Assignment 5 (Dummy Variable) : Group 1
Assignment 5 (Dummy Variable) : Group 1
Assignment 5 (Dummy Variable) : Group 1
Group 1
We have taken the literacy rate data of the 32 regions (states and the UTs) in the year 2001-02. The dummy variable:
The literacy rates have also been examined w.r.t the enrollments (independent variable) in secondary for the two groups. Data source:
A Priori Reasoning
Generally the literacy rates is perceived to be higher in the southern and western parts of India as compared to the eastern and northern regions. The Literacy rates may depend on the secondary level school enrollments from these two regions.
Step Function
Hypothesis There is no significant difference between the literacy rate of the two categories of zones considered. Process Regression of literacy rate values with the dummy variable as independent variable was done
Model Summary Std. Error of the Model 1 R .345a R Square .119 Adjusted R Square .089 Estimate 10.99198
a. Predictors: (Constant), Dummy Coefficients Standardized Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1 (Constant) Dummy a. Dependent Variable: LiteracyRates B 62.806 8.070 Std. Error 2.458 4.014 .345 Coefficients Beta t 25.553 2.011 Sig. .000 .053
Equation: Literacy Rate = 8.070 * Dummy + 62.806 Significance level: 0.053 for Dummy R Square value: 0.119
Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between the average literacy rates of the two groups when literacy rate is a function of the enrollment from the regions. Regression of Literacy rate against Enrollments and dummy as independent variables was done
Model Summary Std. Error of the Model 1 R .480a R Square .231 Adjusted R Square .178 Estimate 10.44510
a. Predictors: (Constant), d, x Coefficientsa Standardized Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1 (Constant) x d a. Dependent Variable: y B 65.605 -.005 9.262 Std. Error 2.704 .003 3.858 -.339 .396 Coefficients Beta t 24.264 -2.055 2.401 Sig. .000 .049 .023
Literacy Rate = 65.505 (0.005 * Enrollments) + (9.262 * Dummy) Significance levels: Enrollments: 0.049 Dummy: 0.023
There is a statistical difference in the average literacy rates of the two regions. Null hypothesis is rejected
There is no significant difference between the average literacy levels and the rate of growth of literacy rate as function of enrollments from the two regions (groups) Process Regression of Literacy rate done against enrollments, the dummy variable and the product of enrollments and the dummy variable as independent variables
Model Summary
Std. Error of the Model 1 R .490a R Square .240 Adjusted R Square .159
Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1 (Constant) x d xd a. Dependent Variable: y B 66.432 -.007 7.325 .003 Std. Error 3.082 .004 5.128 .005 -.439 .313 .169 Coefficients Beta t 21.556 -1.833 1.429 .582 Sig. .000 .078 .164 .565
Literacy Rate = 66.432 (0.007 * Enrollments) + (7.325 * Dummy) + (0.003 * Dummy * Enrollments) Significance levels: Enrollments: 0.078 , Dummy: .164 Slope dummy: .565
We see the growth rate is statistically insignificant hence we accept the null hypothesis So there is no statistically significant relationship between the growth rate of literacy with enrollments from various regions
Data of Tata Motors ltd. India considered over a period of 21 years (1989-2009) Dependent Variable : PAT Independent Variable : Time Dummy Variable:
1989-2000: 0 2001-2009: 1
Intercept Test
Slope-Intercept Test
Slope-Intercept Test
Data of Tata Motors ltd. India considered over a period of 21 years (1989-2009) Dependent Variable : PAT Independent Variable : Time , Expenses Dummy Variable:
1989-2000: 0 2001-2009: 1
Null hypothesis
MAPE 13.28558
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Time Periods
Regression : 1989-2000
Regression: 2001-2009
df RSS1 RSS2 RSS3(RSSr) RSS ur F 327147.291 1058290.395 1967296.235 1385437.686 3.569845 10 7 19 17
For degrees of freedom 17 value of F from the table = 6.11 for 1% significance level. Fcritical > F We accept the null hypothesis that there is no structural change
Dummy :
0: 1989-2000 1: 2001-2009
Scatter Plot
Profit after tax
2500 2000 1500 1000 Profit after tax 500 0 0 -500 -1000 10000 20000 30000 40000
The dummy is significant so there is change in intercept but not in rate of change A considerable drop in the MAPE is realized with the updated equation with the inclusion of the slope and intercept dummies
Thank You