Performance Assessment: Group:3

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Noli Boy Bautista
Lan Wayne Nico Es trada
Jhon Roland Cuison
Mar y rose Mac apin ig
Bimbo Og oy
• At the end of the lesson the student should able to:

• Demonstrate your knowledge and skills in developing

performance assessment tools that are most applicable to a
particular student outcome.

• Perform successfully the above culminating performance tasks

• Learn or enhance your skils on how to develop good and

eff ective performance assessment tools.
What is Performance
• Performance Assessment is
an assessment activity or set
of activities that require
students to generate
products or performances
that provide direct or indirect
evidence of their knowledge,
skills, and abilities in an
academic content domain.
2 types of Performance assessment


• Visual Product • Oral

Presentation /Demonstration
• Kinesthitic Products
• Dramatic /Creative Per formance

• Written Products • Public Speaking

• Verbal Products • Athletic Skills Demonstration /

What are the characteristics of a good performance
1. It is authentic, that is, it includes performance tasks that are
meaningful and realistic

2. It provides opportunities for students to show both what they know

and how well they can do what they know.

3. It allows students to be involved in the process of evaluating their own

and their peer performance output.

4. It assesses more complex skills.

5. It explains the task, required elements, and scoring criteria to the

start of the activity and the assessment
What are the general guidelines in designing
performance assessment?
1. What are the outcomes to be assessed?

2. What are the capabilities /skills implicit or explicit in the expected outcomes?

3. What are the appropriate per formance assessment tasks or tools to measure the
outcomes and skills

4. Are the specifi c per formance task aligned with the outcomes and skills interesting,
engaging, challenging, and measurable?

5. Are the per formance task authentic and representative of real-world scenarios?

6. What criteria should be included to rate student ’s per formance level

7. What are specifi c per formance indicators for each criterion?

How do you conduct performance assessment?

1.Defi ne the purpose of performance or product-

based assessment.

2.Choose the activity/output that you will assess.

3.Defi ne the criteria.

4.Create the performance rubric

5.Assess student’s performance /product

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