An Introduction To The Study of Education: (EDES113)

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An introduction to the study of Education

(curriculum development approaches)

Curriculum development

Curriculum development can be defined as the process of planning,

implementing, and evaluating curriculum for teaching and learning
process to occur.

Three main theorist in curriculum development:

Ralph Tyler

Lawrence Stenhouse

Paulo Freire
Ralph Tyler

 Tyler posits the problem with education is that educational

programs lack unmistakably defined purposes/objective
Tyler developed the best and first approach to curriculum
development called product/technical/objective approach
Tyler sees curriculum as a product (end product)
 Tyler assert that curriculum should guided by Objectives.
View curriculum as a linear process through which given instructions are followed
Curriculum is seen as technical (follow the prescribed), static and having set program
Teacher is a transmitter of knowledge and Skills (instructor)
Ralph Tyler

Tyler’s Four Fundamental Questions:

 What educational objectives should be attained

 What will I teach in order to achieve objectives

 How will I organise my teaching

 How will I determine whether these objectives are attained.

Ralph Tyler

What educational objectives should be attained

Objectives are teaching intentions i.e. it indicates one of the specific content areas that the
teachers intends to cover in a block of learning”.
Curriculum objectives indicate both behavior/skill to be developed and area of content to be
Example: ‘to develop students’ ability to solve problems on second law of motion’ and to state
the second laws of motion’.
Ralph Tyler

What will I teach in order to achieve objectives (Content)

Content is about having knowledge of the subject/module matter to be learned or taught,
Content must be prescribed with stipulated time frames
Content must organized to achieve stipulated objectives
Example: content to be covered in Physical sciences:
 second law of motion:
The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net
force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.
Ralph Tyler
How will I organise my teaching in order to achieve objectives

 Organization provides means of offering/preparing the content to be taught effectively via:

Teaching methods: use different teaching methods
Activities: compile different activities
Resources: relevant resources must be in place
Role: instructor or facilitator

 Teaching methods: learner centred ( organize learners ingroups)

Activities: Calculations, presentations

Resources : work books, text books, chats

Role: instructor
Ralph Tyler
How will I determine whether these objective are attained.

 Evaluation/Assessment can be thought of as the bridge between teaching and learning in

order to provide feedback to stakeholders
 Evaluation/Assessment is done in order to:
 monitor the student's progress (diagnosis of student's problems and provide feedback)
 grading (on the basis of marks allocated)
 selection (selection for courses, subjects, jobs and others)
 and certification (giving certificates or degrees).
Example: test, assignments, projects , examination (formative or summative)
Ralph Tyler: Product approach

Limitations of the Tyler Model:

 Narrowly interpreted objectives (uses acceptable verbs)- introduce, explain, differentiate
Difficult and time consuming construction of objectives
Curriculum restricted to a constricted range of student skills and knowledge-differs per

Strengths of Tyler’s Model:

 Clearly stated objectives to give direction to the teacher and learners.
It provides well organized /disciplined class
Simple linear approach to the achievement of objectives
Ralph Tyler

Class discussion on the lesson development:

 Objectives: to introduce learners to draw a table
 Content: Table Rows and columns
 Organization:
 use MS word application
 activities on drawing rows
 activities on drawing columns
 Role of a teacher as an instructor
 Evaluation/assessment: give class assessment task to draw a table of 5 rows and six
The main idea behind this activity is that Tyler seek teachers to follow instruction
from the prescribed curriculum in order to achieve objectives. Learners as well,
must follow teachers’ instructions.
Lawrence Stenhouse:
Process approach
 A curriculum is an attempt to communicate the essential principles and features of education
in such a form that it is capable of effective translation into practice. (Stenhouse, 1975)……
(His emphasis/main idea)

Lawrence Stenhouse proposed the model

Lawrence Stenhouse:
Process approach
 Process approach focuses on :
 Teacher/learner activities
 Learner should have part in deciding nature of learning activities
 Assumption that learner makes unique response to learning experiences
 Teacher’s role as Mediator/facilitator
 Conditions in which learning takes place
 Emphasis on means/process rather than ends/end product
Lawrence Stenhouse:
Process approach
 Strengths:
 Promotes active roles of teachers and learners
 Emphasis on learning skills
 Emphasis on certain activities to unpack the content
 Limitation:
 Might loose focus on the appropriate content
 Difficulty in applying approach in some areas
Lawrence Stenhouse

Class discussion on the lesson development:

The main idea behind this activity is that stenhouse seek teachers to give
freedom to learners. Teachers ask learners to draw a table using any
application software (MS Word, MS Excel, MS access). Teachers will
not give instructions/specifications. Thus, learners will draw a table
having number of rows and columns that they like. This will determine
the content to be covered in a lesson.
Paulo Freire: Political approach

• Brazilian educator and

philosopher who was a
leading advocate of critical

• His book Pedagogy of the

Oppressed is considered one
of the foundational texts of the
critical pedagogy movement
Paulo Freire: Political approach

 Is guided by values and the question of power:

Content: must draw for learners experience (not from the document)

Development process: development of the curriculum/lesson must dialogical/negotieted with learners

Teaching process: interactive

Aims : political/critical empowerment

Paolo Freire…..

 Selecting certain knowledge/content while excluding other is political.

 The purpose of curriculum it to liberate the oppressed
 Intellectual, social and political liberation
 Education should; Empower, change society and there should be interaction (political
 Negotiates understanding with the learners (learners should know the rationale why a
particular knowledge is disseminated )
 He criticized the banking notion of education (treating children as tabula rasa/objects).
 Education and curriculum should be based on praxis (reflection and action).
Paolo Freire: Political
 Strengths:
 Liberates students/learners and teachers
 Emphasis the use of leaners experiences during teaching and learning process
 Guided by interaction, empowerment and social change (do I teach what is useful to
 Limitation
 Curriculum may not be standardized both locally and internationally.
 Brings politics in teaching and learning process.
Paolo Freire: Political approach

Class discussion on the lesson development:

The main idea behind this activity is that Paolo Freire would seek
teachers to liberate learners. Thus, Teachers ask learners to draw a
table using any application software (MS Word, MS Excel, MS access).
But they must know the rationale behind choosing a particular program
and how it will empower them in their feature life. Teachers will not
give instructions/specifications. Learners will draw a table having any
number of rows and columns that they like.
Comparing the three approaches

Ideas and views Example One (NCS) Example two (CAPS Example two (new document)
regarding (Stenhouse’s approach) document)
- Outcome based design (Tyler’s approach) (Freire’s approach)
- Content based design
The role of the The teacher is clearly cast in The role of the teacher is The role of the teacher is that of
teacher the role of facilitator that of Researchers being aware of
transmitter/instructor. politics

Starting points The starting point is learners’ The starting point is the The starting point is in the
own experiences and formal knowledge to be rationale/reasons behind the
knowledge. learnt. knowledge to be learnt
How learners learn The assumption is that learners The assumption is that The assumption is that learners
literacy relate literacy to their own learners learn how to learn to address their lack of
experiences and surroundings. read and write through power
recognising letters and
repeating them

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