Research Culture
Research Culture
Research Culture
Research culture encompasses the behaviors, values, expectations, attitudes and the norms
of research communities. It influences who is doing research, what research is done and
how it is communicated. Research culture impacts on integrity, diversity, career paths,
reward and recognition, open science and the methods of collaboration.
If you want excellent research, you
An important aspect of research
need a positive research culture
culture is an organization’s
that supports all individuals
approach to research integrity –
involved. Alongside national
the formal and informal ethics,
policies and programmes, local
standards, protocols and policies
policies and the attitudes and
researchers follow in their
behaviour of staff at all levels
influences this.
Ways to
promote • 1. Small steps can make a big difference
better •Facilitating open discussions can help foster
RESEARCH a more collaborative environment, by giving
researchers the chance to share their
CULTURE experiences of not only their successes, but
also their “failures”.
2. Establishing support systems can boost morale
Ways to and enhance a positive research
promote Providing and promoting career counselling,
coaching and support services available to staff
better may help to reduce pressures within a research
RESEARCH environment, which is imperative to staff well-
CULTURE being.
•5. Organization, department and team leaders leading by example in promoting an excellent
research culture
•Often seen as “role models” to their early-career peers, organization, department and team leaders
who are at the forefront of promoting a positive research culture – such as by taking part in training,
encouraging discussions to address difficult questions in an open and honest way and by having an
open door policy – set a “norm” and redefine standards.
Ways to promote better RESEARCH CULTURE
MEMO no.
our decision-making skills in education reform. I am
grateful for all those who continue to contribute to our
pool of studies,” Education Secretary Leonor Magtolis
028 s. 2022
Briones shared.