization to predict the product and process
quality within some limits defined quantitatively.
• KPA’s:
• Software Quality Management- It includes the establishment of plans and strategies
to develop a quantitative analysis and understanding of the product’s quality.
• Quantitative Management- It focuses on controlling the project performance in a
quantitative manner.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

Level-5: Optimizing
• This is the highest level of process maturity in CMM and focuses on continuous process
improvement in the organization using quantitative feedback.
• Use of new tools, techniques and evaluation of software processes is done to prevent
recurrence of known defects.
• KPA’s:
• Process Change Management- Its focus is on the continuous improvement of
organization’s software processes to improve productivity, quality and cycle time for the
software product.
• Technology Change Management- It consists of identification and use of new
technologies to improve product quality and decrease the product development time.
• Defect Prevention- It focuses on identification of causes of defects and to prevent them
from recurring in future projects by improving project defined process.

Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja


ISO 9000 is a set of international standarads on quality

management and quality assurance developed to help SEI (Software Engineering Institute), Capability Maturity Model
(CMM) specifies an increasing series of levels of a software
companies effectively document the quality system elements
development organization.
needed to an efficient quality system.

Focus is customer supplier relationship, attempting to reduce Focus on the software supplier to improve its interval processes
to achieve a higher quality product for the benefit of the
customer’s risk in choosing a supplier. customer.
It is created for hard goods manufacturing industries. It is created for software industry.
ISO9000 is recognized and accepted in most of the countries. SEICMM is used in USA, less widely elsewhere.
It specifies concepts, principles and safeguards that should be CMM provides detailed and specific definition of what is
in place. required for given levels.
This establishes one acceptance level. It assesses on 5 levels.
Its certification is valid for three years. It has no limit on certification.
It focuses on inwardly processes. It focus outwardly.
It has 5 levels:(a). Initial (b). Repeatable (c). Defined (d).
It has no level. Managed (e). Optimized
It is basically an audit. It is basically an appraisal.
It is open to multi sector. It is open to IT/ITES.
Follow set of standards to make success repeatable. It emphasizes a process of continuous improvement.
Faculty : Dr. Abhinav Juneja

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