Nagarjuna College of Engineering & Technology: " Vehicle-To-Vehicle Communication"

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A Seminar On

By :
Ms. Harshitha L N
 Abstract
 Introduction
 Why we need V2V
 Methodology
 Components
 Advantages & Disadvantages
 Applications
 Future scope
 Conclusion
 References
 V2V Communication is a latest and emerging technology that helps nearby
vehicles to communicate to each other.
 The main feature of V2V is that it does not rely on third party to
 V2V communication is an inter vehicle communication.
 This technology only works in the vehicles that have V2V installed.
 With the increase in number of vehicles on road day by day
risk of accidents and loss of innocent life and loss to property
also increases.
 The v2v communication technology will reduce the collision
and increase the road safety, Will also help for better and risk
free transportation.
 Vehicle to vehicle communication enables many new services
for vehicles and creates numerous opportunities for safety
Why we need v2v communication
 First of all, a careful study reveals that the majority of road accidents take
place because the following vehicle does not clearly understand the actions
of the vehicle ahead. Hence in exigency, the driver of the following vehicle
fails to take an action that is complementary to the one taken by the front
 But, you can avoid the accidents if the vehicle travelling ahead is able to
clearly communicate its actions to the following vehicle. To achieve this
purpose, automotive engineers developed the vehicle to vehicle OR V2V
communication system.
On foggy days What’s in front of car

 V2V uses a wireless protocol similar to wi-fi is called as Dedicate

short range communication.
 DSRC is wireless connection based on mutual way of communication.
 When DSRC is combined with GPS the result is low cost v2v
communication system that provides 360 degree view of similarly
equipped vehicles within communication range.
 These devices work in the 5.9GHz band with a bandwidth
of 75MHz which it separately assigned for the vehicular
communication only.
 V2V communication systems are composed of devices, installed in
vehicles, that use dedicated short range radio communication(DSRC).
 DSRC is a type of wi-fi that sends brief messages up to 10 times a
second over short distances, about 1,000 feet(300m) .
 DSRC is which exchange messages containing vehicle information.
 V2V devices uses this information from other vehicles which could
prevent a vehicle crash.
 DSRC is particularly suited for active vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to
infrastructure safety application.
 The data exchange may include a vehicle’s position, speed, steering
angle, brake status, turn signal status, etc.
 The information received from both the ways i.e. V2V &
V2I is conveyed to the driver with the help of driver
interface system installed in the dashboard. Thus, the
driver becomes aware of what is happening around him
and hence can take all the driving decisions carefully.
Thereby, reducing the risk of accidents significantly.
Advantages & disadvantages

 By this technology, people’s

 When signals dropped, it creates
drive will be more comfortable a problem.
 Any small occur in the working
and easier.
of vehicle will leads to the total
 The case of accidents will be disturbance of the one’s drive.
very less.
 Any problem occurred by one
driving will be informed to
others so they can be aware of
it while driving.
 Improving traffic management.

Advantages Disadvantages
 Emergency electronic brake lights.
 Blind spot warning.
 Lane change warning.
 Forward collision warning.
 Do not pass warning.
Future Scope
 At present, development of first generation of V2V systems is underway.
Function of these systems is limited only up to giving warning to the
driver. However, these systems are unable to take any corrective action in
the input given by the driver.

 The second generation of Vehicle to Vehicle systems would be able to take

control of the vehicle in danger and provide the corrective action. These
systems would ultimately merge with the autonomous driving technology


 A new era is arriving where vehicle will communicate with each other, the
devices within them, and also with the world; making the next generation
of vehicles into communication hubs.

 [1] S. Biswas, "Vehicle-to-Vehicle Wireless Communication Protocols for

Enhancing Highway Traffic Safety," Communications Magazine, IEEE
Publication Date: Jan. 2006 Volume: 44, Issue: 1 page(s):74-82
 [2] X. Yang et al., "A Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Protocol for
Cooperative Collision Warning,"Proc. 1st Annual Int'l. Conf. Mobile and
Ubiquitous Syst: Networking and Services, 2004
 [3] Q. Xu, R. Sengupta, and D. Jiang, "Design and Analysis of Highway
Safety Communication Protocol in 5.9 GHz Dedicated Short-Range
Communication Spectrum," Proc. IEEE VTC, vol. 57, no. 4, 2003, pp.

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