International Training and Management Development: Lecturer: Dr. Yumei Yang Email Address: Yangy@bournemouth - Ac.u K
International Training and Management Development: Lecturer: Dr. Yumei Yang Email Address: Yangy@bournemouth - Ac.u K
International Training and Management Development: Lecturer: Dr. Yumei Yang Email Address: Yangy@bournemouth - Ac.u K
Attainment levels
Company-based T&D
• Average attainment
• Training formalisation
levels across Firm’s
• HRM involvement in T&D
population performance
• Training-needs analysis
• Educational
• Training Evaluation
• Employee Training
• Labour market
The role of institutions
Comparative Capitalisms and Training Systems :Liberal Market Economies
(LMEs: e.g. UK, Ireland )
For example, according to OECD data, Korea is among the three lowest-performing
countries when comparing the skills proficiency of 55-65 year-olds, however,
comparing proficiency among 16-24 year-olds, Korea ranks second only to Japan.
On the other hand, in the UK and the USA improvements between younger and
older generations are barely apparent.
More regulatory and less voluntarist approach (i.e. more rigid enforcement of
content; higher training levies.)
Vocational training is more firm specific
Due to high levels of job security, firms need to provide incentive to develop their
human capital
Great trust between employers and employees on job retention
Examples: Germany and Denmark
• Dual system of interest representation
• Union involvement secures skills for employability
• Support of government and social institutions ensure the system work
• Italy, Japan, and France tend to favour company-based approaches
• traing and insittutional differences.pdf
The Costs of Training
The cost of training varies across countries
Training and organisational performance
• The empirical studies not always support the link between
training and firm performance
Leadership Identification
(Exceptional business and
organizational savvy)
Definition of a Global Mindset
•Knowing how to live and work across cultures is the essential
competency of people with a global mindset
•A state of being rather than a specific skill set
•Must be attentive to, and a developer of:
• Organizational cultures
• Values
• Beliefs that reach well beyond the manager’s own
•Think global and act local
Characteristics of a global mindset
•The four T’s (travel, training, team, and transfer) have been
described as effective ways to develop a global mindset