Trends in Training
Trends in Training
Trends in Training
• Training aid is a device (as a motion-picture film or a set of slides, charts, recordings,
or models) to increase the effectiveness of training.
• Training aids are any form of audio or visual materials used for training purposes
• There are many different ways in which a trainer can make the learning experience
more interesting and memorable for learners. One technique is to use teaching aids.
These are things used in the classroom to aid teaching and training. They fall into two
main categories: visual aids such as overheads; and interactive tools such as a video
programme or resource pack.
• With the help of different types of teaching aids, the trainer makes teaching and
learning interesting and attractive. With its help, the teacher/trainer saves time in
explaining any topic. So, teaching aids are important tools in the education system.
What are the need of Training Aids
There are many trainees with a tendency to forget easily. Such trainees can get benefits with teaching
Training aids make the subject interesting and encourage trainees to learn it in depth.
Training aids help to understand the concept easily and grasp it completely.
With teaching aids, trainees can understand the concept by making the proper image of the topic.
Training aids do not make the concept boring instead it creates the environment of interest and makes
it interesting to learn.
With the help of Training aids, trainees can learn with accuracy and even faster.
It is proved that learning with visual representation stays in memory for a longer time than textual
representation. It impacts better with direct experience.
Different types of Training Aids
1. Visual Aids- The aids that use vision senses are known as visual aids. For example-
real objects, models, pictures, charts, flash cards, black board, chalkboard, chalks,
slides etc.
2. Audio Aids- The aids that involve the hearing sense are known as audio aids. For
example- radio, tape recorder, etc.
3. Audio-Visual Aids- The aids that involve both- the sense of vision and the sense of
hearing are called Audio-Visual aids. For example- television, film projector, etc.
4. Interactive Training Aid- Interactive training aids keep your employees involved,
which makes them more interested towards the new information. These aids
integrate group discussions, which is an ideal way to make your employees well-
informed to pass their skills to the new ones. Hence, discussions enable an open
communication between the trainees and the trainers.
Different types of Training Aids
5.Hands-on Training Aid- Hands-on training aid is also called experiential training, that
provides different techniques which focus on the needs of an individual employee. Trainee
ships principally give employers an opportunity to shape new employees to fit for their jobs.
One more benefit of hands-on training aid is that it is instantly applicable on the jobs of the
employees. It is also very effective for training of new business tools and techniques.
7.E-Learning or Online-based Training Aid- With so many advances in the technology, many
corporations rely on online sources to deliver training. Due to this the number of companies
that are using e-learning training aids are increasing with time and will continue to increase
with time. This approach of training is getting widespread due to the rise in the use of internet.
Classification of Teaching Aids
• Traditional Teaching Aids: Traditional teaching aids include learning through Books,
Periodicals, Blackboard etc.
• Visual Teaching Aids: Visual Teaching aids include posters, model, figure, chart, graph
etc. It also includes graphics such as diagrams, cut-outs, globe, objects, cartoon, info-
graphs, bulletin board, flannel board, picture, map and others.
• Technology has developed and enhanced the experience of students with the addition of
Audio-Visual educational aids.
• Films: There are many advantages of movies or cinema in the field of education. The
knowledge gained by it is more useful than other mediums because students can learn
well by watching and listening. By showing movies, documentaries, and films, children
can be easily given knowledge of different countries, places and events.
• Television: All the benefits from cinema or film can also be derived from television, but
its scope is much wider than cinema. In today’s modern era, television broadcasts many
types of educational programs in addition to entertainment programs to increase the
knowledge of children It is also used by universities like IGNOU and UGC to broadcast
various types of educational programs with the help of satellites so that the students can
• Computer: The use of computers is one of the most used tools in the modern education
system. With the help of this electronic device, the education world has got a golden
opportunity of learning. The use of computers can be seen not only in the education
world but also in different areas of their life.
Computer-Based Training (CBT)
Computer-Based Training (CBT)
•Computer-based training (CBT) is any course of instruction whose primary means of delivery is a
•Computer-based training (CBT) involves the use of a personal or networked computer for the delivery
and access of training programs.
•CBT can be employed to teach practically any subject feasible, although it is particularly good among
studies involving computers. People frequently use CBT to learn how to use a specific computer
program, like Microsoft Excel or to learn a programming language like Visual Basic.
•Unlike traditional classroom-based instruction, CBT allows employees to learn at their own pace and in
their environment. This makes it a particularly popular choice for busy professionals who want to
continue learning without sacrificing time away from work. CBT also has the potential to save
organizations money by reducing the need for travel and instructor salaries.
•Self-paced learning – There is no time limit on how fast the associate must grasp the content. If the associate is
knowledgeable about the subject, they can proceed quickly. More time may be needed if the material is harder.
This greatly improves each person’s training experience.
•Recordkeeping process – A database tracking system keeps track of each associate’s training module
completions. Additionally, the outcomes of examinations and quizzes can be recorded to show how well the
subject has been retained.
•Flexibility – From a scheduling perspective, CBT offers significant benefits. There are no problems with group
schedules so everyone can attend a training session. The training is typically offered around the clock, and
employees can participate without leaving the workplace.
•Less instructor training – In many corporations, the instructional strategy is frequently to “train the trainer.”
High-level department directors are typically the ones who receive the initial training; however, they must spend a
lot of time learning the material before presenting it to others. This frequently leads to an expensive and inefficient
training procedure.
•Frequent updates – With CBT, it’s possible to adjust the content whenever necessary. Updated material would
typically only be included once a year in regular classroom training. On the other hand, CBT enables real-time
•Consistent content – When using classroom training, several instructors may deliver the content slightly
differently. Meanwhile, everyone hears the same message when using CBT.
•A large number of learners in a short period – We are aware of a company that was required by a CIA directive
to train more than 1,600 personnel in 120 days. This would have been extremely difficult to do with a
conventional classroom teaching method. These demanding criteria were effectively addressed by adopting CBT.
• E-learning
E-learning is built on formalized learning that has been electronically organized. It is available in a
variety of formats, including online courses and videos, which the students can access on any digital
device. Since it enables professionals to improve and refine their abilities regardless of their time and
location, it is recognized as one of the best computer-based training examples.
• Webinar
A presenter who has been assigned to this computer-based training will cover particular
subjects or provide examples of processes. The broadcast can include interactive slides and
pre-recorded videos in addition to a live video feed. To make this exercise engaging and
more involved, breakout sessions, polls, and surveys are frequently used.
• Video training
Video training, in its simplest form, refers to a training technique where content is provided
in a video format. If you want to teach your team how to handle a specific procedure, task,
or issue, this is the best computer-based training example to use.
This is mainly because most students who are exposed to moving pictures, music, and text
are more capable at understanding these subjects. Learners can record and replay video
training sessions whenever they need to review or recall subjects.
Key Differences between Computer-Based Training
(CBT) and Web-Based Training (WBT)
• The main distinction between CBT and WBT is that WBT is a
form of CBT that makes use of Internet technology and
comprises application software on the Web. Whereas,
computer-based training, or CBT, is any course that will be
delivered by computer.
•Multimedia learning describes learning through the use of pictures and words. Examples of
multimedia learning include watching a PowerPoint presentation, watching a pre-recorded
lecture or reading a physics textbook.
•Multimedia is any combination of text, graphic, art, sound, animation and video delivered by
any electronic means.
•Multimedia training helps employees to learn new skills and improve their existing skills.
Training programs with multimedia materials are accessible to all employees and help keep
people engaged in their work.
•Employees are able to learn new skills and move into jobs that pay better within the
organization, making training beneficial to both employees and their employers.
Multimedia Training
• This is the modern way to instruct employees who want to learn about the latest advances
in business and technology. The incorporation of a variety of media gives people different
opportunities to participate in the learning experience.
• The actual presentation of new materials and ideas influences how people learn. Modern
society with its dependency on electronics has moved way beyond the printed pages of
• Multimedia training programs use a combination of methods that include:
Lectures in person or online
Audio instructions
Hands-on training
Written materials
• Many training programs incorporate all of these elements in the education process. For
example, a learner may watch an online course, read through a supplementary white paper,
and even download the course audio to listen to later.
• According to statistics, an engaged and appreciated workforce is 59% less likely to seek
employment elsewhere.
What is E-Learning?
•E-Learning, or electronic learning, is the delivery of learning and training through digital
resources. Although eLearning is based on formalized learning, it is provided through electronic
devices such as computers, tablets and even cellular phones that are connected to the internet.
•E-learning (sometimes called web-based training) is anywhere, any-time instruction delivered over
the internet
•The term ‘e–Learning‘ describes a formalized teaching system that uses electronic resources. It
should be noted that, while teaching can take place in or out of the classroom, the use of computers
and the Internet is one of the main components of eLearning. In some cases, neither the teacher nor
the student meets in person. Furthermore, the course material and communication are handled via
email, forums, chat, or video conference. Occasionally, this type, of course is referred to as a “fully
online” course.
•“e-learning,” which stands for “electronic learning,” refers to the process of delivering education
through a digital medium, such as the Internet, networks, or optical discs. E-learning systems may
also feature video conferencing, email, blogs, wikis, newsgroups, chat rooms, and groupware to
improve communications.
Features of E-Learning
• A tutor or teacher discusses the materials with a student during a live session (such as worksheets, test
papers, homework).
• With the help of the tools and features presented on the online platform, the learning and teaching
platform can help both tutor and student communicate what they want to say. A common feature
of online learning platforms is an interactive whiteboard, on which tutors and students can upload
materials (e.g. textbook questions, test paper questions, theory to be explained).
• The features of the platform allow tutors and students to point out the information they are looking at
• Additionally, students can ask questions or state their thoughts during the live lesson with online
learning. Besides, teachers or tutors can answer all of their questions and clarify their doubts on the
Difference Between e-Learning and Online Learning
• e-Learning: The students and the teacher interact online in this type of
learning. In this form of learning the students take a course from the teacher
without physically visiting an actual classroom with him. Both of them
communicate and learn the courses online even if they are on the same
premise. Though students can use offline materials like paper to send their
response they are connected with their teacher through an internet connection
only. They can send the picture of their response online to their teacher.
• e-Learning and distance learning are almost the similar types of learning
facilities as both of them allow the students not to attend the classroom
physically. They can use the internet for learning their course without moving out
of their place.
• Digital learning is the most broad term. Any learning that is supported by
technology or by instructional practices that fully utilize technology can be
considered digital learning. An aspect of digital learning involves learning the use
of technologies in an effective way, the use of features such as blended or virtual
learning, etc. Besides, digital learning involves the use of technology, digital
content, and instructional methods.
• Digital learning includes online courses as well. Besides, using digital tools like
interactive whiteboards and tablets in a classroom also involves students
conducting Internet research or watching online videos.
Personalized Learning
Breadth of Information
Develops Accountability
Learning Flexibility
Recorded Content
24-Hour Resources
Connected Learning
• LinkedIn Learning
• Udemy
• Coursera
• Skillshare
• edX & Open edX
• Udacity
• LearnWorlds
• Thinkific
• Teachable